ok but like....honestly does an epilogue even go at the start?
or is that a prologue.....
ok so by this incredible start you've probably guessed i don't know wtf i'm doing. I've never written an fanfic in my life so this should be interesting...I decided to write one after reading loads and realising none of them went the way i wanted them to. They were good reads don't get me wrong but i kind of started having my own ideas
I'm so late to this as thor came out like ten years ago but yaknow.... better late than never?
anyway enjoy this hot mess and please comment xxxx
I was sat on the small bed of my tiny bedroom of my miniscule apartment, flinging m&ms into the air to catch in my mouth. To my surprise I caught each one perfectly, only a couple of them smacking my teeth on the way in. my small speaker was blasting out a song I couldn't remember the lyrics to but I chose to sing along anyway with a careful selection of lalalas.
My phone rung loudly and I choked on an m&m, scrambling to get off my bed. In a milisecond I'd phased over to the cabinet where my phone was sat, loudly blasting a ringtone I'd specifically set for a specific person... a person I was not in the mood to talk to
"Fury! oh how I've missed your passive aggressive voice, how's it going?" I answered dryly, twitching my hand and sending a glass of water to the floor from across the room in frustration. "Agent wilson, I'm afraid can't say the same for you" He responded, the distortion in his voice from the phone mic doing nothing to mask the clear unimpressed tone he always seemed to have. When talking to me at least.
I folded over the top of the bag of m&m's and shuffled into my kitchen to shove them back in the cupboard as I could tell by Fury's tone I wasn't going to be back here for a while. "You're too nice to me Fury." I quipped, rolling my eyes. "You know, holidays aren't exactly holidays if you're dragged into work all the fucking time." I grumbled, pulling a can of monster out of the fridge to take with me as it had been 30 minutes since my last caffeine fix.
"Im afraid high class criminals don't tend to wait around until it's most convenient for you." He replied patronisingly and I rolled my eyes, sighing. "I'll be there in half an hour."
After I'd switched out my large graphic tee and shorts for a pair of black jeans and a turquoise camisole, I switched off my speaker and began clearing my room a little, making it seem like I hadn't solely lived in it for three days. I'd be staying in SHIELD's base for however long they needed me and I didn't want to return to a depression dump.
I packed up some essentials, brushed my somewhat short blonde curly hair and set off.
The helicopter that had picked me up was beginning to descend after a long time passing over just oceans and barren landscapes. It was hard to grasp really just how much larger America was from my little hometown Brighton down south of UK.
We landed on what seemed like a huge flat piece of metal and I quickly understood that the four large propellers meant we were probably flying on that damned thing. Lucky me. I was quickly ushered inside and shown to my little dorm room where i barely had time to unpack before Agent Hill showed up to take me to Agent Fury.
I entered the conference room and Fury looked up at me, wearing his usual epression of boredom. He said nothing but handed me a folder of information as thick as my goddamn thigh. I sat on a tall chair and flicked through, taking my time to study the image of the blue cube that had been labelled as the tesseract.
There were paragraphs and paragraphs of information on the criminal 'Loki' and the pretty glowing cube, none of which really interested me. I was more intrigued by the fact Fury hadn't moved and was simply watching me 'read' the information he'd given me. That guy had insane patience. How long could i pretend to flick through this before he'd get tired of waiting and tell me what was needed of me. I was tempted to find that out but I, myself was getting bored and i was honestly craving a shower. the SHIELD helicarrier may not have the comforts my own apartment has but goddamn the water pressure in those showers was incredible.
I snapped the folder shut and looked up. "so....How are we gonna find this guy." I asked, twisting my spinny chair left to right in a repeating fashion. He didn't answer me for a while but watched me looking irritated by my movements "we already have him." He answered in a low voice and I stopped twisting.
"What? You didn't call me in to help get this guy?" I retorted, knowing full well I would not have appreciated being called out on the first day of my break from SHIELD. But when it came to being left out, my inner child tended to show itself, not wanting to be left out of the action.
He raised an eyebrow before answering "You have yet to finish your training with agent Romanoff and you still haven't managed to gain control over your....powers." He said simply and I rolled my eyes. I held eye contact with him and flicked my wrist slightly, sending the folder in front of him flying to the floor. He didn't so much as bat an eyelid but stared at me, his face still looking as unimpressed as ever.
I leaned forward, holding a hand to my ear as if i was straining to hear him despite his radio silence. "Oh, I'm sorry, what was that about control.. and my powers?" I trawled sarcastically.
