Long Gone and Moved On (chapter 33)
I was bored.
I was sitting in my bed watching the amazing Disney movie that Bronte had recommended to me, Tangled.
It was a great movie, but I wanted school to be over so that I see Alec.
This morning before Liam left, he had offered to stay home with me, as I would be at home alone. He agreed for me to stay at home, but informed me that he would not be home after school. He was going on a date.
Awwh that is so cute!
He had wished me goodbye and left, a nice set of clothes in his bag for his date.
That meant Alec and I had the house to ourselves, as Gran and Pa would be getting home from work late.
Bronte, Dahlia and Mase were also coming over, but leaving after an hour. Their excuse was that they needed to study for a math test, but I knew they just wanted to leave us alone. I mean, Bronte and Mase were in the same class but a different one to Dahlia. Bronte and Mase were in my class and I knew we didn't have a test.
When they told me the previous evening on skype, I called their bluff but thanked them anyway, grateful for the time alone with him.
Ugh. I am so sick of pretending that I don't like him....
I texted Hunter, asking how he was and how school was going.
He replied that he was good. 'I need to tell you something! It's so funny. Just be patient, it may take a while!'
I waited impatiently for his text, not paying any attention to the movie.
'Okay. So we were all sitting down at lunch, informing everyone what happened with you. Alec was being real quiet and looked like he was thinking really hard about something. I let it go and didn't ask questions, but he got more worried and I swear he ran his hand through his hair 20 times in a minute!!! I asked him on the way to class what was wrong and he said something about you. I gave him advice and he said exactly the same thing you said you said at the top of the lookout! How I don't talk much and all. Same expression and everything! It was so funny! You two are so similar! You are rubbing off on each other... If you know what I mean ;)' I read, my eyes growing wider with every sentence I read further.
'What did he say about me?' I replied, and was busting for the answer.
'It's not my place to tell you. He may tell you tonight though! Well, I told him that he should and he disagreed but I could tell he was thinking about it!' Hunter stated, and I could imagine his smirking at mine and Alec's supposed stupidness.
'Thanks Hunter! How are you going with the mystery person? Do I know them?' I pumped him for answers and waited for a replu.
He still hadn't replied in an hour, so I put my phone on my bedside table and had a shower, knowing that the others would arrive from school soon.
When I had changed into my comfortable jeans and blue hoodie, I walked into my room to see Bronte, Mase and Dahlia sitting on my bed smirking, while Alec stood by the door with a strange expression on his face.
It dissapeared the minute he saw me.
"Hey," I greeted him, ignoring the three on the bed staring at us.
"Hey, Tam. How are you?" He asked, something clearly on his mind.
Oh! That's what Hunter was talking about!
"I'm good!" I smiled, then turned to greet Mase, Dahlia and Bronte, a smirk present on all of their faces.
"Don't worry. You don't need to say hi to us. We can just leave you and your boyfriend by yourselves..." Bronte trailed and I laughed at her.
"You are doing that in an hour anyway!" I exclaimed, pointing out the flaw in her plan.
"Oh, so he is your boyfriend now?" Bronte asked, eyebrows raised and my eyes widened at her words.
"No, uh... no, I didn't... ugh... Shut up!" I groaned, completely defeated.
"No... But she wishes..." Dahlia trailed, and I gasped.
"Ya.. And so does he!" Mase added, and I blushed deep red.
"I am right here!" Alec added, and I laughed at his frustrated tone.
He didn't deny it and neither did I.
I love him so much.
We walked downstairs to play 500, another card game.
I was on Alec's team and Bronte and Dahlia were on the other. Mase sucked at cards.
I picked up my hand and immediately knew I was going to win this hand.
I had a good run of hearts, both bowers and the joker.
I smirked and it was my turn to call.
"7 hearts," I called, not bothering with six.
Everyone was surprised, but Alec grinned.
Good, he has some hearts.
"Pass," Dahlia called.
"8 hearts," Alec upped the bid, and I smiled at him.
"Pass!" Bronte exclaimed, taking a sip of her drink.
"9 hearts!" I squealed, and Alec raised his eyebrows.
"You can have it," Alec winked, and I thanked him.
We ended up getting ten, effectively winning the game.
"Shit. We have to go study!!" Bronte exclaimed mischeiviously, winking at me.
"Ya... Bye guys!" Dahlia said, and they both left toward the front door.
"Bye!" I called back as the front door closed.
"I should probably go soon, too," Mase said quietly and I rolled my eyes at him.
"Is there a reason everyone is leaving? Am I missing out on something?" Alec asked, confusion lighting his features.
