Chapter 11: Hail to the king
A.N. I wrote this chapter with sleepy mind, so I added some details now. Enjoy!
Danny's birthday went calm. It just so happened to be at the day of another DA meeting. As he planned, there were some Slytherin students there. Of course, most of them said, that they just don't want to fail their OWL's. But that's what this organization was created for - to train the students for the hardships ahead, let it be the Dark Lord or important exam. Phantom pointed one thing. If they all will pass with flying colors, than Ministry would think that their 'reforms' are successful, which is bad, but it still wasn't worthy enough to fail intentionally.
During last trip to Hogsmeade the twins bought a big cake and smuggled a lot of bottles with Butterbeer. It was very fun party, which took place in the Room of Requirements. Thankfully, it was soundproof, or the sound of crystal chandelier, falling on the ground and shattering would be heard all across the castle. Looking around at the moment, he noticed, how friendly people were to each other. Seriously, even Slytherins and Griffindors were chatting friendly. Looks like the Hat was right, he really is able to unite everyone.
Danny received some presents. The twins' present was a coupon for sixty percent discount in their future shop, which is active for the rest of his life, or afterlife, but they didn't know that. Hermione gave him a book, surprise, surprise. Harry and Ron just bought a bag of candies. But that was more than enough for halfa. Luna gifted Danny a necklace, made from Gurdyroots. As she said, it should repel Gulping Plimpy. Thankfully, he could put a spell to remove it's strong smell of onion. Clockwork sent a letter, saying that he will get his special present later.
Now, the day has come. Since he woke up, Danny had the feeling of doubt. Was he really making the right decision? He shook his head, of course it was right. It was time to bring the order to the anarchic place, named Ghost Zone. Then Phantom wondered about the other thing, how was he supposed to get there? 'Leave it to Dad,' he thought.
There was the delicious smell of baking pumpkin wafting through the corridors. The spirit of Holiday was everywhere, even in the classrooms. Well, besides DADA, but it was always like that. Danny was just reading the fresh issue of Quibbler. Again, junk, but interesting. He casually put his legs on the table. Umbridge only glared at him, but she kept reminding herself that it's for the Ministry. Everyone envied exchange student.
When the time of dinner has come, everyone came down to celebrate in the Great Hall. It was currently decorated according the celebration. A thousand live bats fluttered from the walls and ceiling while a thousand more swooped over the tables in low black clouds, making the candles in the pumpkins stutter. The one absent detail is some epic and slow music on the background.
The feast appeared suddenly on the golden plates, as it had at the start-of-term banquet. However, this time it was filled with full bowls of candies, since it's Halloween. Danny wasn't talking, just thinking and waiting for something big to happen.
"Hey, Danny," asked Daphne Greengrass. She was one of the members of DA, despite being in Parkinson's inner circle. Danny looked up.
"What?" He asked.
"You were quiet during the whole dinner, it's not like you"
"Sorry, I just found out something, and there is a lot to think about"
"What do you..."
Before she finished her question, the blue mist came out of Danny's mouth. Normally, nobody will pay attention to this, since everyone got used to it. But Phantom never got up immediately, rapidly looking around. He could sence not just ghosts or undead, he was able to understand, who exactly that was, if Danny sensed them before.
"No, no, no, please not him," he said. People noticed that worry wasn't because of fear, more like...annoyance?
On the Griffindor table, Harry noticed Danny's distress, and was reminded about Halloween night four years ago, when Quirell let the troll inside of the castle.
"Why Danny looks so worried?" He asked his friends.
"Maybe that has something to do with him being so quiet lately?" It came out more like a question out of Ron's mouth.
Suddenly booming sound was heard. Then another one. Some candles were extinguished, and the light dimmed in the remaining ones. And finally, the doors of the Great Hall burst open with a thunderous noise. Some people fainted at what they saw, others only watched in horror. In the doorway was standing a figure, who was wearing black medieval armor. No one could see his face, hidden under darkness, given by the helmet, and only two glowing green dots, representing his eyes, were looking upon everyone present, looking for sertain person. On his hip was wicked looking green sword with pumpkin engraved on the handle. The Fright Knight, the Spirit of Halloween and scourge of both muggles, wizards and ghosts alike.
