day 2
favorite song
That's a cruel question, and I'm not gonna be able to choose just one. However, I'll try to narrow it down.
The radio release of this song was what really got me hooked on for KING & COUNTRY, so it'll always have a special place in my heart for that reason. And beyond that... I mean... It's Priceless, guys. It's such a heartfelt song. They don't just say it because that's what Christians are supposed to say. It's something they believe from the depths of their souls and are truly passionate about, and that shows. Also, the radio release came just when I started to need it most, and it's been there for me through everything.
The Proof of Your Love
There really aren't words to do this song justice. It's probably the most heartfelt worship song I've ever heard. It's so inspiring, and it's such a needed message to Christians today, because the Church is often so bad at truly loving. That's something I hate... I can't stand fake Christians... And this song puts that into words so well, and really makes the Scripture come alive.
God Only Knows
If you absolutely made me pick a favorite, it would probably be this one. It just seems to exactly describe my life. I mean, they wrote it looking outward... Which means at us Cravers... So that makes sense. But you can really tell that God's anointing was on them when they wrote this song, and you can hear the passion and love in their voices when they sing it. Plus, they released it on my birthday, and combined with the lyrics that I relate to so much, it literally feels like it was written for me.
Burn the Ships
Finally, there's this beautiful, passionate, heartfelt song (though that describes every fK&C song). It was released on September 28, 2018. I left the dance school I'd been with for eleven years on September 13. That was one of the hardest things I've gone through in my entire life. I'd been with them since I was five years old... I'd literally grown up there. They were all of my little girl dreams, but beyond that, they were my current dreams, too. Everything led back to me teaching with them, doing missions work with them, being on their company. And they were my home... My family. They knew things about me that no one else did. And yet, my family never wanted me, and I was an outsider in my own home. I wad looked at like this fragile, broken... Puppy... of the director's who was either disliked or pitied, and I'd take the dislike over the pity any day. They stabbed me in the back over and over again and I put up with it for years, but they finally pushed too far, and started doing the same thing to my little sister. So I left. I had to. But my God, it hurt. I was physically sick for days. I cried whenever I was alone. It was like a horrible breakup almost, from a relationship I'd been in for years. Except it wasn't a breakup... It was a fallout, and I was losing something I'll never have in the same way again, because you can only grow up once. And yet, through everything, all the tears and pain and burning anger, I regretted my decision and still do, no matter how right I know it was. I still have moments of weakness when I'm miserable and out of place at my new school where so decide I'm going back. And then there's that song... Telling me time and time again not only not to go back, but never to even look back.
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