serious author note..
no its not gonna be one of those author notes.
"oh I'm gonna discontinue"
"I'm not interested in this movie or tv show"
"I'm gonna delete this book"
Well, now that you've read that, I'm gonna tell you what happened why I haven't been updating lately and this has to do with my personal life.
So the first reason, the last time I've updated this book was January 8, 2019, it was on a Tuesday when I went back to school, I had to concentrate on my classes in the first week of course, because I didn't want to go summer school like I was about to go on Freshman year when I failed Algebra 1 and Biology but didn't end up going because I was at Cancun, Mexico. So thats why I want to concentrate more on my classes even though I have A's and B's on my classes for now. Also, a strike happened to LAUSD, and yes incase you're not familiar with or do not live in California, I do go to a LAUSD high school even though I live about 17 miles away from my school living in a more calm and quiet area, I was too stressed about it and didn't even know when it was gonna end but luckily it ended a week later right after my day off from Dr Martin Luther King Jr and I was finally relieved that it ended.
The last reason why I haven't been updating, yesterday on February 3, 2019 my mom broke her wrist when she was trying to get something high on her closet and the stoll she was using was broken but didn't know. I was on my room minding my own business until I heard a fall and my mom crying yelling in Spanish "I FEll!! My WRIST HURTS! GO GET YOUR DAD!!" and luckily my dad was in the garage and I told him about it and we helped my mom and we went to the hospital. After spending three hours in the hospital/urgent care room, they told us that she luckily broke her wrist, not her head, she didn't need screws which is a good thing as they put it back her arm on. She'll be better in two months and removing her cast.
Thank you for understanding! I'll update in a day or two! :)
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