Teachers didn't plan to lose their time, so they immediately started to shoot the spells at the unwanted visitor. But ghosts have an immunity to the spells, especially Avada Kedavra, since they are already dead. Merlin doesn't count since he is ghost wizard. So Fright was simply ignoring them. He doesn't like wizards, though.
Interesting fact, ghosts from Ghost Zone are considered demons in Wizarding World. Well, the name was given long ago, seeing how ghosts possessed 'demons'' abilities from the books. Muggles realized that they are GHOSTS, not demons. Wizards still call them that, however, not even thinking that thay might be ghosts. So, technically, Phantom is going to be the king of Hell. Speaking of...
"ENOUGH!" He shouted, abruptly stopping the fight. Fright Knight stopped because he finally saw the Prince. Wizards stopped because of surprise.
"May I ask you, Fright, WHY are you bursting in like that and scare the shit out of everyone?!" Everyone was frozen in shock. Work just shouted on THE Fright Knight! He questioned THE Bringer of Fear. They all were expecting him to attack the insane student, but he did the last thing they thought he will do. The Spirit of Halloween sat on his knee and bowed.
"Scaring this wizards wasn't my intention, milord," everyone's jaws dropped. Did he just...
"What's the meaning of this, Work?!" Umbridge screeched. This lady certainly could use some common sense. Especially, when Fright was nearby.
"HOW DARE YOU!" He took out his sword, getting up, and pointed it at her, mere centimeters from her throat. Some students wanted him to proceed,"HOW DARE YOU SPEAK WITH PRINCE PHANTOM IN SUCH MANNER!" Everyone was shocked yet again.
"Fright Knight, calm down," nobody has seen Danny speak like that before. It was calm and ordering tone, which was completely opposite of his usual happy-go-lucky attitude. And Fright obeyed.
"Mr. Work, is that true what Fright Knight said?" Asked Dumbledore now genuinely curious. Danny chuckled.
"Not entirely," he bowed slightly,"Sir Daniel James Phantom, Sebastokrator of Acropolis, Count of Aragon, Lord of the Infinite Realms, and that's the ones, which aren't hereditary," everyone was in silent shock at all this titles and the fact that Phantom acquired them all by himself.
"But why is your last name is Phantom?" Danny wanted to answer, but he remembered Clockwork's letter, 'Don't say that you are adopted'
"It's...my mother's last name. I go by 'Work' in Britain. Anyways," he turned to the Fright Knight with serious look," why are you here?"
"I'm here to take you to your father," he answered.
"That's not what I meant. Why are YOU here?"
"I expressed my will to serve you, sire," Fright bowed his head.
"Before me you served Pariah," everyone gasped at the name of 'Demon king', "what have you done? You betrayed him at the first possibility. Then you worked for Vlad, and now you are betraying him. Why should I trust you?"
"Pariah treated me like a worm, Plasmius - like a pawn. I'm sure, that you will treat me like a loyal friend," Fright got down on the knee again and took his sword,"as a sign of my loyalty, I ask you to accept the Soul Shredder, the symbol of power," everyone was watching the exchange with mild interest, learning more about Danny's past. They were surprised by the trust Fright Knight was giving him and awaited for his decision.
"Rise, Fright Knight, I believe you," he did as was told. Then blue portal appeared.
"We will take leave now. Will be back by breakfast!" Phantom declared as the ghost and half ghost stepped inside. He then sticked his head out.
"By the way, Jane. If you or anyone else will spill it, then Frighty will come after you. Tata!" With that he and portal dissapeared.
"BLOODY HELL, what just happened?!" Ron shouted, voicing everyone's thoughts.
-Ghost Zone-
Danny wasn't expecting SO much people. He felt all the emotions anyone could feel. Dread about the responsibility he will have, embarrassment under all this looks. Danny saw them, and his core filled with confidence. They looked at him with sympathy, with hope. And he WILL be the king they need. Even his enemies weren't holding any anger or envy.
