Chapter 28: Bet #2; Day Two Failed?
(M/n) groaned lowly to himself as he stretched out his legs, his eyes closing in pleasure as his knees finally popped. The empty feeling in his legs being filled as he stood back up on his wobbly feet once more. He was in town, shopping for new furniture, he wanted to renovate his Father's old office with new things. Seeing as his dad wasn't going to be visiting or living in that home any more.
The tall teenager took a gentle swig of his cold water before turning his head to the sound of people cheering for Ladybug and Chat Noir when they came through the area. (M/n) smiled softly, watching the two with a fond look in his eyes, shifting on his feet, making his way to the statue in the fountain of the market place.
"Good luck," he murmured. Shaking his head as his own antics, his bet with Adrien failed yesterday, again. The golden blond was caught rummaging through his kitchen for a spatula when (M/n) ventured out of his bed that morning. Of course, (M/n) kept up his cold front and shooed the boy away out his front door, not before saying goodbye to Plagg on his way out.
Ah, (M/n) was knocked out of his thoughts when he noticed Juleka in the distance with a boy shorter than him, he had dyed blue hair and resembled the girl. Going with his gut feeling, he hesitantly made his way over to the pair.
"Juleka.." (M/n) called out, his voice husky from not using it much earlier in the morning.
It was only a quarter past 10, almost noon.
The boy next to the shy girl noticed the tall awkward teenager, sending him a confused grin as he turned to his sibling and tapped her shoulder softly, gesturing to (M/n) who shifted on his feet, silently rehearsing what he would say in different situations before his attention was caught by the soft chuckle of the slightly shorter teen next to the shy girl.
(M/n) blushed in embarrassment, smiling back weirdly and waving at the girl. Juleka matched his smile and waved back almost just as tensely.
(M/n) cleared his throat, finding what words he wanted to say, "Hey, I noticed that you were in the area...are you two busy?" he asks, his voice dipping as he felt their stares boring into him as he focused on the ground with an intense stare.
He hated social interactions if there wasn't someone leading the conversation. He just hated leading conversations in general.
The boy perked up when he heard Juleka and the boy laugh, making his ears burn with a hot blush traveling to his face as he messed with his long sleeves. Biting his bottom-lip he felt his body want to crash but fought against it, wanting to hear what the two had to say before he threw himself back into the void of Social Anxiety.
The boy patted the (h/c)-haired teen's left shoulder, narrowly missing the way the boy winced in pain, his grip on his sleeve tightening only a smidgen.
"Don't be so tense! We don't bite, we were looking for equipment for my band rehearsal...but I never got your name, stranger." The boy hummed, smiling when he watched the taller seventeen-year-old's breath hitch in his throat.
"I-oh, I—Um," (M/n) stammered his voice catching in his throat as he turned to look to the side in slight frustration of his stupid stuttering. The slightly shorter teenage boy in front of him furrowed his eyebrows once he had noticed his irritation and frowned before smiling.
"It's okay, I'm sure you'll tell me when you're voice is ready," he calmly voices, (M/n)'s tense shoulders relaxed and he nodded hesitantly before sighing out, "My name is (M/n), I'm one of Juleka's classmates..." he huskily replied, his voice cracked slightly in a cute way as he finally made eye contact with the vibrant blue eyes that stared back at him with warmth.
"There you go!" The boy cheered, "I'm Luka, Jule's Brother, nice to meet you," Luka held out his hand for a hand shake, expecting (M/n) to reach out with his left hand only for the (h/c)-haired seventeen-year-old to hold out his right instead.
Luka raised a brow at this but complied either way and shook it firmly before letting go.
"Well, it was nice meeting you here, (M/n)..but me and Luka are sort of in a hurry!" Juleka voiced, her shy tone a little frantic when her eyes seem to shift behind the taller boy. Luka glanced behind him as well and gasped out and grabbed Juleka by the shoulders and stirred her off into the opposite direction while waving goodbye to the teen.
(M/n) shakily raised his right hand to wave back in disbelief before turning to look over his shoulder, making eye contact with feline-like jade irises in return. The (h/c)-haired teen pursed his lips at the sight and rolled his eyes.
"Chat," he starts in a low whisper, already weary with the eyes boring into him, "I thought you were with Ladybug--"
"You jealous?" Chat interrupts with a smug grin, leaning up with the help of his staff and growing close to the boy's face--aiming to piss the boy off, he found his reaction rather strange. (M/n)'s face blossomed with a pale pink and his ears were bright red as he stuttered out a meek whisper and pushed Chat's shoulders back with his right arm and elbow.
"Chat!" (M/n) hissed, blushing out of surprise(mainly embarrassment). The golden blond frowned in confusion leaning back in as he examined the boy's face only to he tugged away by his partner.
Ladybug watched them from afar but eventually decided that Chat was invading (M/n)'s personal space and decided to step in. "Chat," she starts in a warning tone, "stop that--he's clearly..." Ladybug looked up at the (h/c)-haired teenager as she trailed off. Her eyebrows furrowed as she glanced over his flushed expression.
"(M/n)..?" The teenager in question, snapped out of his thoughts and looked down at toward the ground.
What's with that look?
Ladybug wanted to ask but shook it off and turned back to Chat and noticed the grouping of people around them. Tugging the blond back by his leather tail she smiled at the citizens and (M/n) with a curt nod and slight wave.
"I'll talk to you later, (M/n)." Ladybug hummed, "I have something to ask you."
(M/n) swallowed down the lump in his throat as he anxiously glared at his feet.
His thoughts only repeating one word---Shit.
{I don't really like how this chapter went and how long it took to make something with such low quality, but I hope you enjoy it. It seems like you guys would probably enjoy it more than I would anyway lmaoooo
Thank your or your endless support and love for this story!
I hope you guys liked seeing Luka! I'll be sure to add him more in the next couple of chapters in the future.}
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