Chapter 2: Meeting the Rescue Riders
Hiccup walked through the forest, trying to find something or someone to help him. He heard distressed calls from what seemed to be baby dragons. He saw two baby Piercing Shriekscales, calling out, probably to find their mother. He slowly walked up to them with his hands up, not bothered at all by the loud crying. "Hey, hey, it's okay guys. I'm not gonna hurt you." He said calmly. The babies stopped crying before...
~Meanwhile with the Rescue Riders~
"Where are they?" Leyla asked out loud as she continued to look around from her dragon, Summer, a green Fastfin.
"I don't know. We've searched everywhere!" Summer exclaimed.
"What about you, Cutter?" Winger, a blue Swiftwing, asked his friend.
"Nothing yet." Cutter, a brown Relentless Razorwing replied. "Wait! I see something!" He said when he saw someone closing in on two baby Piercing Shriekscales. "I found them! But... there's someone there. I looks like they're trying to catch them!"
"Then we have to stop them before they do!" Dak, a boy who rode Winger, said. The group of dragons followed Cutter towards the person and baby dragons.
"Feel the heat, dragon-napper!" Aggro, a red Firefury, yelled. Aggro shot a fire blast at the person who was closing in on the Shriekscales. The fire was about to hit the person before something covered them.
Toothless covered Hiccup with his fireproof scaled body. The smoke from the hit slowly dispersed. The Rescue Riders landed and surrounded Hiccup and Toothless. The two little dragons ran over to the team and hid behind Burple, a purple Rockspitter dragon.
"We've got you surrounded! Show yourself!" Dak yelled. Once the smoke disappeared, the group saw a large black hunched-over figure.
"It's a dragon?" Summer asked Leyla.
"Seems so." Leyla replied. Leyla took a step towards the black dragon that was faced away from them. "We aren't here to hurt you. We're friendly." Leyla explained.
"Leyla, don't get to close." Dak suggested.
"Don't worry, Dak." Winger said. "I'll blast it, if it tries anything."
Toothless lifted his wings off Hiccup. They all gasped. For a smallish body, those wings were huge! Toothless turned around and faced them as he wrapped his tail protectively around Hiccup. The spines that ran down his back glowed a bright blue. "Woah! Is that a... Nightfury?! I've only heard about those in legends!" Leyla exclaimed.
"Uh, yeah, he's a Nightfury. His name's Toothless, and I'm Hiccup." Hiccup explained as he fixed his hair and tried to seem as friendly as possible, while Toothless just remained still.
"Toothless?" Dak asked, unsure why someone would ever give a dragon a name like 'Toothless'.
Hiccup looked to Toothless. "Show 'em bud." He said. Toothless opened his mouth and revealed that he could retract his teeth on command. The Rescue Riders gasped.
"Yeah, it's pretty cool. But can he tell us why he was trying to take the Shriekscales?" Winger said to Dak.
"Oh, right." Dak realised. "Why were trying to take the Shriekscales?"
"What? I wasn't trying to take them. I was trying to help them. They were scared and I had them calmed down until a fireblast almost obliterated me." Hiccup explained. The Riders 'ohhh'ed in understanding. They looked down in slight shame, showing they were sorry. "Wait." Hiccup started. "You can speak Dragonese?" He asked.
Dak and Leyla nodded and explained their story to, yet again, another person. Hiccup was fascinated. Saved by a mother dragon? Learned to speak to dragons while living with them? Sounds amazing.
"So what brings you to the island?" Leyla asked.
"Toothless and I were just going on a fly when we were caught in a storm. His prosthetic tail burnt up and we crashed. So we thought we could find something to fix it." Hiccup explained.
"Oh! Then why don't we bring you to our village. It's called Huttsgalor. We can introduce you to the Chief. Maybe he can help you." Leyla suggested.
"That would be great. Only if it's no trouble."
"No problem! Our job is to help dragons and people. We'll show you the way." Dak said before he turned around and started walking in the direction of Huttsgalor. Hiccup started walking then Toothless whined.
"It's fine bud! Go meet the other dragons. You'll feel more comfortable." Hiccup suggested before he pet the Nightfury's head and walked alongside Dak and Leyla.
Toothless gave in and met up with the other dragons. Winger spoke first. "So, long have you known Hiccup?" He asked. Toothless thought for a moment.
"Well, I met him around 15 years ago, I think. But we didn't see each other for about 9 years. So that's why we're on this trip, to catch up." Toothless explained as the group walked a few meters behind the three humans.
"What were you doing during those 9 years?" Summer asked.
"Protecting my family and my home, which the humans call the Hidden World because only a few humans have been there."
"I've heard of the Hidden World. It's supposed to be underground but apparently it's huge!" Burple said.
"That's true. Lots of room for all the dragons." Toothless said as Cutter walked in front of him while walking backwards.
"Well, I've heard the Alpha lives there! Is it true? Do you ever see him? Is he mean? Do all dragons have to bow when they see him?"
"Usually. But some dragons don't." Toothless smirked.
"Shouldn't you always bow to the Alpha?" Winger asked.
"Well duh!" Aggro said sassily.
The group of dragons walked until they heard yells in front of them. Toothless wasted no time as he sprinted towards the yelling. He saw three Slinkwings surround Hiccup, Dak and Leyla. Toothless growled as he lunged forward and protected them. His spines lit up his usual bright blue.
"Leave them alone or I'll fry each one of you!" Toothless growled. The three Slinkwings gasped and stopped. They came together and bowed down in front of Toothless.
"We're sorry Alpha!"
"We didn't know the humans were with you!"
"We just wanted to eat them!" The third one said, which caused the others to glare at him.
Toothless growled, "go." The Slinkwings flew away so fast they bumped into each other. Toothless released Dak and Leyla while also staying next to Hiccup. The other dragons stared in shock. Hiccup turned to the two 10 years olds.
"Are your dragons okay?" He asked.
"Y-yes. They're just shocked. Did those Slinkwings call Toothless the Alpha?" Leyla asked Hiccup.
"I don't know. You tell me." Hiccup laughed. Leyla and Dak laughed nervously.
"The Slinkwings bowed and called Toothless 'Alpha'. This whole time we've been in the presence of the Alpha dragon?! How could I have not known!" Leyla exclaimed. Cutter bowed down to Toothless. Cutter looked to the others and gestured his head to the ground, indicating them to bow. The others followed him.
"You guys don't need to bow. You're helping us fix my tail. But it's very respectful that you did though." Toothless said as the other dragons stood up to their full height, still shorter than Toothless.
"Let's get to Huttsgalor. The sooner we're able to fix Toothless' tail, the sooner you'll be able to teach Winger and I some new tricks." Dak said. Leyla glared at him. "Assuming you wouldn't mind, of course." He finished with a nervous smile. Hiccup chuckled.
"Sure, we wouldn't mind."
Dak fist-pumped the air. "Yes!"
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