Family Reunion
Ruby POV
After what felt like ages... we finally finished unpacking, I walked into my sister's room to see her in her swimsuit. "Come on, we're going to the beach go get ready!" she yells. I run out of her room and grab my swimsuit.
I put my converse on when Em walked in with our eyes bulged out, "Twinning!!" We yelled, making each other laugh. We grabbed our key and knocked on Mum and Dad's door, Mum finally answered the door when I replied, "Em and I are going to the beach we'll see u later," and with that, we walk down to the beach. The sights of the sky were amazing. I felt the salty air brush against my cheek as my sister and I pointed at the buildings and cool things around us. I looked around and saw everyone heading in the same direction when I asked someone, "Is this the way to the beach?" The guy I asked looked at me and smiled before nodding his head and continued walking.
When we finally reached the beach after another 4 miles of passing buildings and cool stuff. The beach was enchanting! It was everything Emily and I dreamed of and more! The sand looked as if it was from a movie production and the water looked great for surfing. I see someone selling surfboards. "We're so getting one," I yelled.
Ruby Surfboard
Emily Surfboard
We walked onto the beach and started to set down our bags. I hear people yelling when I see a football coming our way. I decided to catch it and kick it back, when Em tripped me up but I still caught it. "Still caught it," I mocked after her 'accident'. I kicked the ball back but was met by two boys. My eyes set on them and my heart's beat began to increase. It was two really cute boys. "Thank you for catching our ball then punting it," one spoke with Blonde hair who had the most contagious smile. They started to approach us, "I'm Collins and that's Devan my brother." the tall one spoke as the shorter one waved kindly. I couldn't believe it! I was with Collins and Devan Key! I was going to open my mouth when my sister covered it and spoke, "I'm Emily and that's my little--"
"--I'm 6 seconds younger actually," I interrupted causing Collins and Devan to laugh. "Anyway that's my sister Ruby," Em continued as I wave at them. Devan began to speak, "Wanna hang out with us--," his eyes glazed across our swimsuits while Collins noticed at the same time, "--and you two are so TWINNING with them outfits," they said simultaneously. Em started to laugh when I nodded my head and grabbed my surfboard, "Sure we can hang with you boys, but first I'm going for a surf," I exclaim and head into the sea knowing that I had three pairs of eyes watching me, now I definitely can't make a mistake.
Emily POV
I watch as Ruby glides across the waves as if she's a professional, which I must admit she almost is. I see Collins and Devan gawking when she dives into the waves. Devan looked over from me to her, "So...I'm guessing you two are twins?" I gaze at him and answer still looking at my sister, "Yep, what gave it away?" I giggled as Devan playfully crying while Collins yelled in the background, "OOH YOU JUST GOT ROASTED BRO!" We look over to see Ruby coming back to shore after gliding on a sick wave. I helped her up and unattached her from her surfboard. "You were amazing," Collins yelled, "I wish I could do that."
Ruby gave him a smile and she replied, "I'll teach you. Em, are using your surfboard?" She asked. I shook my head answering, "Nah I'm gonna soak up some of this Cali sun." Devan looked over at me, "I'll hang back too and watch." I handed Collins my board as they ran over to the shore while Devan and I sat down on the sand. His brother yelled to Collins, "You got this, bro!"
I saw them start on the sand so Collins could get the basics. Ruby placed the surfboard on the ground and she stood on top of it showing Collins how to stand and where to put his arms. In a few moments, he knew how to do it! Devan and I hollered from the sand to Collins. "Now comes more fun we go into the sea,"' We hear Ruby exclaim. Devan and I see Collins grab Ruby's hand and pull her into the sea. I smile at my younger sister who pushed her shyness to one side. Devan whistled, "Collins is making the moves." I giggle, "You're right, that'd be cute. I hope someone does something like that to me.." I feel a pair of eyes glancing at me. I turn and see Devan looking at me, "You deserve someone special, I know it," he replied as his crystal blue eyes locked on mine. Hearing that made me blush as I turn my head away. Devan's so sweet.. I look over at the sea at Collins and Ruby, "Erm Devan... your brother's attempting to do a handstand on the surfboard copying Ruby," I point out.
I watch as Devan shifts his head around to see his brother upside down waving at us. We give him a nervous look and wave back. Suddenly the two of us see him crash into the water but Ruby was still on top of it. "How is she so good?" Devan pondered. I smile at him before replying, "Well, our Mum and Dad said we used to live in California once but we had to move away because...well we were never told why, anyway, Ruby was learning how to surf while I played more tennis and field hockey. She plays sports too but she always focused on her surfing. She's proud of her accomplishments and she also won loads of competition because...she's Ruby. She's just so talented," I remark. The boy looked over at me, "I bet you're super talented too, Emily." I beamed as he spoke those words to me.
