Chapter 39: Complications in the Plan!
DAY NINE; BET #2: Complications in the Plan!
(M/n) rolled his right shoulder, tired from holding his arm up as Rose took the measurement of his waist. Once the girl was done, (M/n) turned around, holding his arms down at his sides as she placed the fabric measuring tape across his shoulders.
They wanted a tight fit for the under clothing of the armor that he would be wearing. Thankfully, with (M/n)'s arm, Marinette made a breathable material for the long-sleeved shirt entirely instead of just the left sleeve. Plus some white gloves that were close to his skin.
The taller teen glanced over towards Adrien who was getting his measurements done by Marinette. They seemed to be in a deep hushed conversation that (M/n) tried to strain his ears to eavesdrop.
Rose voice cut him out of his thoughts when Rose patted his stomach.
He hummed, looking back down at the blonde, his eyes wide with curiosity, his glasses slid down his nose slightly with the tilt of his head.
Rose contained a squeal at his cuteness but controlled herself, somehow.
"I'm almost done with the measurements, although..." Rose trailed off, her voice going softer, (M/n) frowned and tilted her head up with his fingers pushing up on her chin, guiding her gaze to meet his eyes.
"What is it?" the raspy tone made her face flush with color as she stammered.
The two had grown closer as friends not too long after Nathaniel stopped talking to him. They hung out more frequently by themselves--which (M/n) found slightly awkward but charming in a way. Rose was a pushy person who practically demanded attention 24/7, but she was sweet and had the aspects that gently called others to her.
(M/n) let go of her chin, his face blossoming with a light pink, I need to stop hanging out with Chat Noir...
The thought of the blond made his eyes flicker towards the model not too far from him. He felt slightly jealous that Marinette was so close to him. Although when he caught the feeling of Jealousy, it was too late as Rose patted his shoulder to get his attention once again. (M/n) hummed, still lost in his thoughts.
Just the lingering sensation of Adrien's hands in his, the feeling of Adrien's warm palm encasing the side of his face securely made him want to melt into putty. But, of course, every daydream must come to an end.
"(M/n)!" Rose called out louder, grabbing ahold of his cheeks and pulling the boy's gaze to land on her.
"は-はい!" (M/n) sat up straight, his deep voice bursting out in slurred Japanese out of surprise. Everyone in his living room stared at him as the boy's face instantly turned into a bright cherry tomato red. The first one to start laughing was Alya--following up Rose and the rest of the small group crowded around his living room.
Adrien made his way over to the boy as he let out incoherent curses and pawed at his sweatpants to wipe away the sweat forming on his palms. The blond let a apologetic smile slip as he patted the teen on the shoulder.
"We're gonna take a break, there's snacks in the kitchen--so help yourselves!" Adrien smiled at the small group of girls before grabbing ahold of the (h/c)-haired teen's right arm, tugging the seventeen-year-old up and out of the room. The two made their way up to (M/n)'s room, "We'll be back in few minutes," Adrien adds before disappearing behind the door.
(M/n) let out a deep sigh, plopping down on his bed, Adrien smiled warmly as he sat down beside him.
"Listen..(M/n)," the model starts, hesitating when the teen looked up at him. The blond rolled his bottom lip between his teeth--mindful of (M/n)'s gaze on his face, "About the lessons between us--you.." Adrien sighed, "You already have the music memorized, right?" he mutters. His eyes connected with electric (e/c)-colored irises.
Adrien froze in his spot, his words clogging in his throat. He didn't know what to do, when did he get so...
"Close.." Adrien's thoughts left his plum-tinted lips, (M/n) noticed the hushed whisper making him back up instinctively. But he was stopped by the golden-blond grabbing ahold of his wrist, their eyes wandered the distinctive features of their faces, the eyes, the crook of (M/n)'s soft smile, the light dust of rosy blush coloring Adrien's cheeks, and the parted lips of the two teens.
Let me make it count, Adrien, (M/n) thought to himself blissfully.
Let me make this count..
Adrien slowly leaned forward, copying (M/n) as he lightly traced patterns on his chest with the light dizzying scratch of his fingernails.
(M/n)'s eyes were in a daze, he watched Adrien's eyes flutter shut, his eyelids growing heavier--the loud shout of Alya's voice broke the two teens out of their daze as Adrien shoved (M/n) away instantly, his face a darker red as he shielded his lips from the (H/c)-haired teen.
(M/n) stayed silent, regretting his decisions. He stood to his feet, his smile strained and forced as he patted Adrien on the shoulder, "I'm sorry.." he muttered hoarsely, his throat felt dry but the urge to cry made him gnaw on the inside of his cheek.
The tall seventeen-year-old cleared his throat before making his way out of the room.
Alya had been shouting at something in the corner of the room, all of the girls in the middle of the living room while the Ombre-haired girl tried to shoo away the small rodent. It was a small white and brown mouse that had been festering inside of (M/n)'s house for a while. The mouse didn't harm anything and often stayed in (M/n)'s office with him whenever he played the piano.
He got between the two, raising his hand to stop Alya from coming closer, "It's okay, she's just scared," (M/n) whispered, he crouched low to the ground reaching his hand out to the small trembling animal. He could see the harsh breathing of the mouse's sides.
He offered a less strained smile and called for the mouse again before it ran off into a small hole in the wall.
(M/n) let out an exhausted sigh as he lightly groaned in the pop of his knees as he got back up to his tall stature. He turned to the small group of girls and forced another smile. Marinette noticed it right away but never got the chance to say anything when Adrien came down from the stairs, his face was a light red but less flushed as the state that (M/n) had left him in before.
"I think we can pick this up tomorrow at School," (M/n) starts, his tone was colder much like it was the beginning of the school year, "Right, Adrien?" he shifted the attention off him onto the model making the blond freeze up nervously before nodding.
"Right.." he trailed off. Alya gave the blond a questioning look to which the model shrugged, not finding the right words to say.
Let me make it count..(M/n)'s thoughts reminded him of the moment that he shared with the blond just moments prior, I'm an idiot.
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