Chapter 3: Huttsgalor
Hiccup, Dak and Leyla, along with the dragons, made it to Huttsgalor. They walked down to the main part of the village. The people outside their homes gasped as the group of humans and dragons walked. "Are they gasping at us hanging out with dragons?" Hiccup asked.
"I don't think so. They know that our dragons are friendly. I think they're staring at you and Toothless." Dak thought out loud. They kept walking over to Duggard, the Chief's house. They reached the front and found Duggard facing away from the group.
"Chief Duggard!" Leyla called. "We've got some people we want you to m-"
"Chief Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third?!" Duggard exclaimed as he walked up to the 30 year old man (that sounds so old!!).
"Wait, you know Hiccup?" Leyla asked.
"Well, not personally but I've heard the stories. I mean, who hasn't heard the stories of the great Dragon Master and the Alpha Dragon defeating Drago Bludvist?" The Chief said as if the others knew what he was talking about. But they didn't. "You really don't know? Chief Hiccup here is a big deal when it comes to vikings and dragons. Before you kids were born, Hiccup befriended this Nightfury, who's the last of his kind, by the way! They defeated the Red Death, they defeated Drago Bludvist when he had control of the Bewilderbeast which is when Toothless became the Alpha and they defeated Grimmel the Grisly. But that's only in brief detail." Duggard said humbly with a goofy smile.
"I didn't know you were the Hiccup Haddock! The Chief Hiccup of Berk! I feel so bad that I didn't realise this before! I'm so sorry!" Leyla said embarrassed.
"There's no need to apologise!" Hiccup laughed. "You're helping us and we're very grateful for it. I'm just surprised our story is that well-known." He said astonished. "It's been great meeting you, Chief Duggard. But could we use some materials to fix Toothless' tail?"
"Why, of course! Rescue Riders, show them to Hannahr's (pronounced 'Hanar') workshop."
"You got it!" Dak said with a thumbs up. Dak, Leyla and the others showed Hiccup and Toothless the way to Hannahr's workshop. The arrived outside the building when Hannahr stopped hammering a sword and walked over to the group.
"Hello ther- whoa! Chief Hiccup? What an honour! And this must be your Nightfury friend. The Alpha! It's a pleasure to meet you both."
"A pleasure to meet you to, Hannahr." Hiccup returned.
"They crash-landed on the island and need a few supplies. Could you help?" Leyla asked.
"Of course, I'll help! What is it you need?" Hannahr asked as she lowered the hammer and sword.
"Would you have a metal rod, some metal plates, rope and just some thick material by any chance?" Hiccup listed.
"I have all those things except the material. I only recently ran out. But we have another shipment coming in a couple of days. Would that be alright?" Hannahr asked.
"That would be great. We could wait a couple of days, couldn't we Toothless?" Hiccup said as he pet Toothless' head. The Nightfury made happy noises, showing he would be delighted to stay in Huttsgalor for a few days.
"Fantastic! I'll get your supplies right away, Chief!" Hannahr said before she ran into her shop and retrieved the items. Hiccup thanked her. Dak and Leyla helped Hiccup carry everything as they showed them the way to the Roost. A lighthouse with a large compartment underneath for the dragons to sleep and hang out in.
"We don't seem to have a third bed but we can find something for you." Leyla suggested.
"Oh, no, it's fine. I'm used to sleeping on hard surfaces. You have no idea how many times Toothless and I have crashed on a random island in the past." Hiccup chuckled. "Do you have an extra blanket?" He asked.
"Yes, just not a bed." Leyla informed.
"Then I can sleep downstairs with Toothless once it gets darker and when all the dragons are asleep." Hiccup said.
"Are you sure? It can get a bit loud down there." Dak explained.
Hiccup laughed, "trust me. You haven't heard my friend Snotlout snore." Toothless nodded in agreement.
"Well, it's your choice, Chief. We have a couple hours until sunset. What do you wanna do?" Leyla asked. Hiccup looked to Toothless. Toothless looked to the other dragons who smiled brightly. He looked back to Hiccup and nodded.
"Toothless could hang out with the other dragons while I can help you around the Roost if you'd like." Hiccup suggested.
"Or... while Toothless hangs out with them, you could teach us some stuff?" Dak asked while he and Leyla begged with big smiles and bright eyes. Hiccup laughed and agreed. Toothless ran the top of his head along Hiccup's hand before following the other dragons to the below area of the Roost. It was pretty big, but not as big as the arena for the Dragon Academy back on Berk. There was a firepit directly in the middle and compartments for supplies along the sides of the room.
"So while Hiccup shows Dak and Leyla some things... could you maybe, sorta, if it's possible to show us a few simple attacks?" Winger asked shyly. Toothless gave a dragon smirk and nodded.
"Sure. But you gotta show me what you got first."
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