Chapter 1: Just Like Old Times
"You sure this is a good idea, Astrid?" Hiccup asked as he finished packing his satchel bag. Only the necessities. Water, a little food, he was sure they would catch some fish. Hiccup's kids, Zephyr and Nuffink, ran around the house as Astrid and Hiccup talked.
"Of course, I'm sure, Hiccup. Every since we saw Toothless on the ship near the Hidden World, you've been down. I know how much you miss him. And he didn't even want to leave your side when we had to go." Astrid explained as she took Hiccups animal-skin cloak off his shoulders. He didn't want to damage it. But he was going to take an extra scarf, just in case. But he was sure they would be fine.
"Alright, if you say so." Hiccup chuckled. It was time to go.
"Okay, kids! Dad's gonna go on his trip now! Don't you want to say goodbye?" Astrid called out. Nuffink (their 5 year old son) and Zephyr (their 8 year old daughter) came running up to their parents. They hugged their father's legs. Hiccup laughed and knelt down to give them a proper hug.
"I'll miss you soooo much!" He exclaimed as he rained kisses on them. The kids giggled before Hiccup stood up and ruffled their hair.
He smiled at Astrid and pulled her close. He gave her a kiss and she deepened it. Zephyr and Nuffink made disgusted face in a joking manner. Hiccup let go of Astrid and chased the two troublemakers. "Ahh! Come here you terrible terrors!" They ran out of the house with Astrid behind them. They laughed and laughed before they heard a roar. The roar, of a Nightfury.
Hiccup looked to the sky and smiled. He saw Toothless fly closer to Berk. The children watched him in awe. Toothless landed in front of the family. He immediately lunged onto Hiccup and licked his face affectionately. Hiccup laughed before he sat up and hugged Toothless' head.
"You ready to go bud?" He asked. Toothless got off of Hiccup and jumped around excitedly. "Alright, then!" He got Toothless' old saddle and placed on him. Toothless wriggled a little, getting used to the feeling of having a saddle on his back again.
Once it was on, Hiccup stood and faced his family. He gave them one last hug before he hopped onto Toothless. He heard the sound of cheering behind him. Hiccup looked down the hill from his house, and saw the whole village outside. He waved to them and smiled to his family before Toothless flapped his magnificent black wings. The Berkians cheered and waved their Chief goodbye. Then, the best friends were off.
Hiccup and Toothless soared through the sky, above the clouds, in peace and quiet. It had been years since just the two of them went flying together. "How are your babies going? Zephyr and Nuffink adore them." Hiccup said. Toothless gave a laugh then a tired sigh. "Tough work, aren't they?" Hiccup asked as he understood what Toothless meant. Toothless nodded then looked up higher and got an idea. He flew up higher which caused Hiccup to look up as well. "Wanna try an old trick, eh, bud?" Hiccup asked. Toothless gave a happy roar. They kept flying up before they stopped and slowly fell. Toothless dived head-first and soon Hiccup separated from the dragon's back. They fell through the sky, facing each other, one of their favourite tricks they used to do. And just before they hit the water, Hiccup got back on Toothless' saddle and pulled up.
Toothless shot his plasma blasts in front of them. They flew through the smoke from the fire and Hiccup looked back to Toothless, remembering the last time they did that. "Remember that thing you did when we battled Grimmel? The only when you used lightning?" Hiccup asked Toothless. The dragon nodded. "Please, give me warning if we ever have to do that again." Hiccup laughed. Toothless gave a dragon laugh.
They flew in comfortable silence for around 20 minutes before Hiccup felt rain on his face. Soon, the rain got harder and storm clouds started to form. Lightning was seen in the distance. "Alright, bud. We gotta get outta here." Hiccup stated. Toothless nodded and flew faster away from the lighting. Lightning zapped right next to them and Toothless went faster. "Thank Thor I didn't make your tail completely out of metal this time." Hiccup mentioned as the rain got increasingly heavier and the lightning got louder. They were thought to be fine before a lightning strike got much to close for comfort. Hiccup exhaled a breath of relief before Toothless wobbled a bit. "Toothless? You okay, bud?" Hiccup asked. Toothless nodded before he tried to turn, but it didn't work.
Hiccup was confused before he looked back and saw that the tail had burnt up. "Toothless! Look for the closest island!" Hiccup yelled. Toothless used his echolocation to find an island. A pretty big one, actually. They headed in that direction but the ride was a bit... rough.
Toothless threw Hiccup off his back and grabbed him in the air. They fell towards the island while Toothless kept Hiccup safe in his wings. Toothless shrieked before they crashed. "Just like old times." Hiccup said as he breathed deeply. Toothless rolled his eyes as Hiccup laughed. The chief wiped his beard that was covered in rain water. He looked to the Nightfury and said, "okay, okay. I'm sorry. I shouldn't laugh. Now show me that tail." Hiccup observed Toothless' tail and found they needed a decent amount of supplies to fix it.
Hiccup sighed. "At least you're okay." He said as he pet Toothless' head while Toothless' purred. Hiccup looked around and saw the rain was slowly stopping. "Oh, I see. It rains when we're trying to fly, but stops when we land. How does that happen?" Hiccup asked out loud, confused. "Well, at least now we can see roughly what time it is. Looks like it's almost sunset. I'll try to find a few supplies before the sun goes down. You just stay here. You protected me from the fall, now I'll help find stuff while you rest." Hiccup said before he started to wander through the woods.
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