"Quit being immature Wilson, the criminal is with us now and clearly we did just fine without your mutant self running in and fooling about." He snapped and I slouched in my seat. "you're a good fighter Wilson and with continuation of your training I would be more than happy to allow you to aid in these sorts of missions. But for now, you're still not ready." He added, his voice quieter but still steely. I rolled my eyes again and span a few 360's in my spinny chair before coming to a halt again, tapping my foot on the floor restlessly. "so why am I here then Fury?"
He leaned forward in his chair, locking eyes with me and interlocking his hands on the table in front of him. He looked amusingly serious and I smirked, mirroring him mockingly. He ignored me but began telling me what I needed to do.
"I spoke to Loki before. It's pretty obvious to me he's good at talking his way into or out of things. He managed to upset two of my best guards and even succeeded in throwing agent Romanoff off her game. I don't doubt he will try and talk himself into being released and I can't have that risk." He paused, as if trying to choose his next words thoughtfully.
"You, Agent Wilson, are the only Agent i can put my trust in to not be swayed by his words. Given your incessant backtalking and ability to go against every order-" I grinned at his admission."-I believe you'll succeed in getting something out of him. You will stand by and take shifts with my other agents in guarding his cell for the next couple of weeks." He stated, slotting something into the folder.
I frowned. This was literally the most weak job I'd ever been given by shield, and I'd been recruited to help train a supposed mutant child that turned out to only be a 7 year old girl with intense anger issues and no powers apart from being able to make one of Fury's most respected agents cry. I hated children, and I hated children with anger issues.
"what kind of fucking pity participation mission is this?" I remarked, standing and transporting myself closer to fury, crossing my arms in irritation. He sighed and turned to me slowly.
One that's incredibly important to your training and will help you move up in your ranking and trust." He stated calmy and i huffed turning to walk out. "Wilson." He called out and I stopped still and turned back slowly. "Fury," I replied mimicking his tone and accent. "We'd like to continue your chemical assessments while you're here as well."
My body froze and a small shiver ran down my spine at the thought of the experiments they had been doing on me way before I'd taken a break due to a physical breakdown. I kept my face blank, determined not to show the way i was feeling inside, which was deep aversion. I pulled myself together and nodded once before exiting the conference room, my chest already constricting and my breaths becoming short.
The corridors were long and monochrome with bright symmetric lighting in the ceiling and every so often, a closed door I was tempted to peek into. I walked along these corridors, mentally counting each door i passed, trying to distract my brain and reduce the rate at which my heart was going, until a familiar voice forced me to stop. "Ace?" I turned around and grinned at the tall blonde man stood a few feet away from me. He regarded me with shining blue eyes then jogged up to stand in front of me. He then pulled me into a tight hug which I returned, finding a falsely hopeful comfort in his strong arms wrapped around me.
When he'd released me I stared up at him smirking, "How's it goin Rogers?" He returned the smile. "Not bad honestly," he replied looking me over as if he'd not seen me in months when in reality, it had been about three weeks. A look of concern crossed his features suddenely and he placed a hand on my shoulder. "How are you? Are you.. are you-" "I'm fine," I cut him off giving him a confident smile. "Practically, bored at the lack of action." I remarked, rolling my eyes inwardly. Yeah sure because babysitting an edgy god was precisely the action packed life I'd seeked out from the start.
"I told Fury he shouldn't be bringing you in so soon." He remarked softly, and it was clear he wasn't happy for me to be in. Which was understandable. He'd been the one to find me that day. I'd been a mess.
"He just couldn't stand not seeing my beautiful face around all the time." I said with a sympathetic smile and Steve let out a small laugh that broke through the tensed lower half of his face, like he'd aimed to ease his own blatant discomfort with the somewhat pathetic humoured laughter.
"I'm sure that's it."
we began walking down the corridors in the opposite direction to where I'd been going. Though it all looked the same to me anyway. A ridiculous show of black and grey metal like they wanted every soul to know that they were a high class organisation that dealt with other worldly phenomenons. God I'd like to talk to the interior designers of this place.
We'd been walking and joking for a while before he stopped suddenly in front of a door and placed a hand on my shoulder, prompting me to halt. I turned and looked at his suddenely serious face, raising an eyebrow, amused. "There a speech you wanna get out or something?" I questioned smirking.
A glittering amusement wound into my skin at his severe sincerity that made me just want to provoke him further If nothing else. I gasped suddenly and clung to his shoulders, bringing my face close to his. "Oh Steve, Im in love with you too!" I proclaimed dramatically, my voice cracking as I reached for every pronounced acting ability that had become something like second nature to me, before snorting at his unamused expression and resuming my light half smirk.
He shook his head and exhaled dramatically, removing my hands from his shoulders all the while I still chuckled quietly at the weak humour. "Listen to me Ace, this isn't a funny topic." He bit back, still not smiling as he drilled the severity in his tone, deep into my skin hoping to bury through each layer and pierce the one that would force me to see his side of things.
