The email
Collins P.O.V
It's a almost quiet car ride as we head home, which I kinda like. It was busy, but fun, day. Mom and dad kept us constantly doing something together and I almost forget why. "Was it YouTube? They kept us busy to forget?" I stare at the ceiling of the car. "If if was, then it worked. I forgot all about YouTube."
We pull into the driveway and we all get out. Devan yawns as we walk into the house. "Think I'm gonna go take a nap or something." I nod in agreement "yeah me too." Our parents nod and Devan and I head upstairs. As we part ways, I ruffle Devans hair and in response he lightly punches my gut.
I close the door once inside my room and sigh. "It's been a long day. I'm so ready to sleep." Plugging in my phone I flop down on my bed. I crawl under the covers and turn on some relaxing music to help me get to sleep. I usually can't sleep in the day, no matter how tired I am. Soon my eyes drift closed.
Time skip
Devans P.O.V
I lay on my bed just staring at the wall. I've been awake for a while, but not doing anything. My mind starts to wander. "The wall looks like popcorn. Actually there's a face right there, it looks like a mad dude. Why do we just assume things about people? Like if they're mad or not. He could be happy but have a mad face. I gotta pee."
Sighing I sit up and throw the warm covers off me. My mind wanders a lot and it goes to some far off places. I know sometimes it scares my family and it actually scares me too. It's why I can get so off topic. Dad says I have an active mind/imagination. I don't know.
I wander to the bathroom yawning. When I've done my thing I wash my hands and stare at myself in the mirror. My hair's a mess. I dry off my hands and run my fingers through my hair, trying my best to straighten it out some and get it back to normal. It doesn't really work.
I give up and leave. Walking past Collins room I stop and hesitate. I kinda want to go see him for a bit. "He might still be asleep. When he falls asleep, he sleeps for a long time." I slowly open Collins' door and poke my head through. He's sleeping.
Sighing I give up and close his door then walk over to the top of the stairs. I can hear mom and dad talking quietly downstairs. Again I hesitate about wether to go join them or go back to my room. "We just need to keep talking to him. He's got to do this." Mom says quietly. Now I really hesitate "are they talking about me? I don't think I should go down there now."
"He's 21 Steven. I know he doesn't want to, but he's got to look for a job or something." I sigh in relief "they're not talking about me. But why does Collins need a job? YouTube pays plenty." My curiosity gets the best of me and I stay on top of the stairs.
A clawing stinging feeling burns through my stomach and I gasp. Holding my hand close to my abdomen, I sink to my knees as tears well up in my eyes. I can hear my breath coming in ragged gasps. I hunch down into a ball and press my head to the carpet as tears continue to flow from my eyes, which are squeezed shut. It feels like every part of my stomach is being ripped apart and burned.
Then, just as suddenly as it came, it stops. Gasping I open my eyes and stare at the carpet "what was that?! Was it...oh god. It's here. It's started."
I stand up uneasily still clutching my stomach. Hurrying back to my room I close the quietly close my door and start shaking. "I don't want it to be here. I'm not ready. My family's not ready. I can't do it." Moms words replay from all the years we've talked about it. "When it comes, you may not think you're ready, but I'm sorry to say you won't have a choice. Meet it head on. I know you can do it."
Forcing myself to stop shaking I grab a notebook and a pencil then sit on my bed. "Meet it head on. I know you can do it." I can't help but relax. Moms always right, and I know she'll be here for me.
Flipping to a new page in my notebook I start to doodle. I'm lightly sketching a body and some details within it when I hear Collins door open. A second later my door does and Collins tiredly stumbles in and collapses on my bed. I lift my pencil off the paper as Collins shakes the bed and look over at him. He makes himself comfortable and starts to go back to sleep.
I feel a smile form. "Why do you come in here just to go back to sleep?!" He shrugs and inches his way up so his head is next to me. "What ya draw'n?" He slurs tiredly as I chuckle and tilt the notebook down so he can see. "That's really good dev." somehow manages to escape with his yawn. "Thanks."
His head sinks down onto my pillow and he sighs. I can see his eyes starting to drift close. Taking my attention off my brother, I turn it back to my art and continue drawing. "Why does mom and dad want you to get a job?"
Collins sighs "we're running low on money right now an-" I cut him off "wait, I thought we were fine on money." "Let me finish bro. We're low until dad gets a raise so they want me to get a job. They also think it'll be a good experience. I don't want to." I nod. "Makes sense. Why don't you want a job?"
He sighs again. "I don't want to be gone half the day. I'd rather be here with you guys." I nod again. "Ok. Well they were talking about it earlier." "I'm not surprised." Collins mumbles. "YouTube pays so well though." I say under my breath and Collins chuckles.
"That's my excuse." He flops onto his side as I smile. Then it's quiet for a while as Collins watches me draw and I let's my hands and thoughts wander. I can constantly feel Collins watching me, but we're both fine in this kind of silence. In fact, it's comforting. The scratch of the pencil, our steady breathing, Collins body heat. It's nice.
Suddenly Collins sits up. "Can I use your laptop to check my email? I just remembered I should be getting an email from the magic castle." I nod "sure. It's over there, should be charged." He nods his thanks and crawls over to it.
Unplugging it he comes back to my side and sits next to this time. "Holy cow, it's 7:30." I look up surprised. He opens it and turns it to me to put in my password. Reaching over I enter my password and go back to drawing. The sound of clicking and typing is all is heard as Collins logs me out of my email and logs himself in.
"Any email?" He shakes his head "no. Not yet but hopefully it comes soon-what's this?" I look up at the screen as Collins clicks open an email. "Dear Collins Key. We would like you to come out to the small, beautiful island of Isla Marchena for a speech on you success. The event of your, hopeful, speech is on June 28. Here is the link to contact us if you decide to participate. Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you."
I look up at him. "Wanna do it?" He looks back up at me and meets my gaze. "I don't know. Let's go talk to mom and dad." I nod and put my stuff down then we get off the bed and walk out of my room. We start down the stairs and I hear the tv on. As we come into the living room we see mom and dad passed out together on the couch.
I look over at Collins. "How about we talk tomorrow. Let's get food and go watch a movie or something on Netflix." He nods and we head into the kitchen. Grabbing plenty of food we quietly head back to my room.
I pull up stranger things as Collins grabs the food and sets it all up. Satisfied with himself he crawls over next to me and we get under the covers. That's one thing I like about is both having big beds is we can sleep on either bed without being right next to each other. It's the best on nights like these. I start the next episode and grab food.
After a while, I can feel my eyes drifting close. Suddenly Collins hand is against my hair but I don't care. It starts to play with my hair as my eyes drift even closer together. "Freaking Collins. It's terrible he knows how to make me go to sleep."
I give up trying to fight sleep off and close my eyes to Collins comforting hand playing with my hair, warmth, a full belly, and the soft talking and music of the show.
Hey guys!
I know this chapter was short, but it's finally starting to come together. Let me know what you think! I love feedback!
Adios amigos!
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