We're F.A.T
I like acronyms. F.A.T. stands for: fun, adorable and trendy! Curvy girls rock! My oldest daughter Jessi is curvy (I don't know where she gets it from!) and she's this amazing artist. Her comic book characters have girls with real figures. This book is NOT about everyone becoming a stick figure. That's not what we want. It's about getting healthy; it's about losing weight for life--you're life (and possibly someone else's life too.)
When ladies discover I've given birth five times and am still a 4/6 many envy me. (Never envy someone else; you don't know their story.) When I see women who have let themselves go as early as their twenties and thirties, I confess—it makes me sad. I don't fault them; I aim to teach how to be fit at any age. (Also life doesn't revolve us even if our ever-increasing waist-lines do.)
Hey, I'm as patriotic as the next person, but the U.S.A. has some of the fattest, unhealthiest people in the world. We are infamous for being the Fast Food Capitol of the world. We're known for the fourth meal, $5 lattes, 51-flavors of ice cream, drive-thru restaurants, the dollar menu, the second breakfast and so on. Yesterday I drove past a sign which read, "Buy One Whopper, Get One Free!" Sickening. The calories found in that meal could feed someone in Haiti for a week.
So let me ask you something, are you sick of being fat? Truly, do you look at yourself in the mirror and groan? Does squeezing into your jeans take your breath away--literally? Do any of these words describe you: Unmotivated, overweight, chubby, obese?
Perhaps you're thinking: Hold on there DL, I thought you were supposed to motivate us not crush us? Oh I will—I promise! But first I have to know where you're coming from. If you're healthy and happy with the way you look good for you. I support all sized people who are healthy F.A.T and adore the way they look. However, if you've switched from Weight Watchers to Atkins to eating only grapefruits, to drinking a swill of apple cider vinegar, organic maple syrup and Cayenne pepper (and every other diet fad imaginable) then it's time for you to open yourself up to the truth.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. We're not gonna do that here! If you're ready to get real let's get to it! If not, go ahead and put the book down (or click off!) I'm not gonna lie to you. In fact I'm gonna bare all so you'll know me through and through.
So are you ready for the truth? Lose Weight for Good is an, innovative weight loss system where, "You get fit while others get fed." Using this system you will finally have the willpower to put down that Twinkie! While we in America sit in our overstuffed chairs, stuffing our overstuffed selves with chips, candy, cookies, etc. somewhere a mom is trying to decide whether or not she can afford to feed her kids— period. Listen, I'm well over 40 years old and an avid junk food lover, so if I can do this system, so can you. No gimmicks, no excuses!
LWFG not only sheds pounds off your rear end--it has the potential to end world hunger (or at least put a huge dent in it!) No, I'm not exaggerating. My two adopted kids are a huge part of my inspiration. Danni Li is from China where there are an estimated 1,000,000 orphans due to their limited children policy. Sunni Joseph is from Cambodia where poverty and AIDS have left many children without parents. In Cambodia, as it is in half of the world's population, the average person only makes less than 3 dollars a day—$3.00 A DAY![i] That's not other country dollars—those are actual U.S. dollars. What could you buy with three dollars? How could you feed your family on three dollars a day? The answer is you couldn't. (Never mind trying to provide shelter and clothing.) After visiting China, Cambodia and Haiti my selfishness is fading; selflessness is the way to go!
The sad truth is in America 63.1% of adults are overweight or obese.[ii] If only 2% of them followed this program it would take a huge bite out of hunger! Let's recycle the fat!
This system is one-upping programs like, "The Biggest Loser." To me the biggest losers aren't the fatties on TV but sadly those who can't afford to eat. Imagine, as a parent, deciding which of your children gets to eat any particular day! All of us need to wrap our minds around this sad truth.
Through LWFG I'd like to prove once and for all that Americans/Europeans are not fat and lazy. I deem to call the overweight to rise up! Don't merely lose the pounds for yourselves (and let's face it after a while many people sabotage themselves) but look to your neighbor. Most of us would give the down-and-out our last dollar. Wouldn't we forgo a candy bar so a mom could buy some rice? Of course we would. After all—we our brother's keeper—right?
"Change your focus; change the world."
~ DL Sheron
LWFG is the answer! You will shed pounds and you will keep them off. This is not a yo-yo diet. It's something totally unique. Are you a little excited? I hope so!
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