Prologue: Lost
Soft caramel amber eyes fluttered open, fallen leaves decorated the mellow ground and the spotted dark shade provided from the trees around her.
A quiet groan escaped her lips, her back ached and her head was fuzzy.
"Where...MA-master!" she snapped her head around only to moan in pain as her head filled with a sharp pain.
Something wasn't right. Her porcelain bare feet padded against the ground the grass blades nipping at her toes and heels.
She wore a white sundress that ended at her knees as her waist-length snow-white hair flowed behind her effortlessly that soon slowly draped over her shoulders as she came to a stop.
Where was she?
She didn't remember anything besides the last time she talked to her master. Before she fell asleep.
"You are burning."
"I am not burning-----"
She can't remember anything after those few words that they shared. Her round amber eyes searched around her, she seemed to be in a park of some sort. She knows how to speak and do daily things but she doesn't know how to get back home or where home even is.
She was hopeless. Utterly, disappointingly, hopeless.
She was mixed in different thoughts and her face couldn't express it. Suddenly she felt the ground leave her feet, "Oi! Watch where the hell you are going!!" she looked up at the male responsible for her falling.
"Are you fucking Deaf?!" she shook her head slowly. Getting up from the ground she looked the boy straight in the eyes. He had to be the same age as her or one year older. Her caramel amber eyes dragged over his angered form calculating what he would do next.
Almost as if she were designed, she dodged the punch coming for her face. "Go to the police station if you're lost and get out of my sight." the boy turned around and walked off.
He grumbled curses and threats under his breath. She wasn't even focusing on him and she still dodged him. He glared harder once he heard the soft padding of feet following after him.
"You never told me where the station is, " the boy seethed in rage as he whipped his head over to the white-haired girl. "Find it on your own---!" the boy was interrupted by girl staring up at him.
She had a blank look crossing her features. But there something more, her eyes held an emotion, a certain determination that he couldn't decipher and it pissed him off.
"Argh! Fine, follow me." the boy roughly grabbed the girl's wrist and dragged her somewhat gently towards a calm neighborhood.
"What school do you go to?" his voice was slightly hoarse and she could tell that the boy yelled a lot.
"I do not do educational programs or schooling, one might say that I'm homeschooled," she explained softly. The boy laughed, "Hah! You're so dumb that even schools won't let you in!" the girl tilted her head.
"I'm unsure what you mean, I am quite smart." the boy clicked his tongue.
"Yeah, yeah, just keep up." he glared.
The white-haired girl looked around them. "Are we going to the police station you talked about?" the boy shot her a glare making her stay quiet once more. The tension thick enough to where it was able to be cut with a blade.
It was suffocating.
The boy sighed to himself and went up to a house, most likely his. The girl's caramel amber eyes trailed over the sign that was on the gate. "Bakugou..." the boy turned to look at the girl dumbfounded. "What." he muttered. "Is that your surname?" the boy looked at her with a smirk, "so what if it is?" the girl hummed.
"I am Ai 77-Alpha, it would seem like I have lost my memory, " the boy frowned.
That couldn't be her real name. He caught on quickly.
"I am Katsuki Bakugou, I am going to UA to be the top hero. And you won't be getting in my way!" he roared and slammed open his door.
"OLD HAG! I need help with something!!" Ai stepped inside after the boy and waited as he took off his shoes. "Damn it, Katsuki! I told you not to call me that!!---oh my! Already bringing girls home?" a playful smirk grew on the woman's face as she came into view of Ai's vision.
Katsuki screeched.
"SHE IS NOT MY GIRLFRIEND---! OW!" a loud smack echoed throughout the entranceway as the woman smacked her son across the head.
"I'm sorry for my son's behavior, I'm his mother, but you can call me Mitsuki. My husband will be home later if you plan on staying the night--" suddenly the woman was pulled away by her son.
"That's what I was asking about! She lost her memory and I thought about bringing her here because she doesn't know where to go." he hissed out in a low whisper.
Mitsuki's ruby eyes widened almost comically as she whipped her head to look at the white-haired girl who was waiting patiently for them to finish.
"Poor girl, she's pretty too." Katsuki sent a disgusted look at his mother.
"What the hell---! OW! WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR--ARAH!"
Mitsuki turned around cheerfully as she saw Ai's attention shift over to her. "Is it normal for a mother to hit her son?" the question threw off the woman.
"It is in this house! The damn kid doesn't know how to be faithful." Ai nodded and walked up to the woman, bowing at a 90-degree angle, "Thank you for this advice, I will use it wisely."
Mitsuki blushed and Katsuki looked at the girl strangely. "Its no problem! Not at all!"
