Izuku Midoriya had been through a lot.
He was bullied by his oldest friend for nearly a decade.
He barely had any friends until highschool.
He fought in a gruesome war against the most powerful supervillain in history.
And how did all that turn out?
He stopped All For One and Tenko and saved the world, but it cost him the quirk he had been gifted with.
And how was he repaid for his services?
He was forgotten about.
One by one, people stopped talking about him in favor of his classmates and their flashy quirks.
And one by one, his classmates, the people he considered to be his friends, had left him behind once they became adults.
After they all graduated, Izuku got a job as a teacher at UA. A teacher in the Hero Course, but not a pro hero himself.
That was until last week.
All Might had given Izuku an incredibly high-tech suit that his former classmates had all funded.
And it only took them several years.
Several years to actually give a shit about him again.
Izuku accepted the suit, but only so he could be a hero again.
He was currently on his way to work at UA, when suddenly he heard an explosion and people screaming nearby.
He rushed to the scene and saw Overhaul once again in an incredibly powerful form, and on a rampage.
"Overhaul?!" Izuku said in shock.
Overhaul noticed Izuku standing there.
"Well, well, well. Look who it is. The forgotten hero." Overhaul said mockingly.
Izuku could've easily taken down Overhaul if he had his high-tech suit with him, but he was in such a rush to get to work this morning that he forgot accidentally left it at home.
"Looks like you don't have your fancy little suit to help you do your job. Killing you's gonna be even easier than I thought." Overhaul mocked.
Overhaul began approaching Izuku, but that's when all of his former classmates, plus the former Big 3, all arrived at the scene and stood in front of Izuku and faced Overhaul.
"You won't hurt anyone ever again, Chisaki! We're taking you down!" Mirio shouted at the villain.
Izuku's old classmates turned to him.
"Izuku, activate your suit!" Bakugo said.
"I- I can't! I was in such a rush to get work that I accidentally left it at home!" Izuku exclaimed.
"Then you're gonna have to sit this one out, Deku. You can't fight Overhaul without the suit." Ochako said.
"B- But I can still-" Izuku stuttered.
"No! Just run and get to cover!" Ochako interrupted.
His classmates then attacked Overhaul along with the former Big 3.
As they fought Overhaul, Izuku tried to free other civilians who were trapped under rubble and get them to safety, but his classmates kept trying to get him to leave.
"Midoriya! You don't have the suit OR a quirk anymore, so please leave!" Iida shouted as he fought Overhaul.
"There's still civilians who are trapped and in danger here! Someone's gotta help them while you deal with Overhaul!" Izuku said.
"We have it under control! Just get out of here, Midoriya!" Todoroki said as he also fought Overhaul.
"I can help!" Izuku pleaded.
"JUST GO!!!" Iida shouted.
Izuku just stood there amongst the chaos. Did his classmates seriously see him as being completely useless without the suit or a quirk?
That's when he heard a child screaming in a building that was about to collapse. Without a moment's hesitation, he ran in there before any of his classmates could stop him.
"Deku, wait!" Ochako called out after him.
He looked for the child and heard the screams coming from a nearby room. He burst into the room, only to see that the screams were coming from a loud recording device.
It was a trap.
The whole floor collapsed beneath him and Izuku fell into a deep hole. As he fell, Overhaul crashed into the building, causing it to collapse on top of Izuku.
As Izuku fell into the deep hole, he heard an explosion go off from the building above him. Then he landed in an underground room and on a large soft inflatable thing that cushioned his fall.
He looked up and saw several of Overhaul's men looking down on him. They grabbed him, beat him unconscious, and brought him into a van that was in the underground room, which turned out to lead into a tunnel that lead to the surface.
Back with Ochako and the others...
"DEKUUUUU!!!" Ochako screamed as she rushed towards the burning wreckage of the collapsed building, but the others grabbed her to stop her.
"Ochako..." Tsu whimpered, "... he's gone."
While they were fighting Overhaul, he had fallen into a large gas tank that was right next to the building Izuku went into, causing the gas tank to explode, as well as cause the building to explode and collapse.
Ochako still tried to break free from her friends' grasps, and then she collapsed to her knees and began crying hysterically.
After that, the fire crew and pro heroes spent days looking for Overhaul and Izuku's bodies. All they could find were burned, charred, and crushed parts of other random bodies. The coroners couldn't figure out if any of those bodies were Izuku, Overhaul, or other civilians who were reported missing during the scene.
Six months later...
Ochako was in her office, frantically looking at a wall that had strings, thumbtacks, and pictures all over it.
"Where are you, Deku? Where are you?" she whispered.
That's when her old classmates entered the room.
"Ochako... the Hero Commission and police have decided to call off the search." Momo said.
Ochako's eyes widened and began to water.
"What?! They can't! Deku could still be out there and- !"
"Uraraka, he's dead." Todoroki interrupted while trying to fight back tears also, "We've searched for Midoriya for months and we've still got no leads. We need to face the possibility that he really did die in that explosion."
Ochako stumbled back into a chair and buried her face into her hands while crying. The other girls all went to comfort her.
"There's something else you're not gonna like, Uraraka. You're not gonna agree with this... but we've decided to give Midoriya's suit to someone else." Iida said.
Ochako's head immediately shot up with an angry look.
"WHAT?!" she shouted.
"We all spent a lot of money to have the suit made and can't let it all go to waste. Besides, Midoriya was the worlds first quirkless hero and he should've been a symbol for other quirkless people; but now that he's gone, quirkless people will still need a symbol, and we already have someone in mind. She's quirkless just like Midoriya was and has helped him and a number of other heroes in the past. She's actually one of the scientists who helped make the suit." Iida said.
"You don't mean..." Ochako said in disbelief.
"That's right. We're giving the suit to Melissa Shield. She said she'll accept the suit and become a hero... but only if you're ok with it." Bakugo said.
Ochako looked at the floor with a conflicted look.
"I... I don't know..." she said.
"We'll give you time to think it over." Kirishima said as they were about to leave.
Ochako looked back up at them.
"Fine... but she can't call herself Deku. That was Izuku's name and no one else's." Ochako said, still crying.
"Of course." Bakugo said softly.
Ochako looked back at the ground.
"I'm so sorry, Deku..." she whispered.
After that, she went to see her parents.
"We're so sorry, Ochako. We know what Izuku meant to you." her father said.
Ochako latched onto her parents while in tears.
"I never got to confess to him!" she cried.
A week later, Melissa accepted the suit that was meant for Izuku and made her debut as a pro hero. And the funeral for Izuku also happened. It was held at the biggest pro hero cemetery in the world. All of Class A showed up, so did all of Class B, the former Big Three, all of Izuku's students, all the UA faculty, Inko, Mitsuki, Masaru, Melissa, David Shield, Rody, Rody's bird and siblings, Katsuma, Mahoro, and several others.
They were hoping more people around the world would be mourning Izuku, but there wasn't that much talk about his death amongst the public.
In about a year... everyone would be talking about Izuku.
Thx for reading. Also I'm not trying to portray Class A as total dicks, I'm just trying to add some conflict and drama between the characters in this story. Also comment what you think Melissa's hero name should be. It can't be "Deku" or anything similar to that title.
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