Long Gone and Moved On (chapter 35)
"TAMSIN! WAKE UP!" Liam screamed, waking me from my perfect dream world.
"Damn it, Liam!" I exclaimed, irritated.
I looked over at my clock and it read 7:44am.
"What the hell are you doing waking me up so early??" I yelled, putting my head back on my pillow and pulling my covers up.
"We are going to school early, today! Get your ass out of bed and get dressed. Breakfast is already ready for you to eat in the car." Liam explained and rushed out of the room.
What is his problem?
I shook away the questioning thoughts and gave up on trying to understand my big brother.
I hauled myself out of bed and looked in the mirror.
I actually looked semi-decent for having just woken up.
Then again, not really.
I brushed my hair and teeth and put my blue dress that I had worn to the beach with him that first time we went together.
I love this dress!
I pulled the dress over my bathers and didn't bother doing anything with my hair; I let it fall in loose, blonde ringlets down my back, reaching just past my waist.
I grabbed my books from my floor and rushed downstairs to find a fruit salad in a container on the edge of the counter.
I took it off the counter and walked sluggishly outside to the car where Liam was waiting.
"Isn't it my day to drive?" I asked him, and he shook his head, no.
I shrugged my shoulders and started eating my fruit salad, leaving the pears until last as they were my favourite.
Liam drove fast on the way to school and I couldn't take it anymore, I had to ask.
"Why the hell are we going to school so early?"
"I don't know! Do I have to have a reason for everything?" He asked, but I could tell he was avoiding the question.
"Liiaam!" I groaned and he rolled his eyes, smirking.
"Fine! Don't tell me! I'll found out by myself!" I exclaimed, looking out the window.
We pulled into the school gates and I was waiting for something or someone to stand out to me, but no one was there.
"Liam! It is quarter past eight, this is bullshit! I want to go home so I can sleep a little longer!" I groaned, frustrated.
"Oh quit your sooking! I'm sure Bronte will be in the library, just go annoy her!" Liam said, effectively ending the conversation.
I followed his advice and walked in the opposite direction as him, toward the library.
I opened the door to the library and immediately spotted Bronte, as she was the only one there.
"Tam? What are you doing here so early?" Bronte asked, looking up from her books with a questioning look on her face.
"I don't know, Liam wanted to be here early. It's so annoying!" I huffed, sitting down in the seat beside her.
"That's weird..." Bronte agreed, loooking at me strangely.
"What's that look for?" I asked, and Bronte looked guilty.
"Oh, shit. Nothing..." She mumbled, and I was sick of people not telling me anything.
"What?" I groaned, my voice a little too loud.
I looked around for the librarian and she was nowhere to be seen.
Lucky me!
"Nothing. I.. Nothing..." Bronte trailed, and I gave up.
"I'm going to get a book," I informed her, and stood up to walk toward the section of the library that my favourite book was in.
I brought the novel back and sat down next to Bronte, and I felt her gaze on me the whole time.
"Bronte. What's happening?" I asked, one more time.
"Sorry. I can't tell you! I wish I could but I can't! Sorry Tam!" She blurted, and I accepted that.
"That's okay! You could have just said that to start with!" I rushed, my attention going back to the book.
I read through the first few pages, but my attention was soon elsewhere.
Seriously?? Can I not go two minutes without thinking about Alec??
Damn it!
I re-focussed on my book, but my mind kept wandering everywhere except the book.
I closed the book and stood up to go put it back, looking at the clock on the wall on the way.
It was 8:49am, and I decided to head to my locker.
I walked back to Bronte and saw her packing up her books, almost like she had read my mind.
"Lets go," she said when I arrived at the table, and we walked to the lockers together.
"Are you doing anything tonight?" Bronte asked, as we walked up to my locker.
"Ya, sorry. I'm going to the beach with Alec. Do you want to do something tomorrow night?" I asked, hoping I hadn't hurt her feelings.
"Yeah, sure. Anyway, I have to get to my locker. I will see you in class!" She exclaimed, and rushed in the direction of her locker.
I closed my locker and started heading toward my classroom.
Hmm. That's strange. I haven't seen Alec all morning.
