Chapter 12: The Order
Every resident of Hogwarts was rethinking what happened during yesterday feast. Why shouldn't they? It's not like Spirit of Halloween bargs in every day. And there is also the matter of Daniel Work. Everyone thought him to be just a happy-go-lucky prankster, NOT the one who can boss Fright Knight around. However, they admitted that there was something strange about him. Starting from the fact that Work's magic always had an unmistakable deathly green color.
Everyone who wasn't a clueless idiot could notice that 'Phantom', as Fright called him, was hiding something. You wouldn't get any information about his past from him. He would either avoid the questioning or his answer would be too vague. Except a few moments, like when Danny told the first years about dragon. And the main question is, why he has a title of Prince?
Harry, Ron and Hermione weren't the exception. Completely opposite, they were thinking more than anyone else.
" reckon that Danny is half human?" Ron asked as the trio was walking down for breakfast.
"I'm sure of that," Hermione said confidently.
"And why?"
"Do you remember what happened during the first DADA lesson with Umbridge?"
"Yeah, he snapped after she mentioned half breeds..." Harry said.
"That's not all, I saw how his eye flashed green," Hermione added.
"Green? What is he, then?" Ron asked.
"I don't know..." boys stared wide eyed. It was the first time Hermione said that she didn't know something. She noticed that, "I mean...I have suspicions, but I hope I'm wrong"
"What is it?" Harry asked. Something told him that he didn't want to know. Suddenly Peeves emerged from the corner.
"Well, well, dip me in chocolate and call me biscuit if it's not Potty Wee Potter and friends!"
"What do you need, Peeves?" Ron asked annoyed.
"Oh, no biggie, really, I was just minding my business," Peeves answered and blew a raspberry.
"Go away then," said Harry.
"Nope," he blew another one.
The best way to deal with Peeves is ignore him, that's the fact. So, the trio went to breakfast. The chatter was very loud, they weren't the only ones making theories here. Even at the staff table was a conversation. The breakfast was coming to the end, but no one was in hurry. Curiosity made them stay in the Great Hall, because Danny said that he will return during it. And the doors opened wild with loud sound, revealing Danny standing there. Everyone was stunned by how Phantom looked, they all noticed pointed ears. In his hand he twirled black cane with silver handle.
"Looks like I was right," muttered Hermione to no one.
"Morning!" Danny shouted cheerfully. Some people could swear they saw fangs. The ones, who didn't see them, were confused about a few faints. Phantom started to walk to his table.
"Mr. Work," Dumbledore called, causing Danny to look at Headmaster, "We all are genuinely curious about where you left in such...unusual circumstances"
"Well, I am a king now," he shrugged nonchalantly. Everyone stared wide eyed, besides Albus, who kept neutral face, "I left for the coronation"
"That's another thing, king of what?" Danny grinned. Now everyone saw sharp canines.
"I'm afraid that's not yours or anyone else's business," he said, putting some bacon on his plate.
"Hello, Jane, missed me?" Danny looked at Dolores, smiling sweetly.
"May I ask, what are you?" She asked with her sugarcoated voice.
"Nope, you may not," he answered, taking a sip of coffee.
"You are clearly not human..." Umbridge started.
"No, duh. Half human"
"It's not important. As a half breed you fall under educational decree number fifteen, which means you are not allowed to approach the normal people," Dolores said, singing inside at her supposed revenge. But it instantly disappeared after he started to laugh.
"Well first, I'd like to see you try to fulfill this order. Secondly, I'm a king, remember? Diplomatic immunity rules!" Danny threw his hands in the air, "Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to eat"
'Ancients, it's so uncomfortable,' Phantom thought, shifting on his seat, 'I hate this tail'.
"Is something wrong, Mr.Work?" Asked Professor Flitwick, the Charms Professor.
"Nope," from his tone everyone could understand that he was lying, but Professor didn't press the matter and continued the lesson. It will take some time for Danny to get used to the newest addition. The doors to the classroom opened and Snape walked inside.
"Headmaster wants you to visit his office, Mr. Work, follow me"
Danny followed Professor to the corridor with dead end. There was stony gargoyle near one of the walls.
"Fizzing Whizzbee," Snape said to it.
The gargoyle sprang to life and leapt aside; the wall behind it split in two to reveal a stone staircase that was moving continually upwards like a spiral escalator. The two of them stepped on to the moving stairs; the wall closed behind them with a thud and they were moving upwards in tight circles until they reached the highly polished oak door with the brass knocker shaped like a griffin and went inside.
"Oh, it's you, Professor Snape ... and ... ah"
Dumbledore was sitting in a high-backed chair behind his desk; he leaned forward into the pool of candlelight illuminating the papers laid out before him. He was wearing a magnificently embroidered purple and gold dressing.