He would have no such luck, when I'd tried and failed myself, so many times. It seemed nothing got through to me.
"Not unless you make it funny." I replied bluntly, shrugging In a blasé movement that caused Steve's eye to twitch
"And I have every intention of doing that."
He sighed again and I could see he was running out of patience fairly quickly, as did most people who had the pleasure of talking to me.
"Ace." He said in a low voice and I stopped poking his ribs, noting the concern in his voice. I didn't want to piss off Steve more than was absolutely necessary- and it was always necessary to a degree-. He had been looking out for me since the day he was brought in and introduced to me, a misunderstood and short tempered teenager, sticking by me when I acted up due to the way I was being treated. As a childish and undesirable mutant.
He understood me and didn't push me to open up when he knew I'd raised myself to learn how to close myself off.
"Promise me you'll let me know if it gets too much." He said, the concern still plastered on his face. I shook my head, knowing I'd never admit to being pushed to breaking point by SHIELDS experiments. It was only when he forced it out of me in the infirmary that he was let in to the knowledge of the chemical assessments. I knew, and he knew too, that he'd only find out the way he did last time. "Nope." I replied truthfully nudging past him to open the door to where the other members of the team were I assumed, but he grabbed my arm, forcing me to turn to him again. "Don't let me find you like I did last time." He ordered, his eyes flitting between both of my hazel ones.
I sucked in a breath. "I won't Cap." I nodded. It was the truth. I was stronger this time, and though i didn't have the heart to tell him I was starting the chemical assessments again, I knew I wouldn't have to. I wouldn't let it break me again.
A pair of eyes in the room turned to me as I entered with Steve following close behind.
"Well well well, if it isn't poltergeist back again." Tony piped up with a resounding influence, causing remaining heads to swivel and interrogate the form that breezed through the door like it was weightless, efficiently disguising the many burdensome weights that weighed me down.
The corner of my lip twitched slightly at Tony's disparaging glare and I teleported myself directly behind him aiming a jab to his ribs. He jumped violently and whirled around, smacking me over the head with the hefty folder in his hand. "Ow!" I flicked my hand and sent his folder flying across the room, smirking.
Ace : 2 , folders : 0
Tony regarded me with narrowed eyes. "you're spooky. I don't like you." He remarked taking a sip from his glass. I raised my eyebrow in upheld amusement and moved away to the chairs where Natasha was sat.
I sent a warm smile towards Bruce, my smirk trying ever so hard to remember the basic components of what fit into a genuine smile so I could attempt to ease some of the tension that clearly rolled off of me. He nodded at me, his eyes darting around uncomfortably. "Hey I'm Bruce." He said quietly, pushing his glasses up as I gave a small nod, remembering the things I'd heard about the the mutated scientist and his green...mutation.
Natasha gave me a small smile and nod which I quickly gathered would be the most I expect to recieve off her. We weren't exactly close like me and Steve and she didn't seem like the cuddly type.
There was one more person in the room who I hadn't greeted, and looking up at them, I realised I didn't quite recognise them.
He was a tall and muscular guy with long blond hair and ridiculously sized biceps. His shining blue eyes regarded me and I saw a distinct friendliness in his gaze. His smile was warm and immediately I felt the strange urge to hug him, though he'd probably crush me.
His attire was odd even for SHIELD and it slowly ocurred to me that he might be the new guy Steve had been blabbering on about while I was zoned out counting the lighting fixtures in the corridor.
I cocked my head and stood up to introduce myself. I offered my hand and grinned up at him. "My name's Ace." He smiled brightly and took my hand but instead of shaking it, he lifted it to his mouth and brushed it against his lips just like in every fairytale ever. "pleased to meet you lady Ace, my name is Thor Odinson."
I raised my eyebrows and glanced over my shoulder at Tony.
"And they say chivalry is dead." I commented at him, shaking my head and tutting. I then phased over to the far side of the room, surprised at the fact Thor made no comment or even raised an eyebrow at my abilities though they were far from normal.
I furrowed my brow and phased closer to him once more. "You don't seem freaked out by my zippy zapping." I stated, but it was more of a question than a remark.
He let out a small laugh and shook his head, his blue eyes glinting. "No, lady Ace. On the contrary I'm rather used to it." He chuckled. "My brother-"
"Your brother's a mutant?" I interrupted. Phasing next to Steve and flicking his ear, before teleporting back into a chair and crossing my legs.
Tony snorted and Natasha smirked slightly. Steve shot Thor a knowing look and suddenely I felt very out of the loop. "What.." I asked throwing Tony a glare.
"That criminal we caught, with the reindeer antlers, He's Thor's brother." Tony explained and I vaguely remembered seeing a a man in a gold helmet with long, dumb looking horns.
