Chapter 4: Trembling Hands
{Mentions a Panic Attack}
"Play for us!" the sweet laughter of the little kids in the auditorium made the cheerful boy smile widely and nod enthusiastically. But as soon as his fingers hit the keys the foul stench of heavy rubbing alcohol and anesthesia invaded his nose. Startled by the searing pain in is left arm and head as he collapsed to wooden floorboards. The once cheerful children around him wore harsh glares and white masks with red thin smiles.
He gasped and let out a sharp exhale as hands shot up from the floorboards in a panic, grabbing ahold of his right arm and legs before wrapping around his burning left arm and choking him.
Screaming out----
(M/n) sat up in his bed abruptly, gasping and shaking as his hands tugged at his messy (h/c)-colored bedhead. His shoulder felt as if it could melt off. His trembling hands and heavy chest made it hard for his to tug his shirt off over his head as he tried to calm down.
He hated that dream.
When he thought of the things that he could do now out of his parent's watchful eyes and the freedom he had now with this extra time---it was all wasted on his nightmares that dragged him back into the pain of the accident. His teeth bit down hard onto his bottom lip as he tried to come down from the agonizing fear overwhelming his body.
"Don...Don't take it away...don't take my arm away---" He sobbed. His eyes screwing shut. Curling up in a semi-small ball in the corner of his headboard closest to his wall as he clutched his head in his hands.
"Br-breathe...Jus--Just--Agh!" (M/n) was interrupted with a spine racking sob leaving his chapped lips.
The flashing images of his Parent's faces, the police rushing his aid, the sound of the Ambulance sirens, and the shocking feeling of the surgery of his arm and damaged shoulder-blade.
Tears ripped past his screwed shut eyes, leaking down his red sweaty cheeks as blood filled his mouth from his now injured bottom lip.
Today was going to be a long day.
And it was the first day of school.
Marinette sighed deeply and got ready for school as she muttered over the things she need to pack in her backpack. While working with (M/n) she noticed that he was often forgetful about eating and taking care of himself so, being the sweetheart she is, packed a lunch for him along with a small carton of (F/D){Favorite Drink} and some chap-stick that she used often just in case if Alya needed it as well.
Tikki smiled at the girl's antics and glided over to the stressed teenager and kissed her cheekbone.
"You truly do have a Heart of Gold, Marinette!" the red and black spotted kwami complimented. Marinette blushed and kissed the fairy back on the forehead as she giggled.
"Thanks Tikki! But I have to hurry, let's go!"
As Marinette skipped down the stairs into the house, she saw her mother and father in the kitchen talking to their newest Part-timer. (M/n).
But something was different about him. His usually messy (H/c)-colored hair was messier and there were slight bags under his eyes. He wore a large hoodie and his bottom lip was a dark red with dried blood clogging the scabbing wound on the muscle. And his hands were more messed up than usual.
Marinette rushed over the boy and inspected his face, his eyes were dull and exhausted and his shoulders were slumped.
"(M/n)! Are you alright?!" the black-haired girl's gentle cold fingers traced the small bandages on his cheeks that weren't there before.
(M/n) glanced away from her, standing to his feet, towering over her as he nodded without much say in it. He didn't want to worry the girl any more than he has already. "Let's get going...Mari." he mutters, bowing his head slightly as to say goodbye to the girl's parents before grabbing his bag and making his way downstairs to the bakery.
Marinette stumbled over her words as she scrambled to follow him. Kissing her parents on the cheeks before rushing down the stairs where the boy waited patiently for the girl.
Marinette was about to open her mouth to ask what happened to his hands and face but was interrupted by the taller teen.
"I met Adrien the other day. At the park." His quiet raspy voice made Marinette flinch at the sudden mention of her golden blond crush.
Her face flushed into a bright cherry red as she shook the boy's right arm embarrassed, "Why didn't you tell me sooner?!! Ugh! Did he say anything about me?!--" Marinette noticed the (h/c)-haired teenager's pained expression and let go his arm immediately.
"Sorry, does your Left arm still hurt?" the sweet girl voiced under a soft whisper, her round blue-bell eyes made (M/n) cave slightly as he shook his head.
"No, you're fine. It's just I had a rough morning..." (M/n) whispered back. Marinette hummed and rubbed the boy's back before she was suddenly tackled down by her best friend. Alya Césaire.
Marinette talked about Alya and her friends often whenever they were working, and how Alya wrote about the mysterious heroes of Paris on her Online Blog. The tan-skinned girl noticed the tall lanky boy besides them and hid behind Marinette's back with narrowed eyes.
"Who's he?" Alya asks quietly to Marinette. The said boy averted his watchful eyes away from them and stuck his hands into his pocket, moving to walk away but another voice stopped him form taking another step.
"Yo!" Adrien's bubbly smooth voice made Marinette swoon and (M/n) grimace.
(M/n) turned around, staring down at the golden-blond.
Adrien noticed him right away and smiled widely, waving as he got closer to the three. Another voice entered his ears.
"Hey guys!" Nino Lahiffe, one of the other guys that Marinette talked about often. (M/n)'s hands began to tremble again, he rolled his scabbed red bottom lip under his teeth as the four teenagers grouped around him. He couldn't handle it.
Turning to Marinette he shot her a pained smile as he left him behind and speed walked away to the school in the distance.
Marinette frowned, she really wanted to walk with the boy to their classes. Of course, this would be a little more difficult to accomplish since she was friendly with practically anyone.
But as he walked away, Adrien noticed his Trembling Hands.
{How did you think about this chapter? Did I make any mistakes? Let me know and give me some ideas of the things you want to see in this book}
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