Well, That Was Unexpected
"Man, it feels like we've been falling for days!"
Phoenix commented as he sat criss-cross applesauce as he fell in mid air.
"Can you see the bottom?"
Piper asked. She and Caladhiel were playing Go Fish as they fell along with their companions.
Arvanlyn said, she was "standing" straight up with her arms crossed and a bored look on her face.
"I think this would be a good time for us all to talk about our feelings so that we can overcome our inner struggles."
Sam suggested.
Frodo smacked him on the back of the head while Merry focused on painting a picture of Aragorn in his, "Holding Anduril in Front of My Face" stance.
(Keep in mind that everyone is in fact falling.)
Jayden, Jenrail, and Lindir were helping themselves to some of the cookies they'd bought from the griever.
Elena and Ithilwen were glaring at Es who was glaring at Legolas while Pely was trying to convince Es to give Legolas a chance.
The said elf was on his phone and checking out a fanfic that Phoenix had recomended but he was getting frustrated because of all the ads that kept showing up.
"How many stinking cupcake ads are there in the world!?"
He shouted as he shook his phone back and forth in anger.
"Whatcha doing bro?"
Phoenix asked.
"Looking at that fanfiction you told me about."
Legolas replied as he jabbed at the small "x" that was supposed to close the ad.
"Which one?"
Piper asked curiously as she looked carefully through her cards.
"Hold on it's loading...."
Legolas waited patiently for the story to load.
"Ok, it's a series called The Edge of a-"
Before he could finish Gandorf suddenly shouted, "WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!" As he fell with his arms above his head and spun around "ballerina" style.
"Buy the weigh guyz, I can see the grownd frum hear."
Gandorf announced.
Everyone panicked as the ground rushed up to meet them. Legolas, Phoenix, Arvanlyn, and Aragorn landed on their feet. Elena, Ithilwen, Pely, Piper, Caladhiel,and Sam landed on their backs. Poor Frodo, Merry, Lindir, and Gandorf fell flat on their faces. Jayden and Jenrail took a ride down the super fun slide that had been installed about a week ago.
And somehow Es ended up falling right where Legolas was and (because he's Legolas) he caught her in his arms to keep her from hitting the hard ground.
Piper, Caladhiel, Phoenix, Pely, Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Gandorf said.
Elena and Ithilwen were even more angry than before and Aragorn and Arvanlyn could care less about the Elf and Hobbit love story.
Es shouted slapping Legolas in the face.
"Ow! Was that really necessary Es?"
Legolas set her down while rubbing his face with his hand.
Es spun on her heel and stormed away from the now crestfallen elf.
"I don't get you Es."
Merry said shaking his head at his younger sister.
"Before you knew that Legolas had a crush on you the two of you were best friends. Now that you know you treat him like he's your worst enemy."
Es closed her eyes and managed to calm herself by fishing out a bag of jaw breakers from her pocket. She hadn't randomly snacked on anything in weeks.
"Alright, we made it down here. Now where's the exit?"
Arvanlyn demanded.
"It's write down this hallweigh!"
Gandorf announced pointing his staff down a perfectly ordinary totally not sispicious hallway that led to the exit door.
"I'm not sure about this."
Pely said shakily as she backed away from the hall.
"What if there are traps?"
"I can azure you that their are know traps."
Gandorf puffed out his chest as he walked right into the hall. Everyone held their breath as he walked all the way down and didn't stop until he reached the door.
He turned around and smiled at the others.
"See? Purrfectly safe."
Everyone glanced at each other nervously before following the tye-dye wizard.
Surprisingly there was nothing bad about the hall at all.
"Just as I sed. Now all I half two do now iz opin this dor and-"
Gandorf opened the door and it opened. Inside was a plain, ordinary looking room.
"Folow me guyz!"
Gandorf took one step inside the room.
"Something's wrong, this is WAY to easy."
Arvanlyn whispered to Aragorn.
"One does not simply walk into a mysterious door."
Everyone screamed as Boromir suddenly appeared out of nowhere.
Frodo shouted between gasps for air.
"Thorin, Fili, and Kili were supposed to be dead but they were in the last book."
Boromir pointed out crossly.
"If they get to be in this series then why can't I?"
"Because nobody likes you."
Phoenix pointed out while everyone nodded slowly in agreement.
Sad, depressing violin music began to play. Everything turned black and white like an old movie and it started to rain.
Boromir eyes filled with tears and his lip quivered as he watched the main characters walk through the door without him.
Boromir: Forever Alone
Meanwhile our company of main characters had followed Gandorf through the door and into a room that was completely empty.
"Peace ov cake."
Gandorf said as he took another step forward.
Suddenly fire shot out from the walls, spikes sprang up the floor and down from the ceiling, TNT exploded and a police car fell onto the exact spot where Gandorf was standing.
Everyone covered their eyes until the the scene was over. Surprisingly the tye-dye wizard was still alive after the whole thing.
A little beat up sure, but still alive.
"Don't wurry guyz,"
He said shakily as he wobbled back and forth on his feet,
Then he tripped over his beard and fell into a pit of lava that randomly appeared in the floor.
There was a scream, followed by Gollum jumping in with his Precious, and then silence as both Gollum amd Gandorf disappeared into the lava below.
The company stared wide-eyed and in shock with their mouths hanging open.
Yes dear readers. The author just killed off not one, but two characters.
ThunderPuff's squeaky laughter filled the room as his tiny figure appeared on a large screen.
"You idiots! Did you really think that it would be this easy? And did you really think that no one was going to die in this series? Well guess what, now that you've made it this far you all have one more chance to escape alive and if you do, you will all get to be my obedient pets!"
"We're not going to be your stupid pets fur ball!"
Phoenix shouted.
"When I get in there you are going to get a big time out ThunderPuff!"
Everyone gave Lindir the, "seriously?" look. His face turned red and he slowly slid out of frame.
"Enjoy your freedom while it lasts."
ThunderPuff sneered.
"Because once (or if) you get passed this next room, you will be imprisoned for the rest of your miserable lives!"
"Question: since some of our elves will you just keep us enslaved until you die?"
Piper asked.
"Because after all, you're just a cat and the average lifespan of a cat is twelve to fifteen years. I don't know about these mortal guys but fifteen years is a mere blink in the eyes of an elf."
"I am patient, I can wait."
Everyone turned to Phoenix who shrugged.
"What? I can't quote my own father?"
ThunderPuff hissed.
"Do not talk to me of aging and dying!"
"I have felt its wrath and-"
Legolas shouted.
"I've had enough of this."
ThunderPuff huffed.
"Get ready for your final trial, because it begins.... NOW!"
And their final trial began, in the next chapter.
I'm back!
And this story is almost over.
(Just thought that I'd remind you)
I hope you all enjoy the last few chapters and yes, Gandorf is dead. So is Gollum.
Alright I'm out.
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