Chapter 13: Day one; Unsuccessful
{Once this book hits the 300 reads mark I'll be making a Special Chapter for this story much like the ones in The Hybrid's Cat! I'm currently working on the 300 View special right now, since this story is lacking some fan service you better get those reads up and share this story with others!! ANYWAY!!! Enjoy the chapter!}
(M/n) stared at his desk tiredly, he was caught up on the assignment that were due that week and his phone battery was dead. He was completely and utterly bored. But not only was he bored, but it was extremely hot outside so he was forced to wear a short-sleeved shirt and basketball shorts that exposed the slight puffy scars on his knees and shins from the accident. Today was as hot as hell, he groaned lowly to himself and fanned his face with his right hand.
Rose noticed the boy and bounced over to him smiling happily. She was wearing a light pink tank top that hugged her slim stomach and light curves along with a plated pink skirt to match.
"Rose...good morning," (M/n) greeted softly, sighing at the feeling of the girl's hold hands holding his face in worry.
"(M/n)! You don't look too good, are you okay?" the light blonde asked, concern lacing her petite voice. (M/n) only hummed and leaned into the girl's cold hands more as he tried to not doze off. Nathaniel smiled to himself and began to sketch out the taller boy's face and broad slim shoulders in his black sketchbook.
He liked drawing his classmates whenever it was on hot days of the incoming Summer weather despite it being close to Spring.
They took their time to match clothes and be the most comfortable. Rather, Nathaniel who only wear long-sleeves and black jeans.
"Hey Nathaniel, whatcha drawing?" Rose's voice echoed in his ears behind him making him yelp and drop his sketchbook in surprise only for it to be caught by (M/n) who leaned over him just in time. The red-haired boy smiled nervously but the smile shifted into a comfortable grin. (M/n) didn't invade his privacy by looking at his drawing, only grabbing it and handing it to him.
"Thanks.." the shy boy muttered in gratitude.
(M/n) nodded and groaned a little as he lifted his left arm to rest on the desk. The black arm sleeve caught the two teenager's attention and right before they asked about it Marinette came to the rescue with the boy's lunch.
"(M/n)! You didn't drop by the bakery yesterday after grocery shopping, Mama missed you." the black-haired girl crossed her arms over her chest, the (h/c)-haired teen recognizing the typical white t-shirt and pink jeans. (M/n)'s minuscule smile made Rose swoon as she shook Nathaniel's shoulders roughly.
"Isn't he super duper handsome?!" Rose whisper-yelled. The red-haired boy dizzily moved Rose's hands off of his shoulders, her bone-crushing grip loosening as Juleka made her way over to the two.
Nathaniel turned to the two girls with knitted brows, "do you like him or something?" he questioned quietly, rubbing his sore red shoulders. The small girl was a lot stronger than vibe that she gave off regularly, the 'I-Can't-do-it-do-it-for-me' attitude in a nice way of putting it.
Rose immediately slapped her hands over the poor boy's mouth as to muffle his voice. "SHHH!!!" she frantically shouted, grabbing the attention of her other classmates for a split second before everyone went back to their phones or conversations. Juleka tried to pry the blonde-haired girl away from the suffocating red-head but her attempts were futile when Rose suddenly jumped back and hugged her arms close to her chest.
Her bright blue eyes watching the much taller teen make his way down the stairs with Marinette in front of him, he looked like a big sluggish puppy behind her. The thought of (M/n) curling up in a ball to sleep like a dog made Rose giggle and blush profusely, dancing in a small wiggle before hugging Juleka and fawning over how 'cute' (M/n) looked.
Nathaniel glanced towards the two girls and his sketchbook which had a rough outline of the tall teen's face and jaw, his messy hair beginning from the top of his lash line.
"I guess...he is handsome.." he muttered to himself.
(M/n) dozed off during lunch period, sitting in between of the vending machines where he had sat before. His knees were close to his chest, the slow thumping of his heart and the tranquil sound of the birds chirping and the cocky grin of the Golden-blond in front of him---
The cocky grin of the Golden-blond in front of him with the soft thumping of the leather tail behind him mixed in the background of the birds----
No, that isn't right.
He's not supposed to be--
"Good Morning Sunshine, you'll be late for class if you fall asleep here~," Chat's snarky comment made (M/n)'s tired eyes flutter open, his eyebrows knitting and narrowing in confusion as his (e/c)-cloudy eyes tried to focus on the smirk that the hero was giving him. He blinked a couple of times before closing them once more and relaxing, promptly falling asleep to spite the teen.
"H-Hey!!" Chat scrambled forward, grabbing ahold of (M/n)'s shoulders and gently shaking him awake once more.
"Do-Don't fall back asleep--Hey!" the cat-themed hero tried to reason with the boy only for (M/n) to go completely limp. The weather had cooled down, the sky was open and light blueish grey and light fluffy clouds dusting over it like a Lacey veil.
Chat groaned and looked around him for a way to get back to class and not be late as Adrien Agreste.
"(M/nnnnnnn)!!!" He whined, trying to wake the boy up once more only for the taller teen to curl up into a tighter ball, not using his left arms to hold his weight.
And in the end, they were both late and scolded for skipping class.
Adrien glared at the desk he was seated at for detention, glancing over his shoulder to face (M/n) who was peacefully sleeping once again at the back of the class.
This was a total bust....
{How do you guys feel about Rose's Crush on (M/n)? I liked the interaction between Juleka, Rose, and Nathaniel the most throughout this chapter. I kinda rushed the ending but I hoped you enjoyed it.}
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