What to do?
Hey y'all! I'm sorry, I suck at keeping up with stuff but thank you to everyone who hasn't let me forget about it! None of you are a burden so don't worry! This is a kinda short chapter and I'm still leaving y'all in suspense so hahaha........ummmmmm. I'm probably going to update forgive and move on next because I have SO many ideas for that one right now but ya never know.
K, enough of me talking onto the chapter!!
Collins P.O.V
"Collins, bring over a laptop so I can look at that email ok?" I look up from my phone when dad talks. Nodding I leave and run upstairs to my room. Grabbing my laptop, and unplugging it, I head out.
As I'm heading back, I stop at Devan's door. It's still open so I step inside for a second. Finding his notebook where he had left it, I hesitate then reach out and pick it up. Opening it I flip to the new drawing and stare at it again, both in awe and in confusion. I know he was lying to me, and I also know he won't like me looking at his stuff without his permission.
I sigh and put it down. I know Devan's keeping things from me, I just wish he would trust me and let me know what's going on. I turn with another sigh and leave Devan's room back toward the stairs. When I get to the kitchen I see dad leaning toward the window like he's looking for something. "Or someone. Or more than one someone actually."
"Uhhhh, dad? What are you doing?" He jumps at the window and turns back to me. "I....well I....I'm just worried about your bother and mother. They've been acting weird and it's still so early and I have no idea where they went." He turns back to the window and starts looking again.
"Yeah. Devan's been acting weird all morning." Dad turns back to me with interest. "Really" nodding I set the laptop down and pull up my emails. Hesitating a second longer he comes back and sits down.
I bring up the email than sit down. Pulling out my phone again start working on the votes while dad leans over the email.
Tiny time skip
"Hey dad, what about a Q&A? Do you think the keypers would like that?" Dad looks up from my laptop and opens his mouth the speak but stops when the back door opens.
We both turn to see Devan and mom coming back inside. "They were outside?! Why didn't dad see them if they were just in the back?" We both turn and look at them in confusion. Devan ducks his head away from us so we can't see his face while mom turns away and refuses to make eye contact with dad or I.
"Where were you guys?" Mom puts her hand on Devan's back and hesitates before answering dad with "Outside. What did you figure out Collins?" I can feel my eyebrows wrinkling in concern as I look over at dad. "Um, I'm setting up a vote on Twitter to see what people would want to see."
I look back over at Devan to see him looking at me. Our eyes meet and I keep his gaze for as long as I can. There's something going on, I can tell from the emotions in his eyes. I stare a little harder into his eyes trying to figure out his emotions but he turns his gaze away before I can even make out even one.
I let out a breath of frustration. Why won't Devan tell me anything? I turn my gaze on mom trying to get something out of her as well but she avoids my eyes on purpose.
"You guys ok?" I blurt out of my mouth before I can stop myself. Mom and Devan share a look then Devan turns his head away and gives a small nod.
It's quiet for a while before mom starting doing the very last of the dishes and Devan stays closer to her. "It's like he's avoiding dad and I." I keep staring at Devan hoping he'll look up, even if it's just for a second I might be able to tell what's wrong. But Devan refuses to lift his head and meet my eyes.
Suddenly Devan stands up with a start and whispers something to mom. They both take off towards the stairs. "Woah! You sure everything's ok?" I yell as I stand up in alarm. "Yes! Go back to your stuff." I hear mom yell as she starts going up the stairs.
I take a step towards the stairs but stop when I feel a hand on my arm. "Let them go. For now, I think we need to give them space." Dad whispers and gently pulls me back down into the chair. I can't stop staring in concern towards the stairs though. I just know something is happening and I know dad and I are being left out for some reason.
Dad ruffles my hair to bring my attention back to him. "Let's talk about this email huh?" Hesitantly nodding I turn my attention to the laptop screen. "Well, it seems to me like it's authentic. I don't think your problem is about authenticity but a couple other things instead."
"It's on the 28th of June which is actually getting very close. You'd have to get something ready fast, of course, the expenses and all that but the big thing I'm worried about is that both your mother and I will be busy that week."
I look at dad's eyes slightly alarmed. "What?" "We won't be able to go Collins. You need to go and I bet you'll want Devan, and I wouldn't want you to go alone anyway, so if you decide to go it'd just be you two." Devan and I have never been on one of these trips alone so I start to feel anxious. "It'll be fine. I trust you two." Dad rubs my arm in assurance. I nod "guess it'll just be the two of us then."
Anne's P.O.V
I follow Devan up the stairs to his room. He sits on his bed and after closing the door, I sit next to him. He looks at me terrified. "What if Collins and dad never forgive us?" A tear starts forming and I wipe it away.
"Don't cry. You're a Key and we Keys are strong. It'll pass and hopefully, they'll forget. I know my relatives did." Devan shakes his head "Collins is different. He won't ever forget and he won't ever let it go."
A sob escapes as he looks at me with his brilliant eyes. "I don't want to hurt him, mom. He doesn't deserve how we've been treating him, or dad." My heart breaks I don't want to hurt my family either. "But I also don't want Devan hurting." I pull him into me. "I know. I know." He closes his eyes and says nothing.
Then he gasps and clutches his stomach. My heart breaks, I know it's back and I know I can't do anything to make the pain go away. A tear slips out from my eyes as all I can do is hold him.
It hurts to have my baby in pain and I know there's nothing I can do for him during the pain. As he gasps and cries my own stomach starts hurting and I remember the exact pain he's going through. It's hard and I want nothing more than for this to all to be over for him, or better yet for him to have never gotten it.
Soon he stops clutching his stomach and he collapses into me, still gasping and crying. "I know baby. I know, I'm so sorry you ever got this." He simply whimpers in response. "Mom? I still don't fully understand it. No ones ever fully told me."
I sigh. "What do I do?" "You're right. No one wanted to stress you out more than you already were. Let's call Grandma okay? She'll help explain what's going on." He nods into my shoulder as I reach for my phone. I go to my contacts and find my mothers number.
We listen to the phone ring for a second, then "Hello?"
Sorry for leaving you guys in suspense still, but I hope you liked it!
Like I said I'm probably going to update forgive and move on next but I promise I won't forget about this story!
Adios amigos!
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