I see Devan begin to go pale. I asked, "Are you okay?" I hoped he wasn't going to vomit or something, but he didn't look that kind of sick. His smile faded when he replied,"I'm sorry. It's just that I remembered Collins and I lost someone. We lost our two little sisters at such a young age...around this time too. We just wish we could see them again and know they are okay. It's been 13 years and we haven't heard a peep from them," Devan looked down slightly, "And I don't know why but the weird thing is you and your twin sister look so much like them." I felt bad for him and his brother. It must be hard to lose that part of your heart especially being their younger sisters. I give him a hug as I spoke to him, "Devan don't worry honestly I'm sure they'll come back" I embraced him in a hug when I heard Ruby exclaim, "SHE'S IN LOVE!!" I jump out of Devan's grip turning towards my sister and chase her across the beach.
Then I saw Collins help her by putting her on his shoulders. "Aww you've found love," I mocked. Ruby shrugged her shoulders at me. She usually wasn't the one to get super embarrassed when i call her out, me however; my cheeks grow a bright red as they were right now. Collins soon put her down as Devan walked over to us rubbing his neck and asked, "How about we allgo and get some ice cream?"
I look over at Ruby who nods her head and replied, "Sure, first we have to go change out of our wet suits. Let's all meet here in a few minutes." And with that, we raced off back to our hotel room to have a shower and get in our outfits.
Emily outfit
Ruby Outfit
"Do you wear anything else except your shorts and Converse?" I ask my sister.
"Do you wear anything else except your jeans and flowy tops, jinxed, now you can't talk," she replied saying her sentence at the same time as me. I shake my head at my sister as we both put our phones in our back pocket when Collins text us on Instagram.
Collins: We're here waiting for you. It didn't take long cause Devan didn't have to change :)
Ruby: We won't be long, we are on our way now! :)
After Ruby finished texting Collins we were on our way back to the beach to meet up with our boys.
Collins POV
As Devan and I waited, I couldn't help but think about Ruby. She was so pretty, kind and super talented! I expressed my thoughts to my younger bro and he gave me some reassurance, "You should totally ask her out! If you really like her you should do it!" I smiled at him, "Thanks bro! You should definitely ask Emily out too." I saw him blush and I just laughed. Then I saw her. An angelic beauty she was with her hair whipping the wind. She approached me with open arms and I give her a huge hug and spin her round and Devan did the same to Emily. I replied as we all stood there, "Let's go get some ice cream." Emily and Ruby walked ahead while me and Devan hung back. I heard Ruby say something, I don't know what but I do know something, something wasn't right. Devan told me about their past, we all looked alike and we all had the same qualities and they even wore key necklaces. At first I thought they were Keypers, but turns out that the keys they had looked identical the one I wore around my neck.
I decided to shake it off when I saw Ruby opened the door to the ice cream shop. "Omg it's Collins and Devan Key," the worker behind the counter exclaimed. I smile when he continued, "Please, may I take your order?"
"Ruby what would you like?" I ask her calmly.
"I'll have vanilla please," she replied.
"Two vanilla ice creams and Devan?"
"I'll have a rocky road, Emily?"
"I'll have chocolate, please."
After we ordered the ice cream, I ran off with Ruby's in my hand. "Collins," she yelled after me. I started to run off laughing my head off when I turned around and saw her close behind me. I felt a hand on my arm when I finally gave in and stopped handing her the ice cream. Ruby put a bit on her finger and dabbed it on my nose, she started to laugh when I did the same to her and Devan did to Emily. We all took a picture together and I captioned it:
Bro and best friends for life @EmilyRubyAdams and this ice cream mark is by Ruby! Warning don't walk off with her ice cream ♥️
After they had finished their ice cream, I saw Ruby on her phone, "Em, Mum and Dad messaged me telling me they have gone out for tea and won't be back until later. We have to do something else in the meantime because they want to have a 'date'," Ruby remarked using her hands as quotations.
"You can come home with us for a little bit if you'd like," Devan replied. I nod my head in agreement when Emily yelled, "Yes please!" A smile formed on my face. I'm so happy that I can spend the night with Ruby she's so sweet. We start to head back to our place when I slip my hand into hers and see Devan do the same with Emily. Wow, he really does copy me. We got outside the house when I grabbed the keys and opened the door "Ruby, Emily, welcome la casa de Key!" and with that I opened the door and they looked stunned and confused.
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