"Sit down, please, Mr. Work," Albus gestured to the seat in front of him, "lemon drop?" He offered.
"Thanks," Danny smiled and popped yellow candy inside of his mouth.
"You are not in trouble, Danny, if that's what you think about. I just wanted to discuss some matters," at his questioning eyebrow, Headmaster continued.
"What's your opinion about Voldemort's return?" Danny chuckled.
"I think I made it clear already"
"There are also other people, who believe it. Besides two of us and some of your fellow students. We formed an organization, named Order of the Phoenix, to fight against Voldemort and his followers"
"Albus, are you sure we can trust him?" Snape asked.
"Let me guess, Ministry doesn't know and wouldn't be happy about it," said Danny. Dumbledore nodded.
"You are quite right, we are keeping it's existence in secret. Don't worry, Severus, I'm sure Danny wouldn't tell anyone"
"But WHY are you telling me that?" Phantom asked.
"I'd like you to join the Order," Danny's eye widened in surprise. Snape voiced his thoughts.
"Albus, how can you make such an offer to him?! He is not even of age yet!" He exclaimed in shock.
"Well, I can make an argument here. By my homeland standards I'm an adult. I agree, Professor Dumbledore," Albus beamed at him.
"Wonderful! Your introduction will be this evening. Be here at nine in the evening sharp"
Danny was on his way to obtain another Horcrux, that's why he was going to the seventh floor. There wasn't anyone around, since DA meeting wasn't planned for today. Turning around the corner, he saw Luna, who looked like she was searching for something. He came closer and greeted her.
"Hello, Danny," she responded.
"What are you looking for?"
"I thought I saw Blibbering Humdinger"
"Maybe it can become invisible?"
"That can be the reason why people never saw them," Luna agreed, "but why are you here, we don't have a meeting today"
"I...need to find something in the Room of Requirements"
"Do you want me to go with you?"
"Hm, well, if you want so. Together will be easier"
They walked to the place, where the door was supposed to be. Danny started to walk from side to side, thinking about finding the Horcrux. Immediately, the giant door appeared on the wall. Luna and Phantom walked inside. They were in a place the size of a cathedral with the appearance of a city, its towering walls built of objects hidden by thousands of long-gone students. Danny immediately got the same feeling as at the vault.
"Somewhere near here," Danny muttered, "Somewhere...somewhere..."
Deeper and deeper into the labyrinth he went, looking for needed object. There it was, right ahead, the blistered old cupboard, and on top of it, the pockmarked stone warlock wearing a dusty old wig and what looked like an ancient discolored tiara. Danny looked at it closely. He was just able to make out the tiny words etched upon it; WIT BEYOND MEASURE IS MAN'S GREATEST TREASURE.
"What is this?" Phantom asked.
"Diadem of Ravenclaw," Luna said in awe. Danny raised an eyebrow, which she noticed.
"Each of the four founders of Hogwarts had own magical artifact. Godric Griffindor had a sword, the one Harry defeated basilisk with. Salazar Slytherin had a locket. This diadem belonged to Rawena Ravenclaw, people say it gives more intelligence to the wearer. There is also the cup of Helga Hufflepuff"
"The cup?"
"It should be golden, with badgers engraved on it," Danny's eyes widened in remembrance before he shook his head, "why do you need the diadem?" She asked.
"There is something dark inside of it...are you going to destroy the darkness?" Phantom blinked in surprise then nodded in confirmation.
They walked outside. Once the door dissappeared behind them, Luna broke the silence.
"Your tail is sticking out," she said calmly. Danny immediately started to hide it, then stopped dead on his tracks, pun intended. He stared at her wide eyed.
" don't freak out?"
"You obviously are half demon. But you are a nice person, so there is no need to be disturbed," Phantom smiled.
"Well, we prefer to be called 'ghosts', actually," he said as they started to walk away.
"Why so?"
"You see..."
Danny went to Dumbledore's office when the needed hour came. The Headmaster was already waiting for him, smiling.
"Alright, Danny, in order to get to the Headquarters we will need to Apparate there, so take my hand," Phantom did as was told.
For a moment he felt like all the air was knocked out of his lungs, and the space around pressed on him, trying to turn half ghost into pancake. Then the two appeared on some street, but Danny was too busy, gasping for air. His teleportation was WAY better, how can wizards travel with this Apparation?
"My apologies, the first time is always like that," said Dumbledore as Phantom started to look around.
They were standing on a patch of unkempt grass in the middle of a small square. The grimy fronts of the surrounding houses were not welcoming; some of them had broken windows, glimmering dully in the light from the streetlamps, paint was peeling from many of the doors and heaps of rubbish lay outside several sets of front steps.