They were in the former Pariah's Keep. The giant red castle, which no one ever dared approach before. Danny never had a good look on it. The only time he was here, was during final battle against Ghost King. You aren't sightseeing when you are fighting against a GOD. If Danny wasn't studying in Hogwarts, he sure would be in awe. However, compared to it, the Keep was just a hut in the middle of nowhere. But by itself, the castle still was impressive. It still needs rebuilding, though.
The duo arrived to the throne room. Unlike on the outside, there were only ghosts, who were representing the elite. In the center of the room was pedestrial with the Crown of Fire, which steadily flickered with green flames. By the side stood Clockwork, smiling. Danny approached the pedestrial and sat on one knee.
"Dear guests," Clockwork started to speak, "We all came here to see the event, which will determine the future of the Ghost World. For centuries we lived under horrible tyrants, then in the state of anarchy. Now, this time is over, today we see the rise of the new king, he looked at his son, "Daniel Phantom, do you swear to always be there for your subjects?"
"I swear," Phantom answered.
"Do you swear to protect the Ghost Zone, even by the cost of your afterlife?"
"I swear"
"Do you swear not to abuse the power given to you?"
"I swear"
"Than, as the Master of Time, I declare Daniel James Phantom the new High King of All Ghosts!" Clockwork boomed as the hall was filled with cheers.
He took the crown, not being concerned by the flames, engulfing his wrist, and placed it on Phantom's head. Green fire started to flicker faster. Then, the white flash lightened the whole room.
"Long live the King!"
Danny felt a hand on his shoulder, turning around he saw Clockwork.
"It's hard to describe, how proud I am for you, Daniel," he said with the smile. Danny smiled as well.
"Thanks Dad, that means a lot to me," his face became thoughtful again,"Dad, you see the future, can you tell me..."
"Daniel, I don't need to have a foresight to know that you will make a great ruler. I'm saying that not as the Time Master, but as your father," Danny just hugged him in response.
"There are some more things I wish to talk with you"
"What is it?"
"Well firstly, happy birthday," Clockwork smiled, " here is my small present"
He took out the pocket clock. They had Danny's typical color sheme with his emblem on behind. There was a single button on the top.
"It works the same way as my staff, only it stops the time maximum for a minute"
"AWESOME! Thanks Dad!" Phantom exclaimed, taking the present and causing Time Master to chuckle.
"No need to thank me, son. But we have another matter to discuss about. There is another Horcrux. It is inside the Room of Requirements"
"Wh-what?! But how..."
"Near the door you should think 'I need the room, where Horcrux is'. You will find it there. Now for the second matter. You now have a huge power, which affects your appearance"
"What do you mean?" Clockwork summoned a mirror.
Danny has changed. His hair became neverending white fire. The blue eye started to glow green and the other became crimson red. His skin became much paler. There are also some additions, such as sharp fangs and pointy ears.
"Eh, what am I supposed to do?" Phantom asked, freaked out.
"You can seal the power inside some object, the cane, for example. You can even make your wand the part of it"
"Wow, and how can I do that?"
"Just concentrate"
Danny started to think about creating the item. Immediately, the crown and ring dissappeared. The wand flew out of his pocket, floating in the air. Danny covered his eyes to protect them from bright light. On the place of it was long black cane with silver handle, on the handle was engraved the same skull as on the Ring of Rage. Phantom took it in his hands, feeling like it was part of him.
"Now look in the mirror," Danny did as was told and saw that he looks as usual for the most part. Fangs and ears still stayed. But before he could say something, Clocwork added.
"Don't worry about them, the only thing you need to hide is the tail," Danny immediately looked on his back and saw black arrow tail. Before he could freak out again, his father continued.
"What were you expecting from 'King of Demons', hm?" He chuckled.
"I hate this job already"
A.N. What can I say, I like Blue Exorcist. Plus the concept seems logical to me.
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