We pull into the driveway, and I step out, walking to the side door, and opening the unlocked entrance. I go straight into my room, and collapse on my bed, falling into a deep sleep.
I opened my eyes to the sun shining through my window, mainly because I forgot to close my curtains last night. I pull myself out of bed and walk over to the full body mirror. I stare at my reflexion and feel tears fill my eyes and rage fill my heart. all of a sudden the mirror rashes down into tiny pieces and my knuckles are hurting. I look down, and they are covered in blood. I must have punched the mirror in anger.
I pull off my creeps sweater and walk to the laundry room. I place it in the washer, press start, and slowly walk back to my room.
I sit on my bed. lost for actions. I stand, and look around, and start grabbing stuff from around my room.
birthday cards, photos, mementos, anything that reminded me of Jeremy. I reach into my bedside table, and grab to things, a bottle of Crystal Pepsi, and a bag of weed.
I walk downstairs, a box of mementos and memories in my one arm, weed and pop in the other, first going to the kitchen. I see a note and read it.
Dear, Michael,
mom and I have gone to work. there is money for lunch on here. I hope you have a good day. please stay safe. <3
I raise my eyebrows, and walk out to the front yard, sitting in a lawn chair, pulling out my lighter, and lighting my weed, I take a hit, and relax. I grab something out of the box.
"A photo from our first day of middle school." I say out loud, dropping it into a bin of small flames, "Burn it."
"The magic gathering card he gave me at the birthday no one else remembered. Burn it." I watch the flames curl around it.
"Ticket stubs from our first concert. Weird Al. Super burn it."
Suddenly I hear a familiar voice, "Michael!"
I jump, looking up to see Jeremy's dad, I quickly hide my weed behind my chair "Oh, uh, Mr. Heere, what are you doing here?" I ask.
"We need to talk about Jeremy," He answers
"Sorry," I say, "Jeremy and I aren't friends anymore."
"Do you love him?"
I look and him, shocked and confused. "What?"
"He can be a little shit sometimes," He says, "You and I both know that, but, but that's no excuse to sit around burning incense while he turns himself into a monster."
"Oh, yeah?" I say, feeling tears approaching, "I'm gonna go."
"Michael!" He yells, "I need you, because I do not have the tools to help him with what he's going through, but I know you know all the rules."
"But I'm not what he wants," I say,
"Yeah, but you're just what he needs," He says, grabbing my shoulder, "I know it's hard, but you need to at least try."
"You love him, so you need to try." He stresses, "Just keep pushing until the pain is gone, okay?"
"Look, I already tried to help him," I look down, " and he called me a loser, so-"
"-He called me a loser, so what? Jeremy is in serious trouble, and if we give up on him now we could lose him forever," He says, giving me a little shake. "Then we would be losers, huh? Is that what you want?"
I sway slightly, "No."
"Say it like you mean it."
"No," I say, slightly louder.
"Say it like you're in the army. "
"No, Sergent, I don't know."
He chuckles, "Ten, hut."
"If I try harder to be his friend, you need to try harder to be his dad," I bargain, "There's a Kohls down the street, I don't care what kind, jeans, khaki, leather, you're not leaving that store until you buy a pair."
"You drive a hard bargain, son."
"When you love someone you need to try," I say.
"When you love somebody you put your pants on."
"I'll be right back," I say, and run into my room. I quickly put on my red sweater. I grab Mountain Dew Red and my car keys. I race back outside to see Mr. Heere stand there.
"Let us go!" He says and we jump in my PT Cruiser.
I pull out of my driveway and make my way to the freeway.
"Do you love Jeremy?" he says out of nowhere.
"Well, of course," I say, "We were best friends for twelve years. Why wouldn't I love him?
"You know that's not what I meant," He says and I pay a lot of attention to the road and don't answer.
Mr. Heere knew I was gay, everyone did. I didn't need to come out for anyone to know that, but I did come out to Mr. Heere. Although, I don't know how long he's been suspecting that I was in love with Jeremy.