"Nope!" I exclaimed, at the same time Mason mouthed 'I'll tell you later'.
Ugh, that traitor!
He left a few minutes later, and I enjoyed the peace it brought.
"What do you want to do? I've been so bored all day!" I exclaimed, bouncing up and down on my feet.
"I'm not surprised. I don't really mind what we do. Do you want to watch a movie?" Alec asked, and under normal circumstances I would have said no, but this was Alec, and any opportunity to be with Alec worked for me.
"Sure!" I smiled.
We walked to the lounge room and sat down on opposite ends of the couch.
After a few minutes of the movie, I had to ask.
"What did you and Hunter talk about today?"
That caught him off guard, and he actually looked a little embarassed.
"How did you... Uh... How did you know about that?" He stuttered, his voice shaking and his cheeks going bright red.
"I was texting Hunter and it came up..." I trailed, not wanting to get Alec mad at Hunter.
"Do you know that he can actually talk? Like, a lot?" Alec asked, I nodded my head, yes. I laughed.
Hunter was right. He did say the same thing.
"Avoiding the question?" I asked, and he smirked at me, clearly coming up with a plan.
"I'll tell you. I don't mind..." He trailed with a mischeivious grin on his face.
"What?" I asked hesitantly.
"I will tell you. If we can talk about what happened at the bottom of the lookout stairs." He continued, and I shook my head profusely.
"Nope. No way! That is so unfair Alec!" I groaned, focussing on the movie.
"Oh, you love me," Alec retorted, and I smiled.
"Whatever!" I replied, looking back at the television.
I went to school the next day, and I had a lot of attention.
All the teachers asked me how I was, and a lot of students that I had never talked to before said for me to get better.
It was terrible. Too much attention.
"Liking the attention?" Alec asked from behind me, and I turned to face him.
"Ya! It is, like, totes amazing!" I replied sarcasitcally and rolled my eyes.
"I can tell you are loving it," he winked, and we walked to the cafeteria together.
Saturday was really boring, as Gran and Pa wanted me to stay home.
I enjoyed watching movies with them, but I had watched enough movies over the past few days to last me a lifetime.
When I was lying in bed that night, Alec texted me.
'Come over tomorrow after lunch?' It read, and I texted back in agreeance, my mood improving from this silly invitation.
Wow. I was really getting pathetic wasn't I??
I went to Alec's at about 2, and Ally greeted me at the door.
"Tamsin! How are you?" She asked, pulling me into a hug.
"Ya, I'm good now! How are you, Ally?" I replied, as we walked to the kitchen together.
"I'm good! We were all really worried when you went into hospital!" Ally stated, and Grace agreed from somewhere in the kitchen.
"Hi Grace!" I exclaimed, hugging her too.
"Hi, sweety. What have you been up to?" She asked as she moved around the kitchen with expertise.
"Oh you know. Went to hospital. Low white blood cell count. Came home. Watched movies. Got bored. The usual," I ranted, and everyone laughed.
"Oh yeah, the usual..." Jack trailed, entering the room.
He looked like he was thinking about something and I decided I would ask him later.
We all sat down at the kitchen bench, talking about my little trip to the hospital.
Where was Alec???
At that moment a sweaty looking Alec walked through the front door and through to the kitchen.
"Hey. Running?" I greeted and he just nodded, trying to regain his breath.
He excused himself to take a shower and left the kitchen to go upstairs.
We all moved onto the back porch and looked at the view of the trees and the clear blue sky.
"It's so beautiful here," I stated, looking up at the sky.
Alec walked through the sliding door then, his hair dripping wet and very dishevelled; he looked hot.
We ended up playng cards and talking for the evening, until it was time for me to leave.
"What;s your favourite colour?" Alec asked me as I was walking to my car.
"Blue," I answered and he smirked.
"Thought so," was all he replied and I rolled me eyes.
I am never going to understand him.
"Hey, have you got plans for tomorrow after school? Liam and I are watching a re-run of our favourite footy match, Aussie rules of course. Do you want to come? A few of the others are coming too," I invited, hoping he would agree.
I really wanted to see him! As much as I could!
"Sounds great!" He exclaimed, and I smiled at him.
"Bye Alec!" I waved goodbye as I got into my car, Alec's eyes following the car as it left the driveway.
When I got home I texted Bronte, Dahlia, Hunter, Tristan and Taylor to ask if they would come over to watch the footy game tomorrow night.
Within the hour, I got a response from everyone, agreeing that they would come and watch.
I was so excited.
I pulled out my football team's jumper and put it on my bed, ready for after school the next day.
I am going to have a good week! I thought to myself, while getting ready for bed.
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