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Our heroes entered the final room and strangely, it was empty just like the first.
That was until a huge door opened, everyone froze as a huge, enormous, gigantic, Titanic, massive, humongous, ginormous, big ol' Cat/Balrog of ThunderPuff appeared.
"Did that maniac seriously create a Balrog that looks like a cat?"
Phoenix said with a deadpan expression.
"Looks like it."
Jayden out her hands in her pockets and rocked back and forth on her feet.
"Why are we not as freaked out as we should be?"
Pely asked no one in particular.
"Maybe because the narrator lied about the size of the Balcat."
Es glared at the narrator while everyone else awkwardly sidestepped away from her.
Ok ok I admit it! I lied about the size of the Balcat. It's the size of your average house cat, but it's still creepy!
Wait a minute....
I'm the narrator....
So that means that I can make the Balcat as big as I wan to!
Or I could make things difficult and write in am army of Balcats.
Maybe I could kill off another character.
No! It was bad enough that you killed one character off! No one elsw dies!
You're write opposite side of page. I'll save all of the killing for my next fanfiction.
Thank you! Now get back to the- wait what? What fanfic are you talking about?
So much death, what can readers do against such reckless hate?
You are talking about your other stories right? Not this one or any in the near future right?
Wrath and ruin, pain and despair.
Ok stop. You're freaking us all out.
Argh! It's been too long since my last utterly desparing fanfic!
Control yourself! You don't have to kill a massive amount of characters off in every story you write!
But that's what I do, I am a monster after all, a monster cupcake.
Oh no....
*evil writer laugh*
Sorry guys, I tried to stop her. You're all on your own.
See ya.
Oblivious to what had just taken place, our heroes looked on in horror as the room suddenly filled with thousands upon thousands upon thousands upon thousands upon thousands upon thousands upon thousands upon thousands upon thousands upon thousands of Balcats.
Our heroes were weaponless, defenseless against the oncoming horde.
All of them were about to die.
"Darn it Sprinkles!"
Es shouted waving her fist in the air as the Balcats closed in around them.
Note: Balrog/Cat hybrids are not cute in the slightest way possible. They are absolutely terrifying.
Everyone was standing back to back, watching in terror as they were about to be brutally attacked and torn apart by the Balcats.
That was when Phoenix heard a mysterious voice in his head.
Use the Force Phoenix.
Dad? Why are you talking in a really slow and dramatic voice?
Because it makes me cooler. Now do as I say and use the Force to save your friends!
I can't! I can't even move a Lego brick!
That was all the inspiration he needed to suddenly use the Force and send several hundred Balcats flying.
Legolas' eyes went wide when he saw what his little brother just did.
"Phoenix? How did you-"
His question was interupted by Lindir who remembered that he was a Jedi and could do the same thing as Phoenix.
In a moment they were both dressed in cool Jedi robes and sending the Balcats back to the shadow.
"Come on guys!"
Phoenix shouted.
"We'll clear a path for you!"
The Balcats hissed/roared in rage and charged after them.
Phoenix and Lindir used the Force to keep them at bay. Just when it seemed like they were going to make it without any more problems, the narrator decided to include a giant Balcat right in front of the door to cause uneeded drama.
The company skidded to a halt and gazed up in horror at the abomination. No, not that big, green ugly thing from Incredible Hulk.
No one knew what to do, Lindir and Phoenix's Jedi skills were useless in this sort of situation, and as I said before, everyone was weaponless.
There was only one thing they could now, and that was die.
Which they would have if this wasn't a random chatroom of craziness and humor.
But since it is, Gandalf just had to appear out of nowhere with his staff and shout, "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!"
(Admit it. We all read it in his voice.)
The Balcat crawled forward, only to fall as the bridge that suddenly appeared below its paws collapse into the abyss below, taking the creature with it.
Gandald looked down to make sure that it was gone, and just when he turned around, a paw batted at his legs and sent him falling.
Frodo shouted in horror as he ran forward.
(Admit it, we all read that in his voice too.)
Arvanlyn grabbed him to keep the hobbit from running to aid his friend. Gandalf tried to cling to the edge but it was no use.
"Fly you fools."
Then he slipped, and fell into the darkness.
(Don't deny it. I know that you read it in his voice.)
Frodo's voice was strained with sorrow and grief as Arvanlyn pulled him towards the exit.
Everyone else followed in slow motion as sad, depressing music began to play.
Aragorn lingered behind, watching the place where Gandalf had fallen.
Arvanlyn shouted, still in slow motion. Aragorn reluctantly turned away and followed the others.
They burst out of the room and into the blinding light of day. Sam had his face buried in his hands as tears began to fall, Merry comforted Es as she cried, Jayden and Jenrail were in the same position.
Phoenix was trying to go back, but Arvanlyn kept him from going. Lindir and Legolas looked at their mourning companions with lost, and sorrowful expressions.
Aragorn didn't waste time mourning.
"Legolas, Lindir; get them up."
"Give them a moment for pity's sake!"
Arvanlyn shouted, her voice edged with grief.
"By nightfall these hills will be- WAIT A MINUTE! WHAT THE MORDOR IS GOING ON?"
Everyone suddenly snapped out of their grieving state and looked around in confusion.
"What is going on?"
Frodo asked confused.
"I think we just reinacted the Gandalf Falls scene."
Es said now standing.
"Ok, that was weird."
Jayden dusted herself off while Lindir coughed akwardly.
"Well, shall we get moving now?"
Pely suggested.
Everyone agreed that that would be the best. So they headed for the next room that would lead them to ThunderPuff, and the final confrontation.
And this is what happens when I write fanfiction when I'm tired.
Let this be a lesson to you all.
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