Chapter 9
Trix's P.O.V.
I managed to get away from Crewel unscathed. Thank the Great Seven. I walked through the school leaving rose petals behind me. I saw Jack Howl in the hall and sneaked up on him. "Jackie!" I exclaimed clinging onto Jack. "Gah. What the-? Oh hey Trix," Jack said. "Hey Jackie~" I flirted. Jack blushed looking away. "Are you flustered Jackie?~" I asked. "N-no. I have no reason to be flustered," Jack said. "Surrreeee," I said. I chuckled. "So I heard about your little passion projects," Jack said. I fake gasped. "Senpai noticed me?~" I teased. Jack rolled his eyes. I giggled. "You know the more you get in trouble the more chance there is you'll get expelled," Jack said. "Well sorry if I actually have an opinion against rules and tyrants. I didn't know it was illegal to actually have a recognizable personality," I said. Jack sighed in disappointment. "What? You think that I should conform to the rules like most of the people in my dorm. Please Jackie my prank genius is too good to be locked up by rules. Speaking of which..." I trailed off. "What did you do this time?" Jack asked. "You'll see~" I said in a sing-song voice. I walked away waiting for the sweet sounds of screaming.
Time Skip
Yuu's P.O.V.
I was just walking through the halls with Ace,Deuce,and Grim when we heard a scream. We ran to check it out and found Vil horrified by something in the library door. I checked what it was and found a mirror that made Vil look less not so beautiful. "Who would do such a thing?" Vil asked. "Vil it's just a magic mirror. Not actually you," I said grabbing the mirror. I heard the sound of hysterical laughing. I followed the sound to find Trix around the corner laughing his ass off. "You did this?" I asked. "It's a trick mirror. My name is Trix. Put two and two together honey," Trix said still laughing. I rubbed the bridge of my nose. "That wasn't a prank as much as it was you bullying," I said. "You think I care? Well sweetie I don't. The only thing I care about is my own personal laughter and enjoyment. If that means some people get hurt then whatever. They get hurt. Not my problem," Trix said. "It's absolutely your problem! You're the one who hurt them!" I exclaimed. "Well not my fault these losers don't know how to take a joke," Trix said. I noticed how sinister his expression and tone of voice had become. "Now darlin' I have to get out of here before I get caught. Bye," Trix said walking away. I heard the cracking sound and saw the heart again as I blinked. "Trix is getting revenge," I said as the idea hit me.
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