Kili- On Watch (c)
Once again night had surrounded your-not-so merry troop of travellers and you were all settling down for the night once more. Sadly tonight was your night to be on watch, so you had nestled on a log at the edge of the group, pulling your thick coats closer to you, and making sure you kept at full attention as to not miss anything or anyone that may be trying to encroach upon your campsite.
All the other dwarves had begun to settle down several of them having already dozed off. But Thorin had just spoken to you, to tell you that you would need to have one of the dwarves stay on watch with you for safe measure. He didn't specify who though.
You sat alone, until a warm presence by your side knocked your from your focus on the surrounding forest.
Turning you instantly saw the dwarf. A groan escaped your lips as your eyes rolled. Really? Why did he have to be here?
"No. Not you. Anyone but you," you groaned.
Since you had been travelling with the dwarves, you had gotten along well with practically all of them. Even though you were a human, you had done your best to fit in, even Thorin had come to accept and care about you as though you had been one of his actual dwarven company.
However you had never gotten along with the youngest prince. It wasn't clear as to why he didn't like you, but he just never had. He had always acted weary around you, and he would never act as nice to you as he did the others. If anything it could be seen as though he feared you.
Even though you were an able fighter, you were far from scary. And Kili seemed far from the fearing type. Due to his distaste to you, it had led to the others beginning to follow suit, mainly when he was around you as well, but on their own they were quite civil.
At first you had tried to be polite and kind to Kili, but in recent days it had become too much meaning you just given up and became far more abrupt and truthful with what you said to him.
Rather than say anything in return to you, he just let out a grunt resting his head on his hands.
For some reason that became enough to tip you over the edge. Turning around you saw everyone was asleep or close enough to not care if you and Kili formed conversation even if it became heated and ended up with you strangling him with his own hair.
"Why are you so dismissive of me?" You demanded, "I have been nothing but nice to you since day one. I understand I am no dwarf. I shall never compare to that of your kin, but if it isn't obvious, you are not my kin either. I over look that fact and treat you as my equal as I should. Even your bigoted uncle accepted me. What did I do to infuriate you so?"
You had stood from the log crossing your arms over your chest. The young dwarf looked up at you, for the first time ever he had given you a look of concern.
"Wait. You think I dislike you? Why would you even consider that?" He frowned.
"You avoid me at most chances. You rarely say a word to me, and whenever you are with your brother or one of the others I always seen them laughing whilst you seem angry looking at me. It's hard to consider you as hating me."
"I do not hate you Y/N. Far from it really," he said in a weak chuckle.
"What do you mean? That doesn't make any sense. Why would you be so cold to me?"
He swallowed hard before clenching his jaw.
"I... the others were teasing me. That's why they were laughing and I seemed angry. My brother can practically read my mind, and he realised how I felt for you. At first uncle was mad, but he saw that you began to change how you behaved around me and knew I had no chance with you, so found it amusing. It spread around the group, but it wasn't as bad if I didn't spend time with you, if I made them think I didn't feel the way I did."
It took you a moment to comprehend everything he said but a soft smile appeared onto your face.
"And how do you feel?"
His cheeks became crimson.
"I care for you Y/N. But I know you would never wish to court me, and uncle would happily kill us both rather than see one of his heirs with a human," he sighed.
"Don't give up hope Kili. But I don't know you. Not the real you. If you would give me a chance to get to know you, I could see no reason to not court. And you can leave your uncle to me. He would come around."
A grin spread across his cheeks.
"Really? You... you'd want to court me?"
"Of course. But as I said, I need to know you more than just as the dismissive dwarf. And of course you'd have to teach me of your dwarven courting customs. I have heard there are quite a few and I do not know of any of them," you smiled softly.
Simply he smiled, tapping the log next to him to get you to sit back down and look into the surrounding forest.
Written by Charlotte.
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