Chapter 5: Restless Night
The sun had gone down and it was getting darker every minute. The three humans had gone into the Roost and the six dragons went below. It was around 9:30pm, which was the usual time to go to sleep, which meant they were all pretty tired. Except Hiccup and Toothless. Toothless had spent time with the other dragons, telling them stories and listening to theirs. Hiccup was helping the twins with their inventions, until Dak and Leyla fell asleep while making them at their desks.
Hiccup went down below the Roost to see all the dragons asleep besides from Toothless. The night fury held himself up with his tail on a beam across the ceiling. Hiccup walked over to the dragon in the corner and whispered, "can't sleep either bud?" Toothless opened his wings to relieve his wide emerald eyes. He landed quietly on the ground below him and walked along-side Hiccup. The viking scratched the back of Toothless' head. They both walked together towards the large doors at the front. Without a sound, they opened the doors and went outside. The cool night breeze caused goosebumps to run down Hiccups neck and back. Toothless stayed close to keep his best friend warm.
"We're not used to going to bed at this time. I guess we're just used to staying up late and looking for dragons." Hiccup laughed as he remembered Toothless having to save him from wild dragons chasing him, countless times. Toothless nodded, also remembering the times he had to save the previously scrawny young viking.
As they walked away from Huttsgalor and into the forest, they explored to unfamiliar island. Sounds of birds, dragons and other animals sleeping peacefully gently echoed through the night. Toothless and Hiccup enjoyed the comfortable silence as they observed their surroundings. Toothless then stopped and looked around. "Everything okay, bud?" Hiccup asked as the nightfury's earflaps perked up. Toothless positioned himself closer to his friend and protectively wrapped his tail around Hiccup. It was pitch black so Hiccup could barely see, but Toothless could 'see' perfectly.
Toothless nudged Hiccup's side, convincing him to climb onto his back. Hiccup obliged and sat on the night fury's back. A figure began to appear in front of them in the near distance. It became more clear and a humans shape was seen. "Uh...hello?" Hiccup called out.
"Oh, uh, hello... Chief Hiccup! And... dragon friend...what brings you two out here at this time of night?" The person asked.
"Not much, uh... Magnus? Is it?" Hiccup asked.
"Finke. Magnus Finke. Pleased to finally meet you Chief...and beast." Magnus said with a little attitude as he crossed his arms.
"His name's Toothless. The Alpha Dragon." Hiccup corrected him as Toothless growled. "And he doesn't seem to like you very much." He said atop of the night fury.
"Well, I'm not sure why. Dragons usually... love me!" Magnus said shakingly as he extended his hand out in front of Toothless' nose. Toothless didn't move at all. Magnus laughed nervously and cleared his throat. "Well, it's been good talking to you, Chief Hiccup, and... Toothless." And with that, Magnus Finke turned around walked back the way he came.
"He's one strange viking, isn't he bud?" Hiccup asked his best friend. Toothless gave a dragon purr of agreement before he walked back to Huttsgalor, with his best friend on his back.
Hiccup woke up to the sound of quiet bickering. He sat up from his makeshift bed and stretched. He made his way towards the talking and found Dak and Leyla making food. Well, at least trying to. They looked like they were arguing most of the time.
"Can I help with anything?" Hiccup asked the two 10-year-olds. Dak and Leyla faced the older viking and smiled.
"We were trying to make you breakfast-" Leyla started.
"But we couldn't decide what to make you!" Dak continued.
"I suggested salmon."
"And I suggested tuna."
"But we didn't agree." They said at the same time, looking down. Hiccup laughed slightly.
"Whenever Toothless and I ate together, we went fishing. And whatever fish we caught, if it was edible, we took it. And we just did that until we had enough fish for the both of us. It was a fun game we used to play." Hiccup suggested the game to the twins, who immediately agreed to the activity.
Toothless yawned and heard a few 'shushes' about a metre in front of his wings that were wrapped around his body. "How does he sleep upside down the whole night? Doesn't he get a headache?" Cutter asked.
"How does his tail hold him up while he's sleeping? Does he just... not sleep?" Aggro questioned.
"Look at those wings! I bet he could fly faster than Winger! Uh, no offence." Burple exclaimed then apologised to his swiftwing friend.
"None taken, Burple. Besides, there's a big chance it's true. Night fury's are faster than any dragon, even swiftwings!" Winger noted.
"Guys! Quiet! He might hear us!" Summer whispered-yelled.
"Too late." Toothless said calmly, yet the younger dragons still yelped as they jumped in fright. The night fury released himself from his wings and lowered himself gracefully onto the cold surface below. He straightened his back and stood up, clearly much taller than the others. "Thanks for waking me." He said jokingly as the others laughed nervously. They heard footsteps near the door.
"Hey, Toothless! We're gonna show these guys how we catch fish, just like we used to." Hiccup called out. Toothless smiled in excitement.
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