Chapter 10: Flour caked hands
{Mentions of Panic Attack}
It's now June. Bright and hot summer-like refreshing days.
And in all honesty, (M/n) hated hot weather, not only was it like your skin melting off but it was too hot to wear long-sleeves and hoodies. Glaring at his reflection in the large body mirror he stared at his exposed scars on his arm from the surgery. It wasn't as if the scars were too big, but his arm was practically mangled.
Bulky light pink patches of thin scars and the left over stitches were coming out soon since the wound was almost completely healed. But the only thing that wasn't was the nerves in his arm that he would never get back.
"Disgusting." he spat coldly.
Pushing up his sliding glasses, he frowned deeper than before, grabbing a light and thin yellow striped jacket as he fished out his phone from his messy bed-sheets and unplugged it from his charger.
And right now he was on his way to work.
(M/n) pushed his bangs back and placed a black ball-cap on his messy thick strands of (h/c)-colored hair. Sweat trickled down his neck and he was starting to burn up with his jacket on. Walking quicker on the sidewalk to the Bakery that was conveniently by his house, (M/n) saw it in view.
But of course, he was interrupted.
"(M/n)?" Adrien's sweet velvety voice made the (h/c)-haired teen freeze in his spot, slowly glancing over his shoulder to spot the Model not too far away from him. Forcing a stained smile on his face, he adjusted his jacket with his bag draped over his shoulder.
Of course he had to be here, (M/n) complained to himself lowly.
Adrien spoke to his manager and photographer before jogging over to where (M/n) was.
"On your way to work?" he teasingly asked, (M/n) rolled his eyes as he shook his head.
"No, I'm not." He retorted back sarcastically. Adrien was about to ask another question before catching onto his sarcasm and pursing his lips. (M/n) snorted, the corners of his lips curling up curtly before disappearing. "Mari told me that she needed help," (M/n) comments eventually answering the blond's original question. Adrien hummed and glanced back to his manager who was signalling him to hurry up.
"Sorry (M/n), I have to get back, Dad wants me to Model for this line's fashion magazine." Adrien pouted weakly waving before jogging back over to the direction of the park. (M/n) waved backed before catching himself and blushing. He didn't want to be friends with Adrien, why would a model of his stature and social ability want to be friends with him of all people?
Brushing off the depressing thoughts he continued his path towards the Bakery, sweating a little more by the time the sun was beating down on his form and thin jacket.
Marinette and her father, Tom, were in the kitchen by the time that he got there, he had finally taken off his jacket once he got through the bakery doors. The bell ringing to let the professional bakers that someone had entered the store.
Marinette appeared out from the Kitchen doors, flour spilled on her colorful apron and hand prints on her face with pink strawberry icing. Her blue-bell eyes brightened at the sight of the boy.
"Papa! (M/n) is finally here!" she joyously bounced over to him, hugging him before recoiling at the feeling of his wet back. (M/n) hummed lowly and thought to himself.
"It's 80 degrees outside." he comments with a snarky grin. Marinette went to smack his chest in response but noticed his arm. The sight of the scars made (M/n) unconsciously go to cover them as he walked past her to grab an light pink apron that was left hanging up. It was Marientte's mother's but since the kind woman wasn't here(she was out buying more ingredients) it was the only one available.
"Wait! I have something for you! I made it last night as a gift and thank you present for working with us for so long!" Marinette comments, dashing out without getting another word from the taller teenager.
(M/n) gaped at her before his thoughts were interrupted by the bell ringing. Shifting his attention to the customer he noticed that it was the little girl from the park and her mother.
"Ah," (M/n) and Manon gasp.
Without much thought, (M/n) comes out from behind the counter and bent down to Manon's height with a caring smile. "We meet again sir Knight," he jokes hoarsely. Manon grinned widely and jumped onto him, hugging him tightly with her little arms. The little seven-year-old giggled happily as Manon's mother, Nadja smiled at them.
