Long Gone and Moved On (chapter 32)
[A/N: Three chapters in one night! Aren't you lucky? (Sorry it's short but it needed to end where it did). Hey guys! Hope you are enjoying my story! Love all of you and I really appreciate you reading and voting! This is back to Tamsin's point of view, so enjoy!
Don't forget to read, comment, vote and all of that. - J xx]
I opened my eyes to find myself in a hospital room.
How the hell did I get here???
I was confused, but the doctor at the end of my bed un-confused me.
He was tall and lean, with dark hair falling onto his face and dark glasses framing his eyes.
"Tamsin, I am Doctor Green, and I have been monotiring you for the time you have been here. You passed out yesterday and your brother brought you here. You came in with a low white blood cell count, which means that it would have been very difficult to fight infections, disease and illness. You had a small procedure last night, and your white blood cell count has risen, and is almost back to normal. We will keep you here for the remainder of the day, and you should be free to go home tonight." Doctor Green informed me, and I was relieved.
I am okay.
Doctor Green walked out of the room, and a few minutes later Gran, Pa, Liam and Mase walked in.
"Awh, sweety, how are you feeling?" Gran asked, looking tired with huge bags under her eyes.
"Um.. Okay, I guess." I replied. "Did any of you sleep?" I asked, looking at all of their tired faces.
"No... Well Alec did, and Sam has just gone to get him from the cafeteria. But the rest of us stayed up..." Liam trailed, still worried about me I think.
"You should have slept... I was unconcious anyway, so I wouldn't have noticed," I grinned, happy that they cared about me so much.
Liam was about to say something, but stopped when he heard footsteps in the hall.
I turned to see a breathless Alec, standing in the doorway with Sam behind him.
I smiled at him and he instantly smiled back, but not just a shy smile. One that took my breath away.
"How are you feeling?" Alec asked me looking concerned, his brother mirroring his expression.
"Pretty good," I replied, and Liam and Tris rolled their eyes.
"What?" I asked them, and they had that look of 'oh shit I've been caught doing something that I shouldn't have and now I have to explain'.
"I'll explain later," Tris smirked and Liam laughed at him.
"No you won't," he scoffed, and I nodded my head in agreement.
"Whatever," Tristan dismissed with a wave of his hand, and everyone was looking at Alec strangely.
He shrugged his shoulders at Mase, and I was confused.
"I'm going to go to the cafeteria..." Mase trailed, leaving the room with everyone except for Alec. Oncet he room was empty I looked at Alec questioningly.
"What was that about?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.
"You noticed that? Is there anything you don't notice?" Alec asked, something not quite right about his voice.
"What's wrong?" I asked, and he barked a short laugh.
"You are the one asking me what's wrong when you're the one in the hospital bed?" Alec scoffed, getting serious.
"Ya, I am. What is wrong?" I repeated, and Alec's face was full of emotion.
"I just... I was so worried... I didn't know what happened and Mason called me saying you were in hospital and... I... I was just scared..." He rushed, tripping over his words and honestly making him freaking adorable.
I motioned for him to sit next to me, and he did.
His eyes were watering and he was trying to keep the tears from spilling over, I think, so he closed his eyes.
"Sorry for scaring you... I didn't mean it..." I teased, but my words were honest.
"I can not believe you are worried about everyone else, but not yourself!" Alec exclaimed, shaking his head while smiling slightly, his eyes still closed.
"Ya, because I feel great! Better than I have in a while, actually! You know all those headaches and stomach aches I was getting? It was because of this. And now I feel fantastic! So yeah, I am worried about everyone else. And I am worried about you because you are my best friend and I don't want you to be upset about me because I feel great!" I ranted, taking a deep breath at the end.
Alec sighed and shook his head again.
He finally opened his eyes and they were glistening with tears.
"But I... I can't lose you. I didn't know what was wrong and I... I just can't," Alec mumbled, and my heart started beating rapidly, which of course showed up on the monitor that was behind me.
Stupid hospital.
"Ugh!" I groaned, and Alec laughed while a tear escaped his eye.
I wiped it off his cheek.
"You are not going to lose me, okay?" I continued seriously, looking into his eyes.
"I better not," he replied, closing his eyes again.
We sat in silence until everyone returned from the cafeteria, my left shoulder leaning against Alec's right as everyone walked in.
"Alec, sorry, but we have to go. Mum called," Sam explained to Alec, and I could see he was hesitant.
"Go on! You need to," I encouraged, and he smiled at me.
"Are you sure you're okay?" He whispered, still sitting beside me while everyone else was having private conversations.
"I'm sure. Say hi to everyone for me," I replied, and he smiled at me.
"I will," Alec replied. He kissed me swiftly on the cheek, leaving them very red.
"Bye," I said, lying my head back on my pillow.
I was alright to go home that evening, as my heart rate held steady and my WBC count was pretty much back to normal.
The car ride home was queit, everyone thinking about their own things.
I was thinking about Alec.
I was thinking about how much I loved him, why I loved him, how amazing he was, and his physical features.
Damn, that boy was hot!!!!
When I got home, Liam insisted on sleeping on the floor in my room to make sure I was okay.
I agreed, but only to make him feel better.
They were all still worried about me, but it meant they cared and I was grateful to have such an amazing family.
I changed into my comfortable sweats and my Muse shirt and crawled into bed, Liam already on the floor beside my bed.
"I was really worried about you. You looked real pale and scary..." Liam stated, concern in his voice.
"Sorry for scaring you..." I repeated for about the fiftieth time that day.
I had apparently scared a lot of people.
"Don't be sorry. I'm just letting you know," Liam laughed, then said goodnight and fell asleep.
I was still wide awake, so I checked my phone to see a text from Alec. Of course.
'Have a good sleep. I'll see you tomorrow after school.' It read, and I was confused for a moment.
Oh ya, I'm not going to school tomorrow... Damn it!
'Thanks Alec. Sweet dreams x' I responded, and waited for the reply that I knew would come.
'They will be sweet if they are about you ;)'
My eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.
Why did he have to tease me like that all the time?
Ugh, he was so frustrating.
I groaned and threw my phone on my bedside table and my head on my pillow.
"Tam, are you okay?" Liam asked, sitting up.
"Ya.. Sorry... Alec is just being s frustrating person," I huffed, which earned myself a laugh from Liam.
"What?" I asked, my eyes narrowing in the darkness.
"Nothing.. Sweet dreams, Tamsin," he replied, and I rolled my eyes.
I was still too busy thinking about Alec to fall asleep, but I finally managed to do so at about 3am.
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