Chapter 5
Percy's POV
I sat on the table at the dining pavilion, the army was there talking and overall having fun, none of the campers knew who we are except the code names we have given. I ate my pancakes In silence not wanting to have a conversation right now, going back to Camo Half-Blood was really pushing my buttons. The conch horn blew three times a monster attack inbound, the campers scurried away from the pavilion going to their armory and getting their respective weapons.
Me and my army were sitting on the pavilion eating our breakfast like usual not minding the attack, a camper walked up to us.
"A monster attack is coming, prepare to defend" The camper exclaimed
"Can't you see I'm eating my pancakes" I said pointing at the stack of pancakes
"But the monsters they are a lot, it's as huge as the Giant War monster horde" The demigod said stuttering, I sighed getting up from my seat and walking to the foot of Half-Blood Hill, I estimated the amount of monsters, I extended my heightened senses using my power over the winds, I estimated about over ten thousand monsters. I sighed looking at the monsters, I snapped my fingers the monsters turning into yellow dust, just a waste of time. How can we expect to win this war if these are the demigods we have to work with.
Silence, pure and utter silence, crickets were doing their thing making it more awkward, the campers looked at me in shock their eyes as wide as saucers, their mouths hung open, I walked own Half Blood Hill to the dining pavilion going back to eating pancakes, I sat down on the Chaos table, the table itself was pure black, mixed with some red here and there, it made us look mysterious, spooky, and badass.
I went back to eating my pancakes relishing the flavor of maple syrup and the softness of the food, someone tapped me on the shoulder, I sighed annoyed looking at the one who did it. Jason, son of Jupiter was standing in front of me with a nervous face.
I walked down Half Blood Hill down to the lake, I would sometimes swim in the lake every now and again, but this time, I was in major stress, the campers would send death glares towards me making death threats saying I don't leave they would start making my life hell, every time I would not pay attention, yet every time I felt like a piece of me was just collapsing, I jumped into the lake relishing the cold feeling of the water.
Ever since Angelo came the campers kept on trying to insist on making me leave, it was really pushing my buttons, even though I didn't know them that much their hurtful words were like knives to my heart. Only the seven, Nico, Thalia, and Grover were at my side, Tyson was at Atlantis all day, I couldn't talk to him, it was his dream job to work on Atlantis, I couldn't disrupt it just because of a problem.
I swam back to the surface my body completely dry not a single patch in my clothes were soaked in water. I heard the voice of Jason coming closer, I smirked and dived inside the lake again hoping to scare the Son of Jupiter, I could see through the ripples of the water was Jason and Angelo, I've never seen Jason hang out with that arse before.
"My gladius is missing, have you seen it" Jason asked Angelo with a hopeful face, the demigod son of Poseidon had a cruel smirk plastered into his face
"Percy stole it, he probably broke it by now" Angelo said, Jason had a confused face.
"Percy, no my bro would never do that" Jason said shaking his head.
"But he has" Angelo said, Jason's face contorted to that of anger
"Why would Percy do this, he has changed for the worse" Jason said in anger stomping out of the lake, it felt like daggers were being drilled onto my chest, it hurt, a lot.
End Flashback
"What do you want Son Of Jupiter" I said coldly, the demigod gulped nervously
"Jupiter wants to see you in Mount Olympus commander Omega" Jason said stuttering
"Stop stuttering, you look weak and pathetic" I said, sure enough the Son of Jupiter stopped and scurried away. I looked at the Chaos Army with an eyebrow raised
"Wanna come" I asked, they nodded their heads. I snapped my fingers instantly light sorrounded us forming into a spherical shape, we travelled in speeds of light and landed with a an inaudible thud. The gods were seated at their respective thrones their aura's engulfing the whole throne room.
"What do you want?" I said annoyed.
"You interrupted his Pancake meal so this better be good" Alpha said warning the gods
"He is not himself when he is hungry" Sugar said.
"Here have a snicker" Arrow said with a whisper handing me the chocolate bar. I smirked and ate the snack quickly.
"We want to test your strength in battle, to see if your as powerful as you say" Zeus said his ego floating
"Isn't Chaos' word not enough" I said annoyed
"Maybe you were faking" Athena said
"Fine, it's getting boring at Camo a Half-Blood anyways" I said walking to the Olympian Arena. I walked inside the arena going into the middle, a flash went through the arena the Olympians appearing out of thin air.
"So, who am I fighting" I said scratching my head. Zeus stood in the middle
"We will start with Ares" Zeus said as the god of War stood in front, the rest flashed outside of the arena watching the battle with curious eyes.
"Your dead punk" Ares said grabbing his spear and going into a stance, I sighed pulling Wavestorm from its sheath and getting ready to fight, I got into a ready stance and so did the God of war. The God charged thrusting his spear towards my abdomen, I rolled out of the way catching my breath, I smirked and charged at Ares full force and so did the God of war.
Word Count
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