Katsuki grabbed the girl by the arm and dragged her up the stairs. "Katsuki! Where are you taking her?!" Katsuki glared, "To the bathroom! She's filthy!" Katsuki rushed up the stairs successfully getting away from his mother in time.
"I'll get her some clothes, " Katsuki rolled his eyes.
Katsuki ran the bath and left the bathroom after placing a towel on the sink.
"Take a bath, you're fucking filthy." he cursed. She nodded, understanding and started to strip off her sundress. Glancing at her reflection in the mirror. A large scar ran down the center of her chest forming a large 't'.
Running her finger over it she frowned softly. An unnamed expression crossing her features. Looking away from the scar she heard the door open and she hopped into the bath. "I have some clothes for you, tell me if they don't fit, " Mitsuki's voice was soft and warm, a loving tone lacing through the mellow voice.
"Why would you care for someone you don't know?" Mitsuki smiled, "Because I know deep down, even though my son may act all mean and tough, that he really wants to be held and cherished but is afraid that he would be considered weak or useless to be able to love."
Ai looked over to Mitsuki, slightly confused.
"What is Love?" she asked. Mitsuki walked over to the white-haired girl kneeling next to the tub. "Love something you need to find out yourself because it's how you see it."
She brushed her fingers through Ai's long hair, "Where did you get the scar?" Mitsuki asked. Ai glanced at the ash-blonde woman and frowned slightly.
"I'm not sure, but I'm sure that it has to do something with why I'm like this." she explained.
Mitsuki nodded and grabbed some soap and lathered her hands in it before washing the girl's hair.
"Oh! You look so adorable!" Mitsuki cooed. Katsuki clicked his tongue in annoyance and turned his head away swiftly. Ai wore a yellow and white striped long sleeve shirt with black shorts.
"Thank you, I deeply appreciate your consideration." Ai bowed once again at a 90-degree angle making Katsuki snort and Mitsuki smack him across the head.
"Where will I be sleeping?" Ai asked softly.
Katsuki glared at the shorter girl and then turned to his mom.
"You can sleep in the guest room or if you would like, you can sleep in Katsuki's room if you get lonely!~" the woman cooed as she pets Ai's head gently. Ai hummed and leaned into her touch.
Both Mitsuki and Katsuki were surprised.
"It is up to Katsuki if he wants me in his room or not, I rather don't care where I sleep." Ai mutters loud enough for them to hear her.
"You're bunking with me, but you have to sleep on the fucking floor. I don't want you in my bed." Katsuki was whacked across the head.
"Anyways! How about we eat and then you two head to bed and then we can go for there?~" Mitsuki pulled her hand away from Ai's silky hair making the girl hum softly and lean back to her usual perfect posture.
"We are having Curry, Katsuki!" the boy looked at his mom with a harsh glare, one that she returned back, "Get the food ready! I'm going to show Ai where your room is, " Mitsuki gestured for the white-haired girl to follow after her and she agreed.
"Dinner is ready!" Ai looked up at the ash blonde and smiled slightly, but it soon faded away once she saw the food as she marveled at it.
"Thank you for the food!" the three said in unison. Suddenly, Ai shoved some of the rice in her mouth. Her cheeks puffed out and Mitsuki fangirled over her cuteness. Her long hair had been tied up in a messy bun and her bangs were pushed back.
"Oi, Dumbass! Eat fucking slower!" the two looked at each other and then began to shovel as much food in their mouths as possible making Mitsuki sigh.
Ai managed to finish before him but her cheeks were filled with rice and potatoes as she began to chew the rest of her food up.
"I'm home!" Mitsuki's face lit up at the sound of her husband's voice and gestured for the two to go upstairs.
"Come on." Ai was tugged towards the stairs leading up to his room.
"Do you want to go to UA?" Katsuki asked.
"Do you want me to go?" Katsuki glared at Ai through the darkroom. "Don't answer my question with another question, Dumbass." Ai nodded, "Gomenasai." Katsuki shook his head sighing.
"Yeah, I do want you to go with me."
Ai hummed and crawled into the bed next to Katsuki slowly falling asleep soon after. Katsuki growled and was about to shove her off but didn't find it in his heart.
What the fuck is wrong with me?
Mitsuki smiled from behind the door and turned to Masaru with a grin.
"She's a keeper!" she whispered.
Masaru sighed, "Should we really keep her here? The police might be able to help more than we can--plus! We shouldn't meddle with our son's relationships." his worried voice made Mitsuki frown.
"This girl might be able to change his brash personality, my heart can't handle another bill for repainting the walls." Mitsuki kissed her husband before walking to their shared bedroom.
Masaru looked at the sleeping teenagers before walking away.
She might be right.
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