"I didn't know that you would be working today, but it's convenient. Manon has been asking about you since you two met in the park." the maroon-haired woman voiced tiredly. (M/n) hummed lowly, nodding in understanding as he picked up the little girl with his right arm. He made his way back around the counter and faced the woman once more.
"What can I do to help you?" he asks softly.
Nadja smiled a little wider and ordered as Marinette came back into shop through the kitchen door holding a slick black sleeve-like sock. "Ah! Miss Nadja! W-Welcome," the black-haired girl greeted, turning to face (M/n) only to see that he was holding Manon. She smiled and took the little girl from his arms and gestured her to walk under the counter to where her mother was.
(M/n)'s shoulders relaxed a little as his anxiety of accidentally dropping or struggling to get something with his left arm left his mind and he turned to Marinette.
"I'm going to grab her order real quick." (M/n) bowed his head slightly to the two and smiled slightly at Manon and made his way into the kitchen.
Marinette waited for a few minutes before her father walked out of the kitchen with a paper brown bag in his hand and a kind warm smile.
"Here's your order," Tom's smiled widened when Manon cheered and grabbed ahold of the bag with her little arms. Nadja moving to pay as Marinette glanced at her father worriedly, Tom glanced towards the Kitchen and tilted his head slightly. Getting the message, she bid her goodbyes to the loyal customers and quickly made her way into the air-conditioned room into the staircase where (M/n) was crouched low to the ground, his chest heaving.
"(M/n)!" Marinette called out concerned.
The (h/c)-haired teen was sobbing as his glasses laid on the ground by his feet, he was clutching his left arm tightly with his right hand and hugging it close to his chest, muttering the same thing to himself over and over again.
"They saw it. They saw it...they saw it--"
"(M/n)!!" Marinette repeated a bit more urgently as she crouched in front of him. (M/n) panicked and his breathing got harsher and quicker as large tears pooled down his face.
"N-No! Get off me!! Don't take my arm away from me!" (M/n) shouts, glaring at Marinette--or where he thought she was with malice dripping from his harsh words.
Marinette sighed sadly and grabbed ahold of his thick rimmed glasses, gently pushing them onto his face and making him look at her. Her cold hands were relaxing and her thumbs brushed under his eyes to wipe away the salty tears.
"It's going to be okay now, they didn't see it, and no one is taking your arm away," she soothed her fingers through his hair once she had taken his hat off, kissing his forehead gently she buried his face into her shoulder and neck waited for his breathing to soften.
"I'm here for you, (M/n)," Marinette's calming and reassuring words made his body stiffen. More tears dripping down and staining the girl's flour coated apron and black signature jacket.
After hugging for a while, (M/n) pulled away once Marinette stopped patting over his back and tracing small shapes, he sniffled and rubbing his watery (e/c)-shiny eyes. "Thanks..." he muttered tiredly. The blue-bell eyed girl only nodded with a worried smile as she patted his shoulder. Bringing her attention to his arm, she gasped and reached into her apron front pocket.
The gift that she had been talking about being messily tossed into there when she ran after him.
"Here, I know it's not much but I thought about it once you told me what happened before you moved here," Marinette softly traced her fingers over the scars on his arm, the broadest one being from the surgery.
The long stretchy black fabric slid onto his arm without much resistance and it stayed close to his skin but allowed the skin to breathe through the small pores of the brace. Once the Black arm brace slid up to his shoulder she pulled her hands away and leaned back onto her feet, placing her hands onto her hips with a large proud grin.
"There!" she made a small hand gesture that resembled jazz hands.
(M/n) glanced down at his arm, the scars were no longer in sight and the fabric wasn't itchy like the other ones he's tried before. The entire sleeve went from his wrist to his shoulder were all the scars were. His eyes filled with tears once more and he covered his face.
Marinette smiled sadly and stayed beside him until he had calmed down. She didn't need to need to hear him speak to know what he was thinking.
Thank you...thank you so much...
{This chapter was very wholesome and I ended up writing a ton! I hope you enjoyed! What should their relationship be like? Does Marinette develop a crush on (M/n)? Should they have a brother-sister relationship? o(((\(>x<)/)))o}
1640 words.
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