Prince stared at his parents in hospital beds side by side, in between them was his baby brother inside of a hospital crib.
His alpha father was hooked up to an IV drip but he was completely fine. While his omega father was hooked up to an IV drip and a blood bag. He had a mask over his face to keep him breathing. The beeping of the machine monitoring his barely stable heartbeat sounded like a death call.
The expression on his face was unreadable as he sat next to Yuta who had fallen asleep on his shoulder. His arm was protectively wrapped around the omega next to him. Everyone noticed it but no one said anything. It wasn't the time.
"Puppy," Halo called calmly as he sat next to Prince.
Prince didn't turn to look at his omega grandfather. Instead, he kept his eyes on his parents in hospital beds.
"Puppy, how are you feeling?" Halo tried again to get some sort of response from the young omega.
"You know, this is the second time dad's been in a hospital bed. But at least this time he isn't in any life-threatening danger. But nini... instead nini is in the hospital bed in life-threatening danger. I hate hospitals. It's clear that they hate us too. Am I undeserving of having both of my parents happy and alive? Is that just how it's supposed to be?"
Halo frowned and moved closer to his grandson as brought his head to his chest. Yuta's head slid along with him.
"Honey, they're both going to be just fine. Do you see what this family goes through? Don't you see how we overpower everything that tries to take us down? It's easy to see we Parks and Jeons are people who spit in the face of death." Halo rubbed Prince's hair.
"Everybody dies, Beauty."
Halo pulled away and held Prince's face.
"Well, yes that's true."
"And dad's parents didn't spit in the face of death. Death grabbed them by their throats and took them away from their young son."
Halo sighed.
"What if death takes nini from me like how it took my grandmas from dad?"
"That's not going to happen."
"Dad's been worried about this happening before my baby brother was even conceived. He doesn't even have a name yet and he's already one parent down."
"Jeon Prince, do not speak like that. Do you understand me? Stop fixing your lips to say these things right now." Leo stood up from his spot next to Jimin's bed and stared at his grandson sitting next to his husband.
"But it's true!"
"Neither of your fathers are dead. Their hearts are still beating. Yes, this business is hoping for the best and preparing for the worst because the worse will come. I'm sure Jungkook taught you that."
Prince sniffled and nodded.
"But this business is also not being so pessimistic. If you act like your whole world is falling apart, then it will. As you said, Jungkook lost both of his parents by his eighteenth birthday but did he sit around like his life was completely in shambles? No. He took over his mother's business and he worked on it well. Then he had you. Having a child in this game is hard. Believe me, I'd know. But did he think his business was going to fumble simply because there was another person in the picture? Absolutely not." Leo rubbed his forehead as he sat back down in his chair and stared at his son clinging to the life the machines were giving him.
"And damn did my son power through the bullshit he was given. He's had a heart condition since the day he was born. He struggled with these terrible pains all his life. Medications calmed them and made them less frequent, but they didn't stop them. Amidst being told how dangerous it was and how he could possibly die, he had you anyway. I'm glad he did because I do love you, you little stinker." Leo turned to Prince and smiled softly.
Prince gave him a lopsided grin through his tears.
"He had to give you up because of me. Because I wasn't supportive and I treated him like he was fragile. But he still powered through. I know he thought about you all those years you were separated. You know he was ecstatic to finally be reunited with you. He's one strong kid. Always has been. Always will be."
Leo turned back to his son after seeing the tears pouring down Halo's face and sobbed quietly, his nose buried in Prince's hair.
"So, for me, knowing this about Jimin I know he's going be just fine. Yeah, he's going to be okay." Leo pushed Jimin's hair off of his forehead and then softly kissed the exposed skin.
"Wow, you should be a motivational speaker."
Everyone's heads snapped to Jungkook's bed where he slowly sat up. Prince's lip quivered as he carefully stood up, resting Yuta's head on the couch, and made his way over to his father.
Prince reached out and touched his father's hand and almost broke down then and there. Jungkook reached out and rubbed Prince's cheek with his thumb and kissed his forehead.
"Daddy." Prince's eyes watered as a low sob echoed from his chest.
Jungkook pulled him up on the bed and cuddled him close to his chest. Prince's head was buried into Jungkook's neck as he sobbed. Jungkook held him tightly as he rubbed his back and hair. He held back his own tears as he opened his reddening and burning eyes to look over at his husband in the bed next to him. He shut his eyes tightly as he held his son.
He released a shaky breath as tears fell down his cheeks.
Like a series of crying events, the newborn baby started to sob as well. Halo got up quickly and picked up the screaming baby, hushing him and bouncing him in his hold.
Prince's sobs calmed down and pulled away from his father's comforting hold.
"He still doesn't have a name, dad."
Jungkook sighed as he wiped the tears off his face and wiped his eyes. He held his arms out towards his father-in-law, asking for his baby without actually asking.
Halo gave the alpha his son. The baby's crying came to a slow stop as his head nuzzled into Jungkook's shirt. He smiled down at the pink baby and rubbed his cheeks to wipe his tears. Prince leaned over to look at his little brother and a smile overtook his face too.
"You did the same thing when I held you for the first time."
"Screamed then nuzzled my face in your chest?"
Jungkook chuckled. "Yes, that exactly."
He sniffled as he looked up from his newborn to his firstborn, to his true love.
His smile faltered.
"We'll name him after Jimin wakes up. He made me promise we'd make a decision together."
Prince bit his lips as he stared at his father alongside Jungkook.
He just hoped he'd wake up soon.
Prince and Jungkook were saying their goodbyes to everyone as they left gifts for Jimin and the baby. Everyone left their condolences. Prince left with Yuta as the young alpha wanted to spend a quiet second with him.
He hugged Prince tightly and told him he was available to call at any time when Prince needed him. He told him he wholeheartedly believed Jimin would wake up, and soon.
