Long Gone and Moved On (chapter 31)
[A/N: Hey guys :) Please don't kill me. But ya.. This is Alec's POV... Cos it'd be kinda hard to do Tam's POV ;) so enjoy :)
Don't forget to read, comment, vote xxx]
"Alec, you need to get to the hospital right now. It's Tamsin," Mason's voice came through the phone strained.
The phone fell through my hands. I was frozen.
"Hello? What happened?" Sam, my older brother, picked up my phone and began talking to Mason in a concerned voice.
"Holy shit, man. I'll bring him there right away! Thanks for lettin' us know!" Sam finished quickly. He hung up and turned to face me.
"Get in the car. I'm driving," he informed me, rushing out to the car, towing me behind him.
A million thoughts rushed through my head at once.
She can't be in the hospital! What happened!?!?
Didn't I tell her that she should go to the hospital just a few days ago???
Why didn't she listen to me??
Is she dying?
No. She can't be.
She can't leave me.
I can't lose her.
I can't lose my best friend.
I can't lose my everything.
"ALEC! FOR FUCKS SAKE SNAP OUT OF IT AND GET IN THE CAR!" Sam screamed at me, snapping me out of my daze. I ran my hand through my hair, a habit I had picked up from him.
"Sorry..." I mumbled, realizing that I was standing outside the car, unmoving.
Sam threw me something. His phone.
"Text Mom and Ally where we are. They need to know so they don't worry about us." Sam stated, his jaw tight and his eyes focussed.
He was worried about Tamsin too.
As he had once said, she was like his little sister that he had always wanted.
He loved having Ally, and those two were as tight as anyone could get. But there was something about Tam that drew everyone to her, including my big brother.
"She's going to be alright, Alec," Sam comforted, whether he was talking to himself or to me, I am not sure.
"But she's in hospital! That can't be good!" I stressed, fidgeting, not being able to stay still.
"She. Will. Be. Fine." Sam said through clenched teeth, and I could tell that he was trying to convince both of us.
We arrived at the hospital ten minutes later.
Sam parked the car and we both jumped out and ran to the entrance.
"Gentlemen, I am going to have to ask you to stop running. It's too dangerous," a receptionist said politely, with a fixed smile on her face.
"Yes ma'am, sorry ma'am." I mumbled, and continued walking to the waiting room, where I saw Mason, Dahlia, Bronte, Tristan, Liam and Tam's grandparents there.
"What happened?" I asked, breathless and desparate.
"She was getting out of the car when we got home and started walking to the front door. She looked real pale and scary. I asked her if she was okay and she passed out. Lucky I was close enough to catch her before her head hit the pavement. I brought her here with Gran and Pa and they took her straight into a room upstairs. We weren't allowed to go any further and we have been waiting here ever since." Liam explained, and I exhaled sharply.
She was still alive.
A few minutes later, a doctor came into the waiting room to talk to us.
"Are you the guardians of Tamsin Elena Royce?" The doctor asked, adjusting his glasses on his face.
"Yes," her gran, Anne, answered, concern evident on her features.
"Hi. My name is Doctor Green, and I have been monitoring Tamsin for the past hour or two." He took a deep breath, then continued.
"The good news is that she will be fine. The bad new is that she has a low white blood cell count, which means her body is more susceptible to sickness and disease. The solution to this is fairly easy, and a simple procedure can be done to increase this number back to normal. Everything else is performing at capacity, we just need to speak to the family alone."
Liam and his grandparents got up, and I could tell that Tristan wanted to go as well.
"Can Tristan come? He is basically family!" Liam asked the doctor, and he hesitated, but nodded in agreement.
Tristan leapt out of his seat and walked with Liam, probably to a private room to discuss the procedure.
I breathed a sigh of relief.
She was going to be okay.
I looked over to the others, who also looked relieved.
"Thanks for calling me Mason," I turned to him with a look of gratitude showing on my face.
"No problem. You need to be here," he replied, smiling grimly.
We all sat in silence, looking at the plain, white, sterile walls and ceiling, waiting for something to happen.
After what seemed like forever, Tristan, Liam, Anne and Patrick walked into the waiting room, looking relieved and relaxed.
"The procedure is going to begin in a few minutes and will be done within the hour. No one can see her until tomorrow though." Anne stated, and Tristan and Liam comforted her, one arm each around her shoulders.
Tristan really was a part of the family.
"We really appreciate you all being here for her, but you can all go home to sleep. You can't do anything here and we will text you all when you are allowed to see her." Tamsin's grandfather, Patrick, said sitting back on one of the plastic chairs.
He was looking out for all of us. Trying to do what was best for us.
There is no way I am leaving, though.
Tristan, Sam, Mason and I made no move to leave, and Liam understood.
The others went home to sleep; so Mason, Sam, Liam, Tristan and I walked to the cafeteria to get something to eat. We also went for something to do.
It is going to be a long night.
