Long Gone and Moved On (chapter 27)
[A/N: PLEASE READ THIS. Sorry guys, this chapter is a bit messy. Well, it's really messy and it jumps all over the place and is honestly really annoying, but it is needed so please keep reading! Also, I have exams for the next 5 days, so I will probably not update in the next week. Sorry!
Check out xX0nceUponATimeXx 's story, The Seeking! It is absolutely amazing!
Please Read, Comment Vote! -J xx]
"What are we doing for Tam's birthday?" Bronte said, changing the topic entirely.
I groaned at the topic of my birthday. I didn't like to have big parties because I didn't like being the centre of attention. I also didn't like everyone knowing it was my birthday for the same reason.
"You are so strange..." Alec whispered beside me, and I got shiver up my spine.
After last night, and his 'I love you' in his dream, I have been on edge around him. I don't know why, but I think it's because of how much I wanted it to be true.
Yes, I wanted Alec to love me, and it hurt me to know that he didn't.
I smiled at him but shook my head.
"Nah! I'm not the strange one! I don't talk in my sleep!" I bragged, smikring at the adorable confusion that lit up his face.
"What? I don't talk in my sleep..." He trailed as if he was thinking about it.
"Ya.. You do!" I excalaimed, and went back to eating my lunch. Well, more like moving food around my plate, I wasn't hungry and I had an upset stomach.
"You okay?" Alec asked, noticing my hands over my stomach and my slightly slouched stance.
"Ya, I will be in a minute..." I inhaled sharply and exhaled, suddely feeling much better.
"Better?" Alec asked again, looking at me with concern in his almost-green eyes.
"Ya..." I trailed, then we focussed back on the conversation.
"So we're all meeting at 5, right?" Seth clarified, putting his arm around Bronte's waist.
"Yeah. Dahlia, can you tell Tristan?" Bronte asked her, and Dahlia broke into a smile.
"Wait, what did I miss?" I interrupted, not sure of what was happening. I looked to Alec for support, but he looked just as confused.
Bronte sighed. "So, we are going to have a party for you on Friday night at my place. Okay?"
"Nope," I answered, popping the 'p'. I smiled grimly at Bronte and I knew she was annoyed.
"Why noooot?" She whined, looking at me with pleading eyes.
"Because you know I don't like parties!" I exclaimed, which got almost everyone's attention.
"You don't like parties?" Taylor asked, incredulous.
"I don't like parties for me," I explained, exasparated and really not in the mood for this conversation.
"You're strange..." Taylor continued, and almost everyone nodded their head in agreement. I rolled my eyes at them and stared out the window. I wasn't about to go to a birthday party that I wouldn't enjoy, so they would have fun without me.
And I know I was being stubborn, but what else was I supposed to do?
"Ooh! I have an idea!" Alec exclaimed, his eyes lighting up. "Let's go to the lookout!"
The lookout was, well, a lookout. It had an amazing view of the ocean, and was on top of a cliff with one hundred stairs leading to it. Our 'spot' was at the highest part of the lookout. There were wooden planks on the bottom as a path that led to a square big enough to have a small party in.
We usually had little parties here, and it was the perfect spot. We usually took chairs, beanbags and anything to sit on, as well as food and other things to make a perfect picnic.
"That's such a good idea!" Dahlia squealed, and a huge smile spread across my face.
We haven't been there in ageeees!
"Sounds good," I added, and everyone agreed to meet at the bottom of the stairs at 4:30 on Friday after school.
The rest of the day went by slowly, and all I wanted to do was get home and draw.
I was exhausted.
When it finally got to the end of the day, I went home for the first time since Monday morning. I felt bad, because I hadn't seen my grandparents for that long, and I couldn't wait to get home to see them.
The rest of the evening I spent with my grandparents, Liam playing on his new X-box in his room. We watched t.v, played cards and ate dinner; but all I really wanted to do now was sleep.
I'm so tired!
I fell asleep at 9:30, which was very early for me, and went into a sleep full of colourful dreams.
I woke up early for once, but could not be bothered moving out of bed.
I felt exhausted, both physically and mentally.
I also felt weak, as if my bones collapse on me if I tried to stand up.
This isn't good...
The rest of the day went by uneventfully, everyone talking about the party at the lookout tomorrow.
Everyone was excited to say the least, and I was too.
Alec seemed very annoyed at the end of the day, so I went to talk to him, for the first time in the whole day.
"Hey, are you okay?" I asked him, looking up into his now hazel eyes, green still prominent though.
"Yeah, I'm fine... Are you? You look a little pale..." Alec trailed, worrying about me, still!
