Chapter 2: Part-timer!
Thankfully, everyone had been evacuated the area so Ladybug and Chat Noir could work without a care of trying to rescue the civilians. The fight was uneventful and easy once they figured out what to do. Several years of experience to back to two vigilantes up.
They weren't really certified to become actual heroes if there wasn't a direct law to sign up as a hero.
The damage that was caused by the Akuma before Ladybug appeared was fixed miraculously by the Lucky Charm, the boy that Chat had saved was long gone with his suitcases in tow. Sadly, enough, Chat wasn't able to be thanked for his hard work yet again by the police.
His raw destructive power was vile to others, but he's grown used to the distaste. It was rather satisfying knowing that someone could hate him. As Adrien Agreste, everyone loved him unconditionally because of his modeling career. It could get suffocating, especially with Chloe smothering him with aggressive make-up filled cheek kisses.
Speaking of Adrien, the blond model made his way out of the alleyway he hid in. The De-transformation process wasn't really all that special but it left him breathless sometimes because of the stuffiness of the leather leaving out of nowhere.
"Adrien?!" Marinette's sudden exclaim made the model almost jump out of his skin. The golden-haired blond turned around instantly, a nervous forced smile stretching over his lips.
Did she see me as Chat Noir?
Adrien studied Marinette's face, she looked disheveled and happy to see him, but she wasn't wearing a look of surprise. Deeming it safe, Adrien's smile relaxed and he waved slightly. "Hey, Marinette, are you okay? You seem out of breath..." Adrien kindly asked. He made his way over to the girl, his hands smoothing over his wrinkled black t-shirt.
"O-oh! Yeah, um, while Ladybug and Chat Noir were f-fighting..fighting the Akuma, I helped some of the--the, um, the civilians evacuate." the girl stammers, stumbling over her words as the model got closer to her. They were a good two feet away from each other.
She did? I got to the scene as Chat Noir before Ladybug and I didn't even see her there...
Adrien brushed his thoughts away, smiling a little wider as they walked back to the park together.
(M/n) stood in front of his new home. The house itself was nice, a modern grey tone for the walls and a white carpet for the flooring. There were three rooms, two upstairs and one on the first floor. One kitchen, a living room, a small sun room, and a bathroom all on the lower floor. The second floor had a office with a piano and a bedroom loft connecting to it through door inside the office.
"Class starts in a week or so, that alone should be enough for me to get the paint another color for the living room and start unpacking for my room and the office." the seventeen-year-old muttered to himself, humming lightly as he dragged his suitcase with his right hand. His left arm felt as if it were burning but he ignored the pain, leaving it be and untouched.
"I should also find a place for me to get a job too...I won't be able to survive like a hermit for long." the soft light that flooded through the windows and white lacy curtains gave the living room a ghostly haunted feeling.
The tall teenager ignored the feeling and made his way up the stairs, the boards creaked under his weight as if it they were teasing him with the fear of falling through. (M/n) never faltered, he too ignored the creaking and made his way to the office.
Dusty thick paged books filled the mahogany bookshelves, the desk in the middle was dark and covered in a thin layer of dust. The walls in this room were painted a dark old red, the curtains a deep velvet.
One book sat on the desk along with a lamp with a burnt out bulb.
The book was untitled and the cover was blank with the smooth dusty black cover. The pages were empty and primed with a journal texture of lining. (M/n)'s eyes flickered to glaze over the beautiful piano in the corner. When he stayed with his parents in this house, his father would ask him to play the piano while he worked.
Claiming that it calmed him and helped him work faster.
But ever since the accident, his father never did anything of the sort. Covering every piano in the house with a plastic sheet.
(M/n)'s left hand shook as he raised it to brush over the black glazed lid, the plastic sheet was folded up neatly on top of the astonishing delicate instrument.
The seventeen-year-old frowned deeply, glaring at his scarred over hand, grabbing ahold of the plastic tarp roughly and tossing it over the sleek piano.
"どうしてもぼくにわりかいができないよ..." The bitter tone in his voice made his shoulders shake, the burning feeling in his left arm coming back just as bitter.
{Translation: Doushitemo boku ni wa rikai ga dekinai yo--Whatever I do, I can't Understand.}
"What's the point of even having this here...?"
The teenager didn't stay in the room too long after that. After all, it's too painful for him.
Marinette sighed with a frown. The bakery needed help, not that business was bad--of course not, but it was popular and got lots of attention from the up coming years after Ladybug told everyone how good the sweets and bread was.
I kinda regret doing that now...Marinette thought to herself.
The store bell echoed throughout the bakery to the kitchen where she and her Father were making a new batch of cookies while the ones in the oven cooked through all the way. Marinette's father, Tom, smiled at his daughter.
"Could you get that sweetie? It might be another customer," Tom handed her the cooled off rack of macaroons,"Oh! While you're out there, make sure to promote the new item on our menu!" he quickly adds. Marinette nodded, yawning once she was out of view of her father.
"Welcome---" Marinette's voice trailed off when she recognized the person at the counter.
He's the guy that Chat saved!
"Hi! What can I do for you today?" The blue-bell eyed sixteen-year-old asked, her smile was sweet like honey. The taller teen glanced at the sign beside one of the cookie and cake racks.
"Are you still taking new part-timers?"
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