"Honestly?" I ask, and he nods. "I don't know. I did. earlier. but I don't know anymore."
"I understand," He says, and I don't look at him. "It must have been hard to watch him chase after that girl, What was her name?"
"Yes!" he exclaims, "It was frustrating for me as well, so I can't imagine what it must have been like for you."
I nod and pull into the Kohls parking lot. "We're here."
We walk out of the car, and I sit on the bench inside as Mr. Heere tries on pants.
I mindlessly pull out my phone and enter Instagram. I was immediately brought to many photos of Rich and fire.
I look at the captains of one of Jenna Rolan's photos.
Rich, Can't you see? Just how much we care about you're tragedy. I changed my profile picture to you, now I get what you're going through.
I sigh, and exit out of the photo, at the exact moment Mr. Heere walking out wearing pants.
"Looking good, Mr. Heere," I say as he steps out of the dressing room.
"This feels weird," he mutters, looking down at the jeans he is wearing
"It will probably take a while to get used to," I mention, trying to improve his esteem, "You look fine."
"tonight is the play," I state the obvious fact.
"What are you going to do?" Mr Heere asks.
"I have a plan. now, buy those so we can leave." I walk out to the car as Mr Heere buys the pants, a minute later he steps outside, where I'm looking at some information I had saved on my phone.
"let's go." He says, looking anxious.
"Everything will be fine," I say giving him a reassuring smile, even though I'm not to sure of myself.
"I know," he says, "I'm just worried what if we never get him back?"
"We will." I'm not to sure of myself though, sure, Mr Heere will get his son back, but maybe Jeremy realized that I'm not really a good person, maybe found a new best friend, maybe-
"Michael, we're here." Mr. Heere shakes my shoulder and I snap back into reality.
"Oh!" I say, and I grab the Moutain Dew red out of the back and pull the ticket to the show out of the center console.
"Let's go," We hop out of the car and rush up to the school.
Inside there are many people loitering around, just waiting for the show start.
Suddenly, I see a very rushed Jenna run into the room, with a green drink in her hands, pushing people out of her way
In her frantic movements, she shoves a small, helpless, boy out of the way, with not a trace of regret in her eyes.
I rush over to the young boy and help him up
he nods, and runs over to his mom, looking rather scared. I take no note of it and walk back over to Mr Heere.
"When does the show start?" I ask, taking a seat next to him on the bench he is sitting on.
"We will be let in in half an hour, and then the show starts half an hour after that, so about an hour.", I nod, and pull my phone out, opening notes, and looking at my plans.
plan #1
go up to jeremy and shove some Moutain Dew Red down his throat.
-maybe easy (because I'm stronger)
-gets the job done
-might hurt him
-he might be offended
-it might damage our preexisting friendship
plan #2
-find him at Jakes Halloween party and try and convince him to just drink it
-gets rid of the squip
-might be best for friendship
-kindest way
-social interaction
-have to get to the party
-have to find Jeremy
plan #3
I don't know.
As anyone could tell, plan #2 did not work very well, and considering all the hectic that was happening, I assumed that #1 wouldn't either.
So that left one thing. Plan #3. Improv. Probably the worst idea by far, but considering it was the only idea I had left, I guess I would have to roll with it.
I goof around on my phone, playing some crappy iPhone games I had downloaded earlier.
after a while of they, we were called for seating. Mr Heere and I for front row seats, eager for the play to start. We sat in silence, listening to the chatter around us.
I let time quickly pass by, and soon the house lights have dimmed, and the voices quiet down.
Here we go. I think as the first actor make their entrance.
word count: 1543
omg, it's me, madi, actually updating her story. wow that never happens. yes, well, i've been busy as you can see from my past two authors notes, (which i'm not deleting.) anyways, yeah, comment, vote, share, blah, blah, blah, please tell me what you think of the story and is there is anything you'd like to see. have a wonderfully amazing day, you are loved by me,
-madi <3
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