"I'm good. I mean I am exhausted but I'm good," I smiled at him in reassurance, then made my way to my car.
"Bye!" I called over my shoulder, but he was already gone.
"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dead Tamsin! Happy birthday to you!"
I rubbed my eyes and smiled at the three faces surrounding my bed, singing. Liam handed me a present, still very tired and probably a little annoyed that he had to get up.
"Thanks," I smiled at him, and unwrapped the present. Inside, was a small box with a thin, silver bracelet inside; it matched my necklace that my mom left me.
Gran and Pa gave me tickets to the Coldplay concert, and I literally did a happy dance.
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I chanted, pulling both of them into a hug.
Everyone laughed at me, then left me to get ready for school.
I sat back down on my bed and looked at the time on my phone.
It was 7:52am, and I had a message.
'Happy birthday Tam! Just so you know, I am technically the first one that said happy birthday to you! Have an awesome day and I hope you like my present! xx'
I smiled but didn't bother replying; I would see him at school anyway.
I dressed quickly into jeans and a singlet and left for school.
I got to drive and play my CD, so I was very happy.
When I parked the car, I noticed Bronte, Hunter, Dahlia, Mase and Alec all standing out the front of the building.
That's strange, the only people that are ever outside are Bronte, Alec and I...
Then it hit me that they were waiting outside for me.
Dahlia saw me first, and literally ran to where I was, enveloping me in a tight hug.
"Happy birthday, Tam!" She squealed in my ear, and I winced slightly.
"Thanks, Dahlia!" I replied as she let go of me.
The next person to wish me happy birthday was Bronte, then Hunter, then Mase, and finally Alec.
Alec hugged me and kissed my hair, and when he pulled back he retrieved something out of his pocket.
He handed it to me, grinning like an idiot.
I looked at the package, and I knew it was a CD.
I opened the wrapping carefully, earning myself an eye roll from almost everyone gathered around.
The cover read; Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends.
A wide smile covered my face and I hugged him again.
This was the CD I had been wanting for ages! We talked about it one time at his house, but I didn't think he would remember that!
"Thank you!" I exclaimed, and we all walked into the school building together.
School wasn't too bad and soon enough it was over; time to go to the lookout.
Alec and I were going straight from school, so I gave the keys to Liam and went in Alec's car.
When we arrived, I stepped out of the car in a rush to get there.
I breathed in the salty smell of the ocean and ran.
I got to the bottom of the stairs first, and had to wait a minute for Alec.
Why is he taking so long??
Alec came around the last corner, a smile covering his face.
"Why did you take so long?" I whined, still smiling as I sat on the third step.
"Because I couldn't be bothered running!" He stated simply.
"Oh yeah, right. That makes sense," I rambled, and he laughed at me, looking out towards the ocean.
We stayed silent for a few minutes, enjoying the peace that the beach brings.
"How is it going with mystery girl?" I asked, playfully nudging his shoulder.
"Good..." He trailed quietly, clearly not wanting to continue on this subject.
"That's good!" I replied smiling, but the smile was forced.
I didn't want it to be 'going good' with his mystery girl.
"What about you and your guy?" Alec smirked, his eyes gleaming.
"Okay, I guess," I mumbled, not wanting to go into detail either.
"Can you please tell me who it is?" He begged, looking straight into my eyes.
"Because!" I groaned. "He would never like me anyway and it's not going to happen and you're too good for me!"
Shit! What? NO! No no no no no no! Maybe he didn't notice!
Alec's eyes grew wider as he stared at me, and I had to look away.
Ya.. He noticed...
"W-what?" He stuttered, still looking at me with huge eyes.
I refused to answer, so I kept staring at the ocean, my cheeks going slightly red.
"Tamsin, look at me?" Alec asked softly, and I didn't want to turn around, but I did, because it was Alec.
With the way he was looking at me, my cheeks flushed even darker red, and I had to look away again.
"You said that I was too good for you?" Alec asked softly, clarifying things.
I could speak, and I thought lying would be stupid, so I nodded.
"Does that mean... that.. uh.. you... like me?" He asked, and I kept my eyes glued to the ocean, refusing to answer.
"Tamsin, please answer me!" Alec pleaded, and I looked back to him.
He didn't look as though it would wreck our friendship.
I was about to say that yes, I did like him, but was interrupted when Mase and Taylor came around the corner and into view.
"Hey guys!" I greeted them, relieved for their sudden appearance. They greeted us back and were almost to the stairs when Alec whispered something in my ear, a smirk present on his face.
"We're so not done with this conversation."
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