Dan had went through the rest of the weekend with a big grin on his face. Even though he was completely embarrassed about how he thought Phil was finally going to kiss him. He felt fine.
He was also texting Phil nonstop all during the day too. His mother had been gone since this morning to run some errands so he was sitting on the couch with two sleeves of Oreos cracked open as the tv blares with anime. He was in a long grey shirt with only his underwear underneath and his hair was a whirlwind of mess. This was the good life.
phillycheesesteak: so what are you doing?
dan: just watching anime and eating Oreos
phillycheesesteak: you didn't think to share with me??
dan: the anime or the Oreos ??
phillycheesesteak: both :))
dan: oh...so you're just going to take my things?
phillycheesesteak: you're included in the offer ;)
dan: exCuSe mE
"Dan I'm home!" His mother calls as she walks in the front door, "what are you doing?"
Dan scrambled to find the remote under the half eaten cookies and then turns down the tv.
He wipes crumbs off his mouth. "Nothing."
She gives him a look as she struggles to walk in. One of her hands carried three heavy looking bags and the other held a blanket.
"Here, let me help." Dan says getting up.
He grabs the bags but in the process the blanket slips a little to reveal bright blue eyes and rosy cheeks.
Dan drops the bags and screams.
Caroline automatically puts her hand over the baby's ears. "Dan would you stop screaming and calm down?"
"Please tell me that's a fake baby."
"No his name is Thomas and he's going to be staying with us for a little bit." She smiles down at him and makes cooing noises.
Dan blinks rapidly. "Where is its mother?! What are you taking care of it!"
"I said." She said firmly, "His name is Thomas, and he's going to be staying with us. Don't you dare call him a it, he is a human being."
Dan's temper immediately recedes under his mother's angry stare. "I'm sorry."
She smiles. "You told me not to come home with nothing else crazy done to my body, Thomas is not part of me."
"Right...but why is he here?"
Her look got sad. "Well George told me that his sister was a drug addict with sweet Thomas living in the house with her. I told him I would look after him until he helped her through rehab."
His shoulders finally slumped in defeat. "Okay, I'll let it slide."
She laughs. "Don't worry Dan he's very quiet."
Thomas had been crying for two hours straight. Dan laid in bed staring up at the ceiling wondering if his mother was even trying to help quiet him down. He had school tomorrow! Or better yet...
He checks the time on his phone. It was 2:00 in the morning. He was surprised the baby hadn't screamed his vocal cords raw. He could hear his mother's chorus of shushes too and he knew that this wasn't going to let up.
He gets out of bed and grabs his school clothes for tomorrow, bookbag, and shoes and walks down the steps. He quickly passes his mom room where with a quick glance, he sees her trying to feed him with a bottle. Before slipping out the door into the night.
He grumbles the whole way to the door and was still grumbling as he continuously knocks on it.
"What is it-? Dan?"
"Move." Dan mumbles as he pushes past Phil and half sleepily walks up the steps into Phil's room.
"Why are you here?" Phil asks as Dan drops his belongings and sighs as he gets under the covers of the warm bed in the quiet house.
"Baby." Was all he mumbles as sleep grants him quickly.
Phil gives a confused look and ten mouths me? To himself before getting into bed with him. "You have a baby?"
"It's my mom's." He mumbles back.
"Your mom has a baby?!"
"Phil put your arms around me and shut the fuck up and go to sleep." Dan growls.
His arms automatically go around Dan's slim body and he pulls him close. Dan snuggles deeper into his embrace. He smiles.
"You want to know something Dan?" Phil says into the quiet.
"If I wasn't straight, I would totally date you."
Dan sighs in annoyance. "Go to sleep Phil."
"Straight boys. Good god."
He laughs.
it's been a while sorry!!
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