the day after
"So Dan I was wondering what I should get Stephanie for our anniversary." Phil says as he slides into the desk beside him the next morning.
Dan shrugs and keeps scribbling in his notebook. "Okay, why should that matter to me?"
"Well.. because you're gay right? Or you like guys?"
Dan freezes and looks up at him with wide eyes. "First of all. Correct yourself before I throw my pencil at you, being gay and liking guys are not two separate things. Second of all... what?"
Phil smiles a little. "I mean.. I figured since you like boys you would know what girls like since you're-"
Dan launched his pencil and it hit Phil square on his purple bruise. "Don't talk to me if you're going to be a dick."
Phil pulled a pained expression on his face as he massaged his head, he grabs the pencil and holds it tightly, pointing it at him. "Don't throw things at me." He says in a husky tone.
Dan was to mad to be turned on. "Well don't say shitty things."
"What did I even say?!" Phil exclaims, "I was just asking you for advice!"
Dan snatched back his pencil. "Well it's how you said it Phil! Okay, just because I'm gay doesn't mean I know what your bitch of a girlfriend would like for her birthday!"
"Anniversary actually."
"Who fucking cares?!"
Phil blinks, takes off his glasses, wipes the lenses, and puts them back on. "Excuse me? Why do you start acting like a jerk when you get upset?"
Dan cheeks burned and he stood up quickly. "You know what, I'm leaving."
"Wait please don't go I'm sorry." Phil grabs at his sleeve and tugs at it.
Dan rips away from him. "When you stop acting like that, maybe I'll talk to you again."
He picks up his bag and moves around the desks. Mrs. Simmons just watches him leave as if she knowingly heard their conversation.
"Dan wait! What did I say?" Phil calls out to him.
Dan bursts into the boys bathroom and goes over the last stall. He curses under his breath as he locks the door and sinks to the floor. He bit his quivering lip and blinked away his quickly forming tears. Phil just had to say the same thing everyone had said to him at his old school.
For the record, Dan has never talked to another girl in his life that was his age. So how would he know what girls liked? Why when someone came up to him and asked him a question about girls, he would instantly know? That was stupid.
"Hey Dan?" His voice was low and sincere.
Dan pulled his knees closer to his chest and put his head between them. "Go away." He whispers quietly.
It was quiet for a moment before he answers back even quieter. "Okay."
Dan let's the first tear slip down his cheek as he hears his retreating footsteps.
"Can I drive you home?"
Dan jumped almost out of his skin as Phil appeared out of nowhere from beside him with a innocent smile on his face.
Dan bit his lip. "Well..."
"I know you're going to say yes so come on."
He followed Phil reluctantly to his car and they both got in. Phil didn't try to talk at all as he drove pretty quickly out of the school and down the road. Dan just messed with his bookbag strap as he stole glances as his side profile. He was really handsome, but the correct term was hot.
When they pulled up to his house. Dan gets out quickly but Phil calls out to him. "Dan can you come here for a minute?"
He walks cautiously over to the open window. "What?"
"Actually come here you're like so far away." Phil laughs.
Dan steps in closer and that's when Phil leans up and kisses him on the cheek. Dan stumbles back and trips over his own feet making him land on his butt. "W-what?!" He held his cheek in his hand.
Phil grinned. "That's my apology to you. I figured you'd like the kiss since, you like boys and all."
Dan flushed pink. "Phil that's not how it works!-"
"Anyway, I have to go take Stephanie somewhere so bye Dan!" He reverses then and heads down the road.
"I hate you Phil Lester." Dan whispers still cupping his cheek.
do you dan? do you?
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