Chapter 6: Injury and Panic
Chloe smirked as she flipped her high ponytail, almost hitting Sabrina in the face as she made her way closer to the new teenager added to their class. (M/n) glanced at her, nose scrunching at the strong scent of expensive perfume. His narrowed (e/c)-colored eyes panned over her outfit.
"Are you a bee?" his comment made Marinette snort, looking away innocently when Chloe glared at her in response. The taller teenager of the other three stood to his feet, looming over Chloe. He had a good few inches over her making this intimidation a lot quicker, the blonde stammered over her racing thoughts. Trying to think of a good comeback as she looked his body over. His wrists were slim and his hands were bigger than hers.
His palms were wide and fingers were long and soft pinkish (s/c). His jaw was strong and his eyes were covered by his thick soft messy (h/c)-colored bangs and thick-rimmed glasses.
But she quickly noticed the scars on his hands and bandages on his cheek.
"Are you depressed or something?" Chloe's remark made (M/n) and everyone else in the room stiffen up, the unwanted attention the sudden observation of (M/n)'s appearance made the tall teenager bite his bottom lip once more, sweating slightly as his nerves grew and his hands began to tremble much like that morning.
The sound of a pen dropping made (M/n) snap out of his thoughts as he glared at the blonde-haired girl.
"So what if I am? Who are you to diagnose me with a Mental Disorder if you are a self centered brat with money and power that doesn't mean Shit." (M/n) grabbed his things, pushing his chair in and leaving the classroom with the door closest to him.
While he was in the hallway, he crumbled to the ground, biting his thumbnail that was already raw and close to bleeding from his anxious habits of biting his nails.
Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit---
"Hey, (M/n)," the soothing tone of Adrien's voice echoed through the empty hallway. (M/n)'s shaking shoulders and trembling knees lessen as he refused to look up from his scarred hands. Adrien plopped down beside him, not saying anything and not making any move to touch the (h/c)-haired teenager.
"Do you want to leave early?" Adrien questioned softly, making no move to startle the boy beside him.
(M/n) glanced at him through his thick bangs before shaking his head. "I'll apologize..." He voiced hoarsely, (M/n) pushed his hair back with his right hand as his trembling seized for a blissful moment. But the thought of having to confront her about it made him start shaking again.
"Can I hug you?" Adrien's question made (M/n) flinch before hesitantly nodding.
Adrien slowly turned to him, wrapping his arms around the taller and lanky (h/c)-haired teenager. Tears filled the boy's eyes as he buried his face into Adrien's shoulder and shakily hugging him back.
Maybe...Maybe he's not as bad as I thought he was..
The day ended and (M/n) stayed behind in the classroom, his deep into his pockets as he waited for Chloe to come back for her bag. He would apologize to her, even if she didn't accept it, he would lift some of this unbearable burden off of his shoulders. When the classroom door opened, he stood to his feet and made his way down to the rich-girl's desk.
Glancing to the door where Chloe stood. Her placed a hand on her hip and waited for the boy to get out of the way.
"Well? What are you waiting for--get out of the way." Chloe snapped. Scoffing as the taller teenager shook his head slightly.
"I wanted to apologize for my behavior earlier." He confessed, "A lot has happened to me in very little time and my Anxiety has been through the rough and what you said triggered something and I snapped. So, I'm sorry." he ranted a little, biting his bottom lip for the millionth time that day.
Chloe rolled her eyes and shoved the boy aside by pressed her nails into his left bicep, his sudden hiss of pain and jump made her scoff, "Why are you flinching? All I did was..." the blonde trailed off, her eyes caught by the dribble of blood that dripped down the back of his hand and his index and middle finger.
(M/n) backed away from her, lifting his hand up to his left bicep and touching the now wet fabric. His untainted fingers brushed against the wet hoodie sleeve, blood staining his finger pads.
"Oh.." He mumbled out in a hoarse whisper.
"Sorry, I'll..I'll be going now..." (M/n) rushed up the steps to his desk, slugging his back over his right shoulder and hurried out of the classroom.
Chloe was stunned. Her eyes trailed back down to where the taller teen had been standing before. The small patches of blood being left behind in the flurry of panic. Adrien entered the classroom not long after the (h/c)-haired teen had left.
"Chloe? What are you still doing here?" the golden-blond asks, grabbing his bag from his desk. Placing a drink that he had gotten from the vending machine inside one of the pockets. The blonde girl cleared her throat, stepping over the small droplets of blood on the ground after grabbing her expensive purse and making her way out of the classroom.
"I'm leaving now, Bye bye Adrienkens!" Chloe huffed, hugging the boy before leaving. Adrien noticed the small droplet of blood on the marble floors and followed the slight barely noticeable trail to (M/n)'s desk.
{Sorry that it's short, I had a hard time making this chapter but thanks to your comments I was able to make it! Some of it---the second part will be out maybe tomorrow or by the end of this week if I'm lucky! Let me know if I messed up anywhere and what you thought of this chapter and how this story is going so far compared to The Hybrid's Cat}
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