"Morning," someone whispered in my ear, sending a shiver down my spine.
I turned to face the hazel-green eyed boy that was standing behind me and I smiled up at him.
"Morning Alec!" I greeted, and wondered how everyone seemed to know what I was thinking this morning.
"Did you bring your stuff for the beach this afternoon?" Alec asked curiously, and I nodded.
"Anyway, I better get to class now! I'll talk to you later!" He continued, and I kept walking to my classroom.
"Tamsin! Wait up!" Hunter called from behind me, and we walked to class together.
"How are you going?" I asked, looking up into his grey eyes which seemed very focussed and conceantrated.
"I'm okay. Confused, but okay!" He said cheerfully, as we walked into the classroom.
"Why confused?" I asked, and he looked around him cautiously.
"We'll talk about it... Later..." Hunter trailed, and I immediately understood.
"Yep! Sounds good!" I exclaimed, talking my seat in between his and Mason's.
Psychology went by very slowly, and I was very bored by the end of it. I had already read the chapter that we were currently studying so I took this as a good opportunity to look out the window and daydream.
I walked with Mason to maths and actually tried to focuss this class. We were learning about quadratic trinomials and other stuff that I didn't understand, so I needed to pay attention.
I hate maths!
Halfway through the lesson, the teacher put on a video for us, as he could tell that we were all bored and we weren't learning anything anyway.
He was by far my favourite teacher. He was really funny and understood things from our point of view.
When the movie began, Mase tapped me on the shoulder and motioned for me to check my phone.
'Are you busy after school?' It read, and I was suddely very curious.
Why is everyone asking me that!??!?
'Ya, I'm going to the beach with Alec. Why?' I replied, looking over to him and raising my eyebrows.
'No reason!' Mason texted back, and I was very suspicious.
Everyone was being so weird!
I rolled my eyes at his response and focussed on the movie.
My male math teacher was putting on a Disney movie for us to watch.
It was Atlantis, my favourite movie!
I have always wanted to be Princess Kidagakash! She is just so kickass and really nice but weird enough that she's not normal.
Wow I make no sense!
Soon enough it was lunch and I walked to the cafeteria with Mason, Bronte and Dahlia.
"It's been ages since we have hung out, just the four of us!" Dahlia exclaimed, and I smirked.
"Ya! Because you two are too busy with your boyfriends!" I retorted, making everyone laugh.
"So are you!" Dahlia exclaimed, and I shook my head.
"You know he is not my boyfriend!" I stated, for about the hundredth time.
"You wish!" Mase said, and I sighed.
"I can't disagree with you there..."
"What can't you disagree with?" Alec asked from behind me, making me jump.
"Jeez Alec! You scared the shit out of me!" I exclaimed, and Bronte, Dahlia and Mason cracked up laughing.
We all walked over to the table where Hunter and Taylor were and sat down.
Taylor was out of it and seemed a bit shocked actually.
Hunter looked a little strange, so I asked him what was wrong.
"Can we go outside?" He asked and I knew what he wanted to talk about.
Once we were on the benches outside, he started talking.
"I don't like Taylor, like that. But he was bugging me about what was wrong and I could not be bothered keeping it a secret anymore so I told him. He took it fairly well, but I think he is a bit.. surprised.. I don't really know. But I don't think I should have told him," Hunter explained, his face covered by his hands.
"It's good that you told him! He is one of your best friends and he needed to know!" I comforted, putting my arm around his waist.
The cafeteria door slammed open, revealing a strange-looking Taylor.
Without saying anything he sat on the bench across from us, staring at Hunter in astonishment.
"You're gay," he finally said, and I laughed at his facial expression.
Both boys turned to stare at me.
"Oops, sorry. Not funny," I apologized, trying to keep the giggles in.
"Since when?" Taylor asked, not managing to get more than two words out of his mouth.
I could tell that Hunter was worried about Taylor's reaction, so I gave him a reassuring look.
"I... Um.. I don't know. A year?" Hunter mumbled, and I found the situation hilarious for some reason.
Don't laugh, Tam! Don't laugh!
I managed to keep the laughter in.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Taylor asked, getting back to his normal self.
