Week 2, Night 1
What happened?
An escape.. Golden Freddy... Purple Guy!
Freddy awoke with a start and swiveled his head around the room. He wasn't in a very familiar location, but what looked like a storage closet for animatronic parts. Before he could react, he heard a voice behind him. "Hi."
He turned with a jerk and was met with the sight of a young, roundish boy wearing a red and blue striped shirt and matching propeller hat. He held a balloon in one hand and a wooden sign in the other (it read "Balloons!"). At second glance, he could note the plastic smile, oddly shaped joints, and huge unblinking eyes.
"You're an animatronic, like me." Freddy said with disbelief, and realized something. He jumped up, almost hitting the ceiling. "Like us! Where are my friends?"
The boy, now revealed to be extremely short, looked up at Freddy with an unwavering smile and spoke without moving a muscle in his face. "You're going to have to be a little more specific." After this, he giggled and ran out of the room. "Hey, wait!" Freddy yelled after him, and chased the boy.
The chubby, kind of creepy, animatronic was surprisingly fast, and Freddy found himself losing sight of him. He stopped and took a long look around the new room. He stood in the middle of a long hallway, bathrooms to the left of him, another hallway to the right, and that boy somewhere up ahead. Freddy started walking cautiously, taking in the checkered floors and crayon pictures taped to the walls. The similarities were becoming too strange, and Freddy found himself pacing faster until making it to the end of the hall.
Freddy stopped before two doors leading into the next room, and stood agape at the sign above it.
"Freddy Fazbear's-?" Freddy looked around once more, to make sure he wasn't losing his mind. This place was not his pizzeria! The rooms were all different, and he knew the layout of his pizzeria like the back of his hand. Not being able to hold himself back any longer, Freddy shoved open the doors, hoping to find some answers.
And wow did he get them.
He stood in the doorway of a large party room, with an arcade towards the back and multiple dining tables sitting before a stage, all while a haunting melody chimed throughout it all. "Freddy!" He looked over at the table that was front-and-center and spotted his friends. "Chica, Bonnie, Foxy!" He cried out as he ran over to them. Chica had stood up from her seat at the table. "Are you alright?" Before Freddy could get a word in, Bonnie started barraging him with other questions. "Where were you? Where are we? We just woke up here and you weren't here and-and-?" Freddy looked at his stuttering friend helplessly and leaned to look at Foxy behind him. "He's been like this the whole time, mate." Foxy said while nonchalantly holding a party blower in his mouth.
Freddy sighed in relief, "I'm okay, and I'm glad you guys are, too. I don't know what we're doing here, wherever this is, but I think it's safe to say that we should get out of here." His friends nodded, and all stood up. As soon as they were on their feet, though, all the lights in the room dimmed. "Will all animatronics please remain seated!" A high-pitched, cheerful voice called out. "It's time to begin the show!"
Freddy and his friends all watched as the stage lit up, the curtain drawing back and revealing a large sort of throne. On it sat Freddy, or a version of him. Likewise, a Chica and Bonnie also stood on stage. They all looked to be made of something like plastic instead of the softer material that Freddy and his friends all had covering their animatronic insides. They all sported the same wide eyes as the balloon boy, and same rosy cheeks. The Freddy wore buttons below his bow-tie, the Bonnie was a brighter shade of blue, and Chica...
"HA! They made a hot version of Chica!" Foxy laughed. This Chica did seem to be... curvier... with a pink piece covering her .... lower region. "Of all the things to make hotter, someone looked at a duck and said, SURE!" Foxy was practically howling, and while the Chica onstage seemed to like getting all the attention, real Chica was blushing furiously. "I'll have you know that I am a CHICKEN!" Foxy gulped, "Oh no, anything but a chicken!" and smirked. Chica looked like she was about to retort, when they heard shrill and sudden laughter from the stage. They both looked at the Bonnie, who stopped laughing just as suddenly and continued to stare at them. "Okaaaaaaaaaaaay." Foxy said.
Freddy looked from his friends to the stage. "Look." he said, "This is all well and good but can one of you tell us what's going on here?"
The Freddy smiled and rose from the throne. "Welcome to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, new and improved! We are the Toy Animatronics, and I, Toy Freddy, humbly welcome you to our pizzeria!" Before Freddy could respond, he heard a familiar voice behind him. "Hi." The four of them jumped up and turned quickly to see a short, chubby, boy smiling at them. "You!" Freddy said. The boy whizzed around them and up onto the stage, joining the Toy Animatronics. "I see you've met Balloon Boy. I told him to bring you all out of storage and wake you up, but it looks like he had a little fun with you." Freddy looked at Balloon Boy, currently creepily smiling at him. "Yeah.. fun."
"You said wake us up? In a new restaurant? How did we get here?" Bonnie asked, ever the perceptive one. Toy Freddy smiled and answered, "It seems that the old pizzeria was shut down and the suits retired. Something about strange, decaying smells?" He looked the Toy Chica, as if to ask her. "Yep, so they built us to be to new, and improved, yous!" She shot Chica a smirk, which Chica returned with a glare. Bonnie continued, "So, they put us in storage here. But what about.."
Bonnie paused as they four of them simultaneously recalled the events of their last night. "Purple Guy!" Foxy exclaimed, "Is he here?"
The Toy Animatronics looked at each other with near-somber expressions. Chica's eyes widened. "We're only animatronics because our souls were put inside these suits." she realized. "And our bodies." Bonnie shivered. Freddy looked up sadly at Toy Freddy. "Then, you all were-"
"Murdered." Toy Freddy spoke with a shaky voice and his head hung low. "Purple Guy murdered us, after you four got shut off, after they built this place." Freddy hung his head, remembering an old friend. "I'm so sorry."
"Don't be." Toy Chica grinned. "We're going to get our revenge, together!"
"What?" Bonnie spoke what they all thought in that moment. "What revenge?"
Toy Freddy looked up, grinning with a strange spark in his eyes. "Purple Guy is here, on the night shift."
Freddy impulsively took a step back. "What?! He's here, right now, watching us??" The terror of the situation was slowly creeping up on all of them, but Freddy fought to keep a clear head. "Why didn't you tell us?!"
Toy Freddy laughed. "What are you so afraid of? We're stronger than him, faster! These new forms give us the advantage. He's barely kept us out of his office as it is, but with you four, we'll be unstoppable! He'll die for what he did!"
"You don't understand!" Freddy tried to explain, "Purple Guy is still dangerous! Would you really risk your friends to go after him? Because I can tell you right now that I won't!"
His last words echoed throughout the large room as the chiming music slowly faded out.
"Well, then, I believe we're at an impasse." Toy Freddy growled, clenching his fist. His eyes blinked, and opened up completely black. Toy Bonnie and Toy Chica did then same, and she gave a sickening giggle. "Looks like we're going to have to put you in a time-out!" she said cheerfully. Freddy struggled to move, but found that he couldn't. He looked down at Balloon Boy, who was now holding multiple wires instead of a balloon. "Thank you, Balloon Boy." Toy Freddy said, resuming his calm demeanor, "The night is nearly over, so let's move our friends back to the storage room and let them think for a while about who's side they're really on.
Freddy could do nothing as Toy Bonnie grabbed him by the neck and dragged him out of the room. As the doors shut behind them, Freddy heard Toy Freddy's voice one last time.
"Will someone please wind up that damn music box?"
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