"And they're not mutants, they're gods." Steve added.
I looked at Thor again. "You're related to the guy who killed a shit ton of people and gouged someone's eye out?" I stated raising my eyebrows. The smile fell from his face and he shifted his weight, folding his arms across his chest. "He's adopted." He muttered, causing my lip to quirk up slightly at his discomfort in the matter.
"That'll be fun to bring up when I'm pissing him off tomorrow." I muttered to myself.
I stood, dusting my jeans and smiling widely. "As interesting as you guys are, Ima head back to my room and take a shower." I stated giving Banner a wave and Tony, the middle finger. "That's a good idea." Natasha piped up. "We can continue training tomorrow." She stated monotonously and I opened my mouth, about to accept when Tony cut me off.
"Unless-" He said in a low voice.
I waited for him to continue, my eyes darting around the room to see if anyone else knew what Tony was about to say. None of them met my eye. Though in Thor's defence he was staring at the lamp next to him, His eyes going wide in surprise when he clicked the switch, causing it to turn off.
"Ace, how are you sleeping?" He asked softly, his usually sarcastic tone slipping away to reveal one of concern. I sucked in a breath. Of course. Fury had told them my seizure had been due to severe insomnia and lack of sleep because of nightmares. This was partly true. Though he'd left out the fact that it was the experiments they carried out on me that gave me these night terrors, that physically and mentally drained me to the point that I'd collapsed when I'd been training on my own one day and began to fit.
It was Steve that found me, taking me to the infirmary where they forced me into a two day slumber that was free of night terrors. They instructed I take a holiday and my experiments were put on hold after Steve had found out and argued with Fury about my wellbeing.
"I'm not sure that's any of your business, tin can" I retorted, pulling a face at Tony childishly. I heard Steve tut next to me and Tony furrowed his brow, turning to Banner and muttering quietly. "But that's my thing though. Nicknames are my thing."
"Wilson, as an Agent, your wellbeing is important." Natasha began, her voice as flat and serious as ever. I raised an eyebrow at her. "Professionally speaking you're a liability if you're not up to your usual standards." There was a silent pause before she spoke again. "But speaking as one of your aquaintances and trainers I have to make sure you're okay. Fury isn't always the greatest at recognising when something is wrong with one of his agents."
I rolled my eyes, not wanting to hear any more of them speaking to me like I was going to shatter. "Believe it or not, I have my own ways of coping and I've just taken a week off. I'm not about to fall apart and I'd appreciate it if you stopped treating me like I am 12 not 25." I spoke quickly, my tone and expression blank.
The silence was deafening for a while. So much so that I was thankful when Tony broke it. "Well little ghostie, If you're having any trouble sleeping at all, alllow me to introduce you to my favourite medicinal sleep drug." He stated dramatically waving his glass in front of me. "I believe it's called alcohol. Incredible shit, truly."
"Tony." Steve warned, his voice low and Natasha rolled her eyes. I smirked and quickly phased behind Tony plucking his glass out of his hand before phasing back near the door.
"Hey!" Tony exclaimed but I'd already downed the glass of what tasted like scotch. "Thanks for the advice man, if you're down, let's do shots tomorrow." I said putting the glass down and waving a goodbye to everyone before teleporting myself out the room and into the corridor.
I reached my room and entered it, kicking off my shoes and throwing myself face down on the bed. The room was a cool temperature that I was grateful for after I'd spent the entirity of the last missions complaining about the stuffiness of the rooms to Fury, driving him mad. The bed was firm, and as I rolled to the side to allow oygen into my lungs again I felt my back fit nicely into the mattress, sending my rigid form into an almost relaxed comfort. It would all go to waste though. I knew I'd be up the whole night just watching the views from this height out of the large window next to the bed.
As I settled into a seated position on the floor by the window, I wondered about tomorrow. How would I get on with the prisoner? Badly probably. I'd come to realise he was not one of the most patient people, and to be able to stand me and my irritating personality, you needed patience. Or you just had to be like Tony and bounce off my immaturity and sarcasm with immaturity and sarcasm of your own.
I just hoped he was interesting enough to make this mission less dull.
that was my first chapter guys :)
If you hadn't already realised already, this book is loosely based around the first avengers movie but not entirely. I'm not going to include entire scenes from the film or really try to shove my character into pre existing plot as I'm sure you've already seen the film. and if not I'm not sure why you're reading this.
please leave comments and shit like that cause I'm a hoe for appreciation
little side note: this book is probably not going to be factually correct as I haven't seen the avengers in time and I'm too lazy to rewatch it so if y'all are like "yo hang on, I swear Bruce is meant to be not there in this part." then eh you're probably right but...you know.... p l o t
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