Thorin Oakenshield- Life After Death (c)
In life you never believed that there could be anything after your death. It was darkness, emptiness, nothingness. It was an end. Death ended it all and nothing would occur past that. However you were proven wrong. After your untimely death you ended up by the pearly gates with the ability to look down and roam around the land of the living.
No one could see you, but being able to stand by the dwarf you had been in love with in life and watch him tear up at your grave, it helped knowing he remembered you.
Sometimes it was infuriating though. Thorin had too much pride and didn't care about what anyone else though unless it worked alongside his beliefs. Hence why he ended up going to Erebor dragging his poor friends and family with him, even though it was clear all of them doubted their ability to take on a dragon.
It was nice to see them succeed, but you felt powerless when you couldn't help.
Now he would join you. He would be reunited with you, and his nephews would join you too.
You waited until you could see them. It was clear they were shocked by what was held for them in their new life in death. It was slightly overwhelming.
"Y/N," Thorin questioned.
It wasn't clear whether he was going to pass out or cry, but he certainly didn't hold the face of the strong and capable king you had come to love and slightly hate at times.
"Hello amralime. Welcome," you smiled.
He reached out hesitantly to touch your arm as though you were about to disappear at any second.
"You're real," he whispered.
"As real as you."
Thorin pounced forward pulling you into his arms. Your eyes widened by the sudden movement, causing his nephews to laugh at your surprise.
"Did you miss me?" You laughed.
He pulled away trying to hold back the impending tears. Taking a step back he simply patted your shoulder.
"Of course not. I accepted your fate and moved onto other focuses as you would have wished me to have," He said in a gruff tone.
You raised an eyebrow crossing your arms across your chest, as a grin curled onto your lips.
"You missed me. Yeah, that's right, I saw you go to visit my grave every day, admit it," you smiled triumphantly, until your tone dropped, "until you went off on that stupid quest of yours. You're an idiot Thorin Oakenshield, you got yourself and your nephews killed. Dis will kill you twice over when her time comes."
His face fell.
"Did you see everything?"
"Yes. I saw everything. And believe me, if I could have slapped you I would have. But let's not dwell on what we cannot control now, and just be happy to be reunited. And I am pleased to see you two again, although I'd have preferred that to be in the future after you had lived full lives," you smiled softly.
The two boys smiled back at you, as their uncle wrapped an arm around your shoulders.
"He may deny that he missed you, but he was a mess," Kili piped up.
"You were all he could think about. He distracted himself with the quest," Fili added.
You looked up at Thorin. You knew the truth but hearing it from his nephews made your heart swell.
"Enough about us. I do believe Vili would love to see you boys, and kick your arse Thorin. Frerin will also be pleased to see you," you smiled.
"Our father is here?" Fili questioned, looking shocked but excited.
"Of course. All the deceased with a pure and kind heart are here. It is an eternity of being who you could never be in life."
Written by Charlotte.
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