Chapter 32: Coffee and Jealousy
(M/n) was walking with Marinette, she was out to grab a few things and wanted the boy to come after not seeing him—that was before their rivalry began. Their class(them included) would be going to a small festival that had different attractions--such as Ferris wheels and small roller coasters and terrible Carnival foods.
There was supposed to be a firework show at the end of it.
The (h/c)-haired teen smiled to himself and turned to the side where he heard some faint whispering behind them.
A small group of girls was gossiping among themselves, glancing up at him every so often and giggling. The act made (M/n) gnaw on his bottom lip as his anxiety began to grow, grabbing a hold of Marinette's shoulders he tugged on her t-shirt sleeve, "Mari..let's get out of here..." he murmured, voice shaking with nerves.
The black-haired girl glanced up at the big before shifting her gaze to the group of girls blushing to themselves. She huffed and nodded, "they probably want your number," she states, "too bad you're in love with--!" as her voice started to rise, (M/n) panicked and slapped his hand over her mouth.
His eyes were wide and his face was flushed, "Marinette!" he hissed, "what are you doing?!" he snapped his head over to the girls who were walking towards them, one girl in the middle was blushing brightly as she fiddled with her skirt.
"Mari--they're coming over, what should we do?!" the raven-haired teen rolled her eyes and moved (M/n)'s hand away from her mouth, and turned towards the small group.
(M/n) swallowed the lump in his throat and followed the girl's movements, clearing his throat--the girl in the middle flinching at the sound.
"U-um, I--uh, I was wondering if you wanted..wanted to go out for some coffee?" the girl started, her voice was soft and thick like honey as she moved some of her long brown hair out of the way of her blue eyes. She wore a simple outfit, a pair of blue jeans and an off-the-shoulder yellow t-shirt with a black tank top underneath.
(M/n) adjusted his glasses, expression growing serious as he noticed the shaking of her shoulders. She looked as if she wanted to cry.
Before Marinette could decline for the boy, he sent the smaller girl a curt smile and gazed at the brunette in front of him. Gently taking ahold of her pale hands with his right hand.
"I would love to," he let out a deep breath when he noticed the shaking in her shoulders lessen.
Adrien paced around the room, his face scrunched up in confusion and contemplation, he wanted to say something--but the words weren't processing in his head.
Letting out a deep groan, he flopped down onto the couch of his room. Plagg flew over from the teen's bed, his brow arched in mild concern for the seventeen-year-old. "You okay?" the kwami voiced his concerns.
Adrien pursed his lips into a deep pout, shaking his head, "nooo.." he trails off, his jade-green irises catching Plagg's in a staring contest.
Plagg broke the stare with a roll of his eyes before making his way over to the teen.
"What's wrong?" Plagg's voice drones, Adrien's eyebrows furrowed at the sound of his partner's voice--did he rehearse that--?
"If you don't hurry up, I'm gonna make you smell my Camembert~," Plagg threatens, a smirk gracing his features as he watched the blond sit up immediately. The kwami cleared his throat, "So, tell me about your Boy troubles--"
"Boy--? BOY TROUBLES?! This isn't about (M/n)--"
"So it's about (M/n)," Plagg interrupts, pulling out a pen and paper, he had trouble clicking it into place, but he finally got it and scribbled down the other seventeen-year-old's name. Circling it as Adrien groaned in frustration.
The model he leaned back against the couch cushions and covered his face.
"(M/n) said that he loves me--to Marinette, of all people--I mean, I understand. They're like siblings and all, but Marinette?" the model pursed his lips as he felt jealousy begin to form in the pit of his stomach.
"Why didn't he tell me before?"
Plagg flew over to the boy, landing on the pillow next to him as Adrien turned to him, "what do you think?" Adrien ponders.
The Cat kwami hummed in thought, sincerely thinking about it before he came up with a conclusion--
"I have no clue."
"Just as I said, Adrien, I have no clue." the cat shrugged his small shoulders and tilted his head to the side before patting the boy on the head.
"Maybe he didn't tell you for a reason--maybe you said something that gave him a reason to not tell you," Plagg advised, his irises shifting to the small fridge that Adrien kept in his room.
"All of this sappy stuff got me hungry! How about you Adrien?" when the kwami didn't get a response, he turned around only to see his room empty.
"Did I say something?"
(M/n) and the brunette were in a cafe, enjoying a cup of tea or coffee. It was quiet and relaxing, but (M/n) didn't feel relaxed. He took a sip from his hot drink before his eyes met electric blue hues, he frowned and set his cup down.
"Did your friends make you do this?" he finally broke the tension between them, the ice underneath them snapping in half. The girl stammered before sighing out and nodding.
"They're my friends from my high school..." she muttered, "I had commented about how tall you were..and my friends took it the wrong way and got me to ask you for a date," she explains shakily, her voice trembling.
Poor girl, (M/n) hummed, his voice vibrating through his chest. It started the girl as she jumped at the noise. (M/n) noticed and nervously stood to his feet, "sorry, I didn't think that my voice made you uncomfor...ta..ble.." he trailed off. His eyes caught sight of a certain blond standing near the cafe entrance, their eyes clashing together.
The blond looked frantic and his hair was disheveled, his cheeks red as soft pants left his lips.
Adrien gazed up at the (h/c)-haired teen, his voice leaving his throat but before words could form, (M/n) heard the girl in front of him let out a lous gasp as a glass shattering echoed out beside them.
He could feel the faint heat of a drink ok his left arm and his shoulderblade, a slight sting of something on his neck.
"OH MY GO--I'M SO SORRY SIR, I'll get you a towel right away!" the waitress stammered, rushing off as another waiter began to clean up the broken glass.
(M/n) felt confused, his attention stirring to his left arm. The skin was soft red from the burns and the stench of black coffee filled his nose.
The girl, who he was on a date with, stood to her feet with a soft clatter of her chair as she rushed over to the boy with a worn-down cloth, before she could pat down the burnt skin,
(M/n) stopped her and gave her a pained smile.
The expression strained as he gave her a shake of his head.
"Dont worry about this, go back to your friends and say that I was some jerk, might make you feel better too," the boy joked, but the girl didn't find it funny. Her eyes watered as she raised her hand up, (M/n) closed his eyes and waited for a sting but was met with a familiar warmth on his cheek.
"Adrien Agreste?!"
"What's Adrien doing here?"
"Adrien--the model?"
(M/n) peeked his eyes open, catching the concerned green irises that he missed oh, so, dearly.
"Let's get you cleaned up, yeah?" Adrien smiled at him, it was one of those smiles that never lingered for long, one of those smiles that never met his eyes.
(M/n)'s eyebrows knitted together as his jaw clenched and his fists tightened.
I hate these types smiles the most..
{Does anyone want to guess who this girl is to (M/n)? I will give a hint, she's an important part of (M/n)'s past.
How do you think (M/n) will confess to Adrien?
Or will he confess at all?}
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