Elrond- Attached (h)
You knew that bad things were going to happen, but you didn't know that you would be involved.
Things couldn't stay practically perfect forever, there would always be things that dragged it all downhill and then recovering from whatever had happened would seem impossible but it could be done.
In an ideal world, nothing would ever go wrong, it would be as if everything was like fairy tale and it couldn't be interrupted no matter how hard other people tried.
Whenever something went badly, you usually ended up being involved in some shape or form, much to the annoyance of your father and husband.
The Council of Elrond was being held, you were seated next to your husband Legolas and by your father Elrond.
The conversation had been going back on forth, concerning what could be done with the ring that Frodo had and there were definitely some differing opinions.
Boromir wanted to use it whereas Gimli wanted to destroy it.
Destroying it was most definitely the more popular option.
Legolas, Aragorn and Gimli had all volunteered to help Frodo, due to Frodo deciding that he would take the ring to destroy it but all of you knew that he couldn't do it alone.
You stood up and walked over to Frodo "I will help you as best I can" you told him as you knelt down to his height and smiled at him.
Frodo returned your smile "Thankyou" he stated and you nodded in acknowledgement, before rising back to your usual height and standing beside Legolas.
Legolas was not happy, nor was your father who had a frown on his face.
As soon as the meeting had finished, your father disappeared inside and he gave you a look that meant he wanted you to follow him.
You sighed and reached up to kiss Legolas' cheek before following your father inside.
Elrond made his way to his chamber, and you walked in after him, "What were you thinking?" your father quizzed once you were inside "Do you realise how much danger this will put you in?" he asked in annoyance.
"I want to help" you stated as calmly as possible "I am not going to allow my husband to go without me" you told him.
Your father sighed and began to pace the room "This is not the time to be attached to Legolas" he sighed again after he had spoken "This is going to be a treacherous journey Y/N, I do not want you going" he told you sternly, wanting you to get the idea that it was no longer up for discussion.
"I am not just being 'attached' to my husband, I am going to help because I am not allowing him to go by himself and not be aware of what may happen to him"
Written by Hannah.
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