"And your grandpa clearly doesn't want you thinking that way, so listen to him and don't think like that. Otherwise, I'll break up with you." Yuta crossed his arms.
"Break up with me? We aren't even dating yet." Prince raised an eyebrow at him with his hands on his hips.
"Hmm, true. Fine. I won't ask you out in 3 years. I'll run away and marry someone else."
Prince punched Yuta's arm which cause the older male to laugh.
"I see a smile. Which means it worked."
"Yeah, whatever." Prince looked away with his arms crossed.
Yuta wrapped his arms around the omega's waist and pressed a long kiss onto his right cheek.
"I gotta go. My sister's outside waiting for me. Call me, if you miss me. Okay?" Yuta pulled back just slightly and Prince nodded with a slight frown.
"Aye, no frowning on me!" Yuta quickly pecked Prince's lips four times repeatedly.
He pulled away and Prince smiled beautifully at him.
"Will I see you at school?"
Prince shrugged.
"I think so."
"I'll give you more affection at school, then. In private though, of course."
Prince giggled and hugged Yuta tightly before giving him one last peck goodbye.
The young omega made his way back to his father who was hugging his grandparents goodbye. Prince hugged them goodbye as well and was gifted with a kiss from each on his cheeks. Leo kissed his left and Halo kissed his right.
And there they were. The original Jeons who only had each other a long time ago. They stared at their new additions. A mumbling baby and a barely breathing omega. Jungkook slowly made his way over to his husband and kissed his forehead with shaky lips.
"Wake up soon, okay? You can finally hold the baby you were so excited to see. We still have to name him." He moved back and then looked at Jimin's unchanging face.
"You better not be getting back at me for when I was out for months. That's not fair." Jungkook sniffled and kissed both of Jimin's shut eyelids.
Prince was standing by the hospital window holding his sleeping brother.
Is this what his life is? Death, injury, death scares, fighting, and blood? He used to want everything his father's world had to throw at him and thought that it'd make him stronger to deal with moments like these. But the more he thinks about it the more he is hoping and wishing that the mafia world just disappear and leave his family alone.
He has enough to deal with without blood-thirsty rich freaks attacking his family too.
"What's on your mind, pup?"
Prince turned around to look at his father who was holding Jimin's hand.
"What's not on my mind? There's so much happening. And knowing what I know about your line of work, this isn't even going to be the end of the issues."
"Prince, baby, this isn't a mafia issue. This has nothing to do with work."
"But you know what does?"
Jungkook lifted both of his hands with a frown.
"All the scars on your body."
"They're old scars, pup."
"Not the stab wound from a few weeks ago on your stomach."
"What're you—"
"I'm not a blind idiot. I'm not a dumb little child anymore. I notice things. I understand how this stuff works. Your life is always threatened. I don't like it."
Jungkook sighed as he stood up from Jimin's side and walked towards his son and held his shoulder.
"Pup, I've been in this business since I was eighteen. I'm not dead yet not am I?"
"That doesn't mean that someone could get fed up with you and blow you up one day!"
"Babe, why are you being so negative?" Jungkook took the baby from Prince and placed him back in his crib.
"Because I'm scared, daddy! I'm scared!" Prince held back his sobs best he could.
Jungkook knelt down and hugged his sobbing son and rubbed his back as he calmed him down.
"I get it, pup. I understand. It's okay. We're going to be just fine. If you don't want to take over the mafia business, you don't have to okay? I won't force you."
"But I want to. Wouldn't that make you proud?"
Jungkook shook his head with a small smile.
"Pup, you make me proud by just growing up and smiling. You don't have to take over such a dangerous business just to make me proud of you."
Prince wrapped his arms around Jungkook's neck and hugged him tightly. His eyes were shut tight and he held his breath as he held onto his father. He held onto him as if he would disappear as soon as he let go.
"I love you, pup."
"I love you too." Prince buried his head in Jungkook's neck.
"Where the hell—"
"Oop, honey. The other one's here this time."
Jimin turned to where the voice came from and noticed two women. A woman with wavy brown hair and a woman with straight black hair.
These two women... they're Jungkook's parents. But they're dead. Is he dead?!
The woman with black hair stood up with her hands on her hips.
"Seriously? You two need to stop coming face to face with death. One of these days I'm just gonna keep you here."
"Honey." The woman with brown hair pinched the other woman's side.
Jimin slowly lifted a shaky hand as he pointed at the black-haired woman and brown-haired woman.
"You guys are—"
"Your husband's parents. Yes."
"Yes, I know that but your names?"
"He never told you? That brat."
"Excuse her. My name's Hera and my wife's name is Enyo."
Jimin nodded slowly.
"If I'm here and you're here, does that mean I'm—"
"No, kid. Don't worry. You aren't dead." Enyo nodded. "Yet."
Hera slapped the back of Enyo's head.
"It's a shame we never got to meet you when we were alive. Jungkook sure did pick a beautiful soul." Hera smiled elegantly as she held Jimin's face.
Jimin smiled gently.
"You just had a baby right?" Enyo asked as she stood beside Hera.
Jimin's smile slowly fell and his face snapped towards Enyo.
"Yes! Oh my yes I did! I haven't gotten to hold him yet. Oh, and Jungkook and Prince must be so worried! I have to get back. How do I get back?"
Hera and Enyo looked between each other and then back at Jimin.
"Don't know." Hera and Enyo shrugged at the same time.
"You just go back whenever you're supposed to go back."
Jimin frowned as he looked around.
"But I'm not dead right?"
They both shook their head.
Jimin bit his lip.
"Alright... well, then."
He looked up at the two women.
"Can I hear some baby stories about Jungkook?"
Hera and Enyo smirked at each other.
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