"Where are we?" Phantom asked, but Albus said quietly, "In a minute"
"Ah, here it is," he muttered, raising what looked like a silver cigarette lighter into the air and clicking it.
The nearest streetlamp went out with a pop. He clicked the unlighter again; the next lamp went out; he kept clicking until every lamp in the square was extinguished and the only remaining light came from curtained windows and the sickle moon overhead.
"Wow, what is that thing?" Danny asked.
"This is Put-Outer. It'll take care of any Muggles looking out of the window, see? Now let's go"
He led Phantom from the patch of grass, across the road and on to the pavement.The muffled pounding of a stereo was coming from an upper window in the nearest house. A pungent smell of rotting rubbish came from the pile of bulging bin-bags just inside the broken gate.
"Here," Albus said, giving a piece of parchment to Danny and holding his lit wand close to it, so as to illuminate the writing, "Read and memorise"
Danny looked down at the piece of paper. It said:
'The Headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix may be found at number twelve, Grimmauld Place, London'
Suddenly, a battered door emerged out of nowhere between numbers eleven and thirteen, followed swiftly by dirty walls and grimy windows. It was as though an extra house had inflated, pushing those on either side out of its way. Danny gaped at it. The stereo in number eleven thudded on. Apparently the Muggles inside hadn't felt anything.
"Come on now, we have a meeting to attend to," said Dumbledore.
Phantom stepped over the threshold into the almost total darkness of the hall. He could smell damp, dust, and a sweetish, rotting smell; the place had the feeling of a derelict building. He heard a soft hissing noise and then old-fashioned gas lamps sputtered into life all along the walls, casting a flickering insubstantial light over the peeling wallpaper and threadbare carpet of a long, gloomy hallway, where a cobwebby chandelier glimmered overhead and age-blackened portraits hung crooked on the walls. Danny heard something scuttling behind the skirting board. Both the chandelier and the candelabra on a rickety table nearby were shaped like serpents.
Phantom was led by Dumbledore to the door, and he heard muffled sounds from inside of the room. The Headmaster made a gesture 'wait here' and went inside. Danny started to overhear the conversation.
"Albus, what's the point of this sudden meeting?" He heard some gruffy voice saying.
"I found a new member for the Order, Alastor"
"Oh, and who is that?" Asked another voice.
"You can come in now!" Dumbledore said and Danny walked inside.
All the members were unprepared for such development. They weren't expecting Work to be here. And they weren't recalling him having pointed ears.
"Albus, what's the meaning of this?" Asked redheaded woman. Danny had a suspicion that he knows her last name.
"Professor Dumbledore offered me and I agreed. And before anyone will say something, back home I'm an adult"
"You don't look like one," said Alastor.
"Because I'm sixteen"
"He is still too young, Albus!"
"I may be young, Mrs. Weasley," Danny said, "But since I was eleven I fought against many things: Two dragons on different occasions, bunch of giant robots," at their confused faces he added, "muggle golems, two shape shifters, the lady who fed from people's misery to make herself look young, was put and escaped from a highly guarded prison, stood against two armies numbering two hundred, and the other four hundred THOUSAND. Not mentioning, of course..." he made a pause, "taking down Pariah Dark"
No one made a sound, everyone was too shocked, even Dumbledore, who never heard his story. Tonks' jaw hit the floor and went under it. All of them felt sorry for the kid in front of them.
"Wait, you escaped the prison?" Sirius asked, Danny grinned, revealing his fangs.
"Yep, wrong accused and thrown there. I got out at the same day. I even threw the law book at the warden"
"Blamey, kid, how are you still alive?!" Alastor exclaimed. Wow, he impressed Mad-eye Moody. Danny roared with laughter, confusing everyone.
"We want a trust to be between us, right?" They nodded, "then I'll tell you something important about me. Please, don't freak out"
Danny took off his robes, revealing black T-shirt and jeans, however that wasn't what called everyone's attention. It was a long black, arrowed tail, which was sticking out. Everyone stared wide eyed, some unconsciously gripped their wands.
"Are...are you..." Remus tried to say.
"Yes, I'm half 'demon'," he made an air quotes, "when will wizards realize that we are ghosts?"
"Ghosts?" Asked Moody.
"Aha," Danny nodded,"we ARE ghosts, just solid and possess more abilities"
"But that will mean..." Dumbledore started.
"You are dead!" Molly gasped. Danny smiled sadly.
"I'm not dead, nor am I alive. I always walk in between. You heard me, I'm half ghost"
"So was your mother..." Remus said.
