5 - A Useless God
"WOAHHH IT WORKED? You're so smart, Kurama! I mean, I'm so smart! I came up with that solution, after all!" Naruto grinned to himself as he sat in his mindscape, spectating the fight between Jashin and his sensei.
"You should thank your sensei for helping you with that instead."
Kakashi's eyes narrowed as he stared at the young boy in front of him. How did he wake up so fast? There's no way Kakashi was getting rusty. He was perfectly sure that Naruto had been completely knocked out from the impact of the fall just now. Is it the Kyuubi that's causing it?
"Naruto, huh?" Kakashi spoke. Naruto....Naruto. Very weird. This morning, he was perfectly fine, but now, it's just like how it was yesterday.... Something was very off about this boy when he was in this state. Not mentally, physically, this time. When Kakashi appeared in the classroom yesterday, he had to try his best to hide his surprise when he appeared behind the boy. It definitely wasn't intentional.... But he noticed no signs of chakra from the boy yesterday.
Same applies to him right now. It's good that there was no Kyuubi chakra being sensed which meant the seal hadn't been loosened, but it was concerning.
"But let's see what you can do now," Kakashi, or rather Kakashi's shadow clone spoke. Naruto took a deep breath as he stood still, not moving at all. 'What is he planning?'
"Boy, Kurama. I'll be honest with you right now," Naruto's face hardened on the outside. "I.....have no combat experience."
"Then what was that throw, it can't be a fluke can it?" Kurama questioned with a disappointed glare.
"It was Naruto's muscle memory, combined with the partial strength of my followers. The ones who continue to praise me and hold me at high regard today are what that's keeping me alive, and providing me with knowledge which they have," Jashin explained. "This means that my followers right now and back then, were and still are very strong, seeing how well that throw went."
"But you're a god! You don't know how to fight?" Naruto asked, confused.
"Silly boy. My purpose is to grant wishes of my followers, not fight with the humans of this world. That's up to my followers, not me."
"Then what are we going to do now?"
"Rest easy, boy. I did say my follower is very skilled. Once I return to my former glory, I have no doubt that my strength will be more than just ten fold by then, so rest assured. I will help you defeat your sensei once again when that time comes."
"When the time comes, his sensei wouldn't even have to fight him, god brat," Kurama rolled his eyes.
"Oh, that's right. I forgot! Ahaha, my apologies."
Well, that was definitely a fluke.
Naruto, whose body was now in the control of Jashin, was hung up from a tree by his feet, dangling back and forth.
"Aaaghh! Why didn't you say you don't know how to fight sooner?" Naruto yelled, scratching his head in frustration. At that point, Kurama was too tired to do anything, so he just sat there watching the two of them interact as he waited for his chance to go back to sleep.
"Now, now, boy. Don't be so impatient and negative! One failure does not set the fate of the path before us, we still have much more to see, and much more to learn. There is still time for change!" Jashin reassured as he took in another deep breath. It was getting hard to breath which was normal, he supposed. Seeing as to how he was literally upside down right now. But he knew it was better to get the boy out of this position as soon as possible. It would be bad if he caused harm to the body of the original owner. As he tried to lift himself upright, the amount of training boy had done was proven as completely useless. Throwing punches at an unmoving pillow shouldn't be called training to begin with.
Speaking of pillows and sleep, the device that made ticking noises was still unknown to him, and he was still curious as to what it was. Just now, he saw Kakashi-sensei pull out one of those too. Very fascinating invention.
Setting that aside, he rethought his plans to return to the human realm during his free time- or rather a period of time where he was unable to initiate with any other plans since he is hung up by a tree at the moment. He was excited to say the least and he couldn't wait for the moment he could meet with his followers and see the life that they had been living. The continuous prayers had led him to be able to reside in this boy, who possessed a large chakra reserve. That was one of the main reasons he chose Naruto boy's body, his strong life force. With no doubt, Kurama was probably one of the reasons for that as well.
To reform in a solid body, he'd first need sacrifices. No- not as in killing people. He didn't want to harm anyone, so he just needed corpses and souls of already dead humans. If he pieced them together, it should be able to slowly form a solid body for him- an indestructible one. With the corpses of his followers in the past who have passed away either peacefully or in a fight, his consciousness was brought back within this child that he had chosen.
As long as a corpse was within the symbol of his eye, its soul could be considered a sacrifice. That meant he could draw a big circle around a shinobi graveyard with blood, and the whole graveyard's corpses would be enough give him the power to regain his body. Yes, that shall be the plan. If his followers collected corpses for him one by one, it'll take way too long. Boy, he was a genius! He laughed to himself. Surely, Naruto boy will approve of his actions just as Kakashi-sensei approved of him enslaving the entire world.
"Jashin!! I see Sakura in the distance, call out to her for help!"
Jashin snapped back to reality and glanced far off, seeing Sakura wandering through the bushes aimlessly. Ah, there's his chance to ger boy off this tree! If he was too weak to deal with Kakashi-sensei, perhaps he could enslave Sakura and give her commands to take him down. Though, if she could, she would've done that already.
"Girl!! Miss Sakura! Little lady! Can you hear me? If you hear me, lady, would you please lend me a hand? For pathetic I have been bound to this tree, and this position will surely cause this poor boy harm that I do not wish for!" Jashin yelled out to the pink haired girl. To his, Naruto's and Kurama's relief (scratch that, Kurama doesn't care), Sakura spun around, eyes widening as she saw Naruto hanging off the tree.
"You're such an idiot, you know!" Sakura huffed as she walked over to Naruto, examining the rope. Deciding it was best to cut off the rope instead of wasting time to untie it, she climbed up onto the tree and pulled out a kunai from her weapon pouch. "Brace yourself for a concussion, I can't be there to catch you if I'm up here."
"Thank you, pretty little lady! You truly are kind. I can't think of any way I can repay you," Naruto thanked the pink haired girl whose cheeks were dusted with a light shade of pink. She shook it out of her head, concentrating on freeing Naruto for now. She bent down and started to cut the rope, only for an idea to suddenly pop into her head. Her eyes widened at her own stupidity as she quickly got off the tree branch she was on.
"On second thought, You can do this yourself," Sakura huffed. Jashin's eyes widened in betrayal at her sentence. Not even Sakura is going to help him!? Ah, traits of a disloyal servant! Perhaps it will take some time to properly teach her the hierarchy of this world between gods and humans. Sakura rolled her eyes at his stare as she headed towards him with the kunai. Jashin's eyes widened. No way! Not only is she disloyal, but now she's plotting an assassination on him? No, not even plotting at this point, she 's just going to kill him! No doubt!
"EEEEHH?? Sakura-chan hates me that much??" Naruto wailed inside of his mindscape while Kurama only rolled his eyes. Foolish humans, and gods. Do they not realise he is THE Kyuubi no Kitsune? The great nine tails that can destroy villages with one stomp of his paw? A measly human like Sakura would stand no chance against him!
Naruto only panicked more as Sakura raised up her kunai to Naruto's hip. Oh, no. Please. Not his nuts! Jashin visibly paled as Sakura readied her kunai to stab through Naruto boy's reproduction system. Oh hell no, this was Naruto boy's body so it wouldn't have any effect on his resurrection, but-! He was the one who would be feeling the pain in Naruto's stead right now! Feeling slightly lightheaded, Jashin prayed to himself that he could pass out right now as he braced for the pain. Naruto screamed, as if Sakura could even hear him.
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