Part 17
Anika sat on bench being tired.. today she gone for 2 interviews but she know very well that they also not going to give her an job
Still she no option rather that attending interviews.. Her eyes fell on one suitcase. She look here and there but there is no one near her..she decides to ignore it..
Suddenly her head started to spin. accidentally her hand hit the fell down..the suitcase unlocked due to sudden force...Anika gulped water ,she relaxed a bit. Her eyes widen in shock after seeing bundle of currency notes in that suitcase.. she rub her eyes in shock..
A sudden fear take place in her heart..her heart started to beat fastly...With trembling hands Anika took the suitcase in her hand..
Brain: finally god show some grace on you anika..this money is more enough to settle your debt to daksh.
Heart:but it is wrong to take another person money. It is a big sin Anika..don't do this..
Brain:you shut up! You don't know anything..I'm sure, no one is going to give job to Anika...then how will she settle her debt to daksh.
Heart: but stealing someone's money is wrong!
Brain: think practically ,yaar! If we take this money then our all problems will get solved.
Ani-shut up!!!
Anika shout in anger...
I know if I take this money then my all problems will get solved but it's wrong to use another person's money for our, I'm going to handover this suitcase in police station...
Anika marched towards police station with suitcase...
In police station:-
Per-sir, I lost my suitcase somewhere...
Pol-when did you saw your suitcase last time?
Per-sorry, sir! I don't remember . That time I was not in my sense.
Per-i consumed alcohol that time..
Sir please find thaf suitcase is not was my boss's money.
Person eyes fell on Anika.
Omg! Sir this is that suitcase..thank you madam! Thanks a lot .
Anika smiled in return...
Person left the station after thanking Anika...
Anika enter into her room happily..but her smile fade away after seeing daksh in her home..
Ani-what are you doing here?
Dak-stop shouting ,babe. It is not good for our baby.
Ani-our baby???
Dad-yes...after all ,we are going to marry, obviously all your belongings belong to me.
Daksh smirked evily...
Anika passed a disguised look to him..
Dak-by the way babe, you are becaming thin day by day. didn't you take your food properly.
Daksh tried to cup anika's face.
Ani-chi, don't touch me with your dirty hands..
Dak-aww my angry bird...
Daksh pinch her nose...
Anika slapped daksh's cheek.
Ani-get lost from here mr.daksh khurana ...your money come to you in 2 days..
Anika push daksh outside and closed the door...
In oberoi Industries:-
Per-sir, may I come in
Shivay replied to person while typing in his laptop.
Per-sir , I want 2 months leave
Shiv-2 months!
Per-yes, sir
Shiv-for what?
Per-sir my wife is in her 9th I need to take care her of,I want leave.
To continue ....
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