I bought a bottle of water but no food. I wasn't hungry. I wasn't anything.
I could only think about one thing, one person.
She is going to be fine! Snap out of it!
But what if the procedure goes wrong?
They're trained professionals, nothing is going to go wrong!
How would you know?
Because I am logic.
There is no way Tamsin could like a guy who has conversations with himself in his head.. Ugh... Shut up!
"Alec! Hello?" Sam waved a hand in front of my face and Mason smirked knowingly.
"Do you know everything? Or just almost everything?" I asked Mason, still frustrated.
"I know everything! But it's not my place to tell you!" He repeated for about the fiftieth time, bringing up a past conversation.
Liam, Sam and Tristan looked confused, but I dismissed them with my hand.
"This is about you and Tam, right?" Tristan asked, and I nodded my head slightly.
The four of them burst laughing, and I was confused.
Why the hell were they laughing?
I frowned as I looked down at the table, trying to figure out the answer to my own question.
"Are you freaking blind, Alec?" Liam simply asked, and I shook my head.
"What?" I asked, one hundred percent confused.
"No, don't tell him." Sam interrupted, and I glared at him.
"Ya, let him figure it out for himself!" Mase added, and I glared at him too.
"Oh stop with the glaring. You wouldn't be glaring if you weren't so thick!" Tristan exclaimed, and the guys cracked up again.
"Shut up," I groaned, and covered my face with my hands.
"Oh man up and ask her out already!" Mason exclaimed, and I hit him on the back of the head.
"What the hell, dude? Haven't we had this conversation a million times already?" I exclaimed, frustrated with Mason at the moment.
"We have, and I'm sure we will have it a million more!" He groaned, and I shook my head.
"You know the reason Mason. Quit pushing it!" I huffed, standing up and walking away from the table.
"Alec! Wait up!" Mason called and I kept walking, hearing his footsteps behind me.
"Alec," he said softly, putting his hand on my shoulder.
"I'm sorry man, I was just joking around," Mason apologized and I turned to face him.
"I know. But don't you understand why I wont? Or at least not yet?" I asked him, emotion pouring through my words.
"Ya... But you're wrong..." Mason mumbled, and I shook my head.
"I've waited too long to throw this away. I'm not going to do it until I'm sure, okay?" I asked, running my fingers through my messy, dark hair.
Mason sighed, clearly annoyed.
"I know. But what you don't know is you are confusing the shit out of her and it's not fair on her. She deserves to know that the person she loves-"
"Don't," I warned, cutting him off.
I am not hearing this again.
"But it's the truth! She needs to know!" Mason exclaimed, and I shook my head.
"You have no idea how close I have come to telling her. But every time I do, I am interrupted! Shouldn't I take that as a sign? The universe is telling me that it's not time to do it yet!" I ranted, scratching the back of my neck.
"I know. I guess it makes sense..." Mason trailed, finally understanding my point of view.
He turned to walk back to the cafeteria, expecting me to join him.
"Are you coming?" He asked, curiousity appearing on his face.
"I'll be there in ten, I just need to sort some stuff out in my head..." I trailed.
I recieved an understanding nod from Mason, so I turned and walked the opposite direction.
Now, to sort out my head.
Well that is going to be impossible.
Shut up! No it's not! I'm not that screwed up!
Yes you are, you are talking to yourself.
I am not!
No, you're right. You are not 'talking' to yourself. You are having a conversation with yourself in your brain.
Seriously, shut up. I need to sort some stuff out.
It's never going to happen and you know it.
Ya, I know. I've been telling myself that for two years.
Just making sure you knew.
Shut up. You're me! Of course I knew! Ugh, this is getting ridiculous!
I decided that I was getting nowhere with my brain, so I looped back around to the cafeteria.
When I walked into the doors, Anne and Patrick had joined everyone at the table.
I walked over and sat down next to Mason, opposite Anne and Patrick.
"They just finished her procedure and it went very well. She could be out of hospital as soon as Thursday," Anne informed me, seeming more like herself than when I first arrived at the hospital.
"That's good," I replied, everyone else agreeing.
Now all we had to do was wait.
We all stayed in the cafeteria, as there were more things to do, or at least look at.
After a while, I bought a pack of cards from the gift shop and walked back down to the cafeteria.
We played spoons, and I lost. Again.
I really suck at this game...
We also played bullshit, where I won 2 games out of 7.
Eventually we were all sick of playing cards, so I rested my head on my arms which were resting on the table and fell into a restless sleep.
"Alec, wake up! We can go see her! She's awake," Sam rushed, shaking my shoulders as I came into conciousness.
We all but ran to her room, on the second floor.
I opened the door to room 275 and walked in.
She was talking to Anne, Patrick and Liam, but immediately looked over to me as I rushed into the room.
Honestly, she looked terrible. Her skin was pale and a little frightening, but she seemed okay apart from that.
She smiled at me, but it wasn't one of those small, shy smiles; it was the type of smile that took your breath away.
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