"Oh, no, no. Both my parents were humans, my condition has something to do with how I died," Danny took off an eyepatch, everyone saw his glowing deathly green eye and gasped.
"Did you say 'were'?" Arthur Weasley asked carefully. Danny looked at the ceiling and sighed.
"I wasn't born as Work, Dumbledore should know that I'm adopted. It happened when I was six, too young to remember every detail, but somehow, I did. My birth last name is Fenton. My parents both were muggles, I also had an older sister, Jasmine, but she preferred Jazz," he said, smiling slightly, "My parents were scientists, brilliant ones, I must say. Even if we needed to fight against our dinner from time to time," Danny chuckled as everyone was confused, "But, they had their not so smart moments. They were ghost hunters, specializing on my type"
"One day, they built a 'ghost portal', something they worked on since being students. It should take you to another world, The Ghost Zone, our world. But when they plugged it in...all I remember are some sounds and loud explosion afterwards. I was the only one to survive. And, that was when Dad found me and took me in. This accident made me like that," he gestured to himself.
"That...that was very sad story, Danny," Albus was the only one who was able to say anything.
"I know, but it helps to share with someone," Danny chuckled, "The funny thing is that muggles achieved something wizards couldn't, they granted immortality, I still can die in a fight, but at some point I would just stop aging. But enough of that, I need to tell you something important"
"And what is it?"
"Professor Dumbledore, do you know why Voldemort," flinch,"didn't die that night fourteen years ago?" Albus wasn't expecting that.
"I have some suspicions..."
"If that suspicion are Horcruxes, than you are right. He has SEVEN of them," Danny said, shocking everyone, "Be back in a moment," with that, to everyone's astonishment, he disappeared in a cloud of smoke, then appeared with a small bag in his hands.
"Before anyone will ask, It's just one of ghost powers"
"What's in the bag?"
Suddenly Danny saw some small creature walking in the corridor. It was dressed in rags and had long ears. In his hands he held a locket, which, to Phantom's surprise, gave 'Horcrux feeling'.
"Hey, you, come here, please," Danny said. Little guy looked terrified at his appearance, "I'm not going to bite, just come here," the house elf obeyed.
"Who are you?"
"I...I'm Kreacher...s-sir," he really was afraid of half ghost. Everyone was surprised as well, and Sirius was jealous that Kreacher wasn't afraid of him as much.
"What is that locket you have?" Danny asked.
"Th-this is...Master Regulus' locket...he asked me destroy it, but Kreacher can't do it. Kreacher tried...a lot of times..."
"Of course you wouldn't be able to. Let me try, please," Kreacher did as was told, "Yep, as I thought"
"What's wrong?" Sirius asked.
"Nothing, besides the fact that your house elf all this time was holding the piece of Voldemort's soul," everyone stared wide eyed, and Kreacher as well, "that's why you couldn't destroy it. You need a special touch. Luckily I can do it, but... you better walk out of the room, little guy," house elf obeyed.
"Why did you..."
"This is my more human like appearance, my power is kept inside this cane. I will be able to destroy them only with that power. I'm saying that so you don't freak out," with that the ring of moonlight appeared around his waist, then splitted in two and traveled up and down. The cane disappeared, leaving burning crown on his flaming hair. Now they understood why Danny warned them, this appearance really can scare an unprepared person. He bowed slightly.
"Daniel Phantom, the King of the Ghost Zone"
He took the locket in his hand, made another one intagible and put it inside the locket. Danny grimaced, it felt nasty. It was like something solid and at the same time liquid was dripping through his hand. He clenched a fist and took it out, like he was cleaning the garden from weeds. In his hand was a black mass, incased in green sphere. Danny started to burn it, the power of fire was given by crown, and in a mere seconds it evaporated.
At the meantime, Harry Potter and Dark Lord screamed in pain at the same second.
"Now let's repeat the process," Phantom said, opening the bag, "I found two more. Here they are," he took out the cup and diadem.
"The cup was interesting to get. Broke inside the Gringotts to get it"
"That was you?!" Almost everyone exclaimed.
"Well, they weren't expecting a ghost to rob them"
Then Danny repeated the process twice.
"Let's clear the situation. The first Horcrux was Riddle's diary, which Harry destroyed. Then we have the locket, the cup and diadem. It's four. I don't know about the others, though," he said and reverted back to 'more human' form.
"I believe that it can be your official mission for the Order," said Dumbledore and chuckled, Danny laughed.
"I'm doing that also because Voldemort breaks the laws of life and death. And believe me, Death doesn't like when someone tricks him. Farewell," with that Phantom teleported back to Hogwarts.
The members looked at each other. Looks like they got a trump card.
A.N. Ah, my headache is horrible. Someone kill me.
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