"I don't know. I didn't want to make things weird and I didn't want to have to deal with everyone treating me differently..." Hunter trailed quietly, looking at the ground.
"Hunter! You know we would never do that! Have you told anyone else? Other than Tamsin and I obviously," Taylor asked, and Hunter shook his head.
"You should..." Taylor continued, and Hunter sighed.
"I know I should, but it's really hard to!" He exclaimed, and I felt really bad for him. It would have been so hard.
"I understand," Taylor replied, and I agreed with him.
We ended up talking about Alec and I for the rest of lunch. Well, it was more like them bringing it up and me trying to change the subject.
English went by in a blur, and soon enough it was time to leave.
Time to go to the beach! With Alec! Yay!
It was really hot, and I couldn't wait to get to the beach to feel the refreshingly cold water.
"Jesus! It's so hot! Hurry up!" Alec rushed me, as I put books in my bag.
"I know it is! But I need to get my books!" I exclaimed, and he rolled his eyes at me.
"Come on, come on, come on!" He chanted, as I walked slowly toward the carpark, trying to annoy him now.
It worked.
I laughed at his irritated expression and ran to his car, beating him by a foot.
"Sucker," I teased, and he told me to shut up and get in the car.
I did as he said, and was relieved to feel the air con start to work.
"I have been waiting for this all day! You have no idea! It has been soo hot!" Alec groaned and I laughed at him.
"Oh stop being such a sook!" I chastised, and he turned looked away.
"Fine! Ooh! I forgot to ask! What were you, Hunter and Taylor talking about at lunch?" He asked, and I was caught completely off guard.
"Um... I don't know... Nothing really..." I mumbled, trying to form sentences that made sense.
"Yes you did. Both Hunter and Taylor looked a bit... I don't know... Shocked? Worried?" Alec guessed, and I shook my head.
"Not my place to tell you, mate," I said, effectively ending the conversation as we pulled onto the dirt road that led to our part of the beach.
At the end of the road, I was pleased to find that no one else was there.
I pulled my dress off over my head and adjusted my bathers slightly.
"Hurry up!" It was my turn to whine at him, and he rolled his eyes again, but he looked a little distacted.
Oh well! I'll ask him later!
"Fine! I'll race you to the water!" He challenged, and I sprinted as soon as I heard 'race'.
I enjoyed feeling the soft grains of sand under my feet as I ran, and I beat him there.
"You're too slow! You can't beat me in anything!" I bragged, and he raised his eyebrows at me.
"Oh yeah? You sure about that?" He asked, and the way he was looking at me I was worried.
I didn't have to worry long, as he lunged at me moments later, tackling me into the water.
"Damn it Alec!" I groaned as I came up for air, and Alec smiled proudly at me.
"You can beat me in anything?" He asked, and I pushed him.
I turned away from him and swam out further, not wanting to be able to touch the bottom.
Alec followed behind me, but he still had that look on his face which meant he was thinking about something.
"Alec, what's wrong?" I asked, moving closer to him as we were about 7 metres apart.
"Nothing, I'm fine..." He mumbled.
"No, you're not. What's wrong?" I repeated, my voice stronger.
"I'm just sick of pretending that I don't love her! I can't handle it anymore!" Alec rushed, looking straight into my eyes with so many emotions crossing over his face.
"I know how you feel. I'm done pretending too..." I trailed, quieter and less confident than I had been before.
"We could stop pretending?" Alec asked, his eyes moving around my face.
"Ya.. Let's stop pretending..." I whispered.
"Okay," Alec agreed.
Alec reached for me at the same time I reached for him.
Ya, we were done pretending.
He gripped my waist with both of his hands and I wrapped my arms around his neck.
Alec moved his lips to mine, and it was as perfect as the first time.
The sparks between us were electric as he moved his lips against mine, and in that moment I was the happiest I had been in a long time.
I pulled back, and Alec's face was confused, his hazel-green eyes lit up with worry.
"I love you," I whispered, and was so overcome with emotions that my eyes started tearing up.
"I love you, Tam," he replied, and everything was perfect.
Alec pulled me back to him, and his lips found mine as if it were the most normal, natural thing in the world.
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