Long Gone and Moved On (chapter 26)
I felt a soft hand on my shoulder, but I didn't move.
The tears wouldn't stop falling, and within seconds I was being pulled into warm, comforting arms.
"Tamsin, what happened?" A soft voice asked, and I knew he wasn't asking about what happened five minutes ago.
I took a deep breath, the tears still fell in a steady stream down my face.
Alec wiped my tears away, and looked at me with the most concern he has ever had.
I took another deep breath and began the story, one I had never said out loud.
"Five years ago, I was still living in Australia. Liam, Dad and I were sitting on the front porch eating our breakfast before school, as we always did. Dad had cooked us chocolate chip pancakes, and I knew he had something on his mind. So I asked him. I remember how he took a deep breath and stared at both of us. He told us that he had been asked to go to Vietnam to help with some stuff over there. He didn't tell us that he would be in the middle of a war! He just said that he had to leave for a few months, so we accepted that. I thought it was as bad as it was going to get, but I was wrong..." I whispered the last sentence. My breathing hitched and I sobbed.
Alec sat there silently, stroking my hair as he waited for me to continue. I took another deep breath and continued.
"My grandparents flew over from America to look after us. We became really close then. I remember the day my dad left. We were all standing on our porch, him with his army bag, his blue eyes were watering and I didn't know why. The last thing he said was "I'll be back soon! I love you!" Gran and Pa took great care of us, and they became almost like my parents. But I missed my dad so much! I wanted him to come home.
"He called every week to talk to us, and he always sounded miserable. I knew that he missed us..." I trailed, not wanting to go on, but knowing I had to finish my story.
"One night he called us. He talked to Gran, then Pa, then Liam, then me. I always spoke to him last, as I always wanted to be the last one he thought of. We were talking about school and how it was really hot in Vietnam."
I took another deep breath.
"He paused and I think he was crying. I will always remember the way he talked then, as if he was in pain. 'I miss you, Tim Tam' he said, and I could practically hear the tears running down his face as they were mine. Sudenly there was a huge explosion, and there was lots of screaming. I screamed into the phone at my father, to see if he was okay. But there was nothing. It was silent. It felt like my heart had been broken into a thousand pieces, then those pieces were stepped on to be made even smaller, then they were spread across the universe and I would never be able to get them back."
I finished, and started sobbing again.
I don't know how long we sat there, me in Alec's arms, and Alec's hand stroking my hair comfortingly.
The tears flowed freely, but I looked up to Alec, who's eyes were watering too.
"I'm so sorry," he whispered, emotion pouring out of him in those three little words.
"He was long gone and I had to move on..." I mumbled into Alec's chest, my tears wetting his shirt.
After what felt like a long time, I looked back up to Alec. He looked as if he was deep in thought, and I knew he wanted to ask something.
"What is it?" I asked him, the tears flowing slowly.
"Wh... What... Where was your mom?" He asked, unsure of the question he was asking.
I breathed a sigh of relief, at least that was an easy question to answer.
"She left us when I was three. I don't remember her much, but I could never forgive her for leaving my dad. Liam took it hard because he was a little older and he remembered her more. The only reason it affected me so much is because it affected Liam and my dad," I explained, the tears stopping. Finally.
"Awh, Tamsin," Alec whispered, his voice concerned for me. He kissed my hair and I looked up to him, grateful for his company.
"I should probably get going soon..." I trailed, looking out towards the darkening sky, not really wanting to leave.
Alec made me better. He made me happy. I couldn't leave him just yet.
We were still on Alec's roof, talking about nothing in particular, just enjoying each other's company.
"Ya, no. That's not happening. You're staying here," Alec replied almost immediately, not wanting me to leave either.
That made me smile.
"Am I now?" I challenged, knowing that he was joking.
"Ya, you are. You're clothes are in my car and Mom made rissotto for you!" He explained, and I know that my mouth was hanging open.
Alec laughed at my expression, and continued explaining.
"I asked your gran if you could, and she said that she would love it if you did. So she packed you a bag and Liam gave it to me before school. Let's go get it!"
"Okay..." I trailed, still thoroughly confused, but happy all the same.
I get to spend a whole night with Alec!
We walked down the stairs and out to his car, passing everyone - now in the kitchen - on the way.
Sure enough, my bag was sitting on the backseat, and I knew that Gran had packed everything I would need.
Alec took my bag - refusing to let me carry it - back upstairs and dropped it in his room. Once it was on the floor, I opened it and my eyes fell on the note that was lying on top.
I recognized Gran's cursive writing, and my eyes scanned over the short note.
I hope you have fun at Alec's tonight! I think I have packed everything you will need.
You can thank me later.
By the way, you look beautiful.
Love you,
I laughed at the note and tucked it into my back pocket.
Alec raised an eyebrow at my laughter but I shook my head. He grinned mischieviously and grabbed the note out of my pocket.
Wow! He just touched my ass! Um...
Alec laughed at my expression, and more at the note. He gave it back to me, and we walked down to the kitchen.
We all ate dinner at the dining room table, laughing and talking like we always did.
I really loved their company, and had a feeling I would be here more often.
By the time we had finished dinner and cleaned the dishes, it was 10 o' clock and Alec and I were exhausted.
We said goodnight to everyone and made our way upstairs, yawning as we went.
"Tired for any particular reason?" I asked sleepily, smirking at him.
"Ya... I had to make sure my best friend was okay," he answered, and I smiled.
I was his best friend.
Alec laughed at my expression, because apparently 'it was freaking hilarious'.
He left to get changed in the bathroom, while I stayed in his room to get ready for bed.
I slipped out of my jeans and jumper, and put on my shorts that Gran had packed, along with my blue jumper that tended to slide off my shoulders.
Alec walked back into the room wearing only his black sweatpants, and I think my mouth fell open a little.
I regained my composure before he saw me staring. He put his clothes that he had been wearing before in his cupboard and slid into bed, motioning with his finger for me to follow.
I slid into bed next to him and pulled myself under the covers.
He was about to turn the lamp off, but he stopped, looking back into my eyes.
"Hmm.. You have a ring of gold in your eyes, I never noticed that before," Alec mumbled, almost as if he was talking to himself.
"I do?" I asked, doubting him.
I didn't have gold in my eyes, did I?
"Ya..." He whispered, turning the lamp off, leaving us in the darkness.
Alec automatically put his arm around my waist, pulling me closer toward him.
I felt warm. I felt comfortable. I felt safe.
"Goodnight, Alec," I whispered, closing my eyes.
"Night, Tam," he whispered back and I sighed contently.
I was almost asleep when I heard Alec whisper something. I'm not sure if he was awake or asleep, but I'm pretty sure he was asleep.
"I love you, Tam," he said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
My heart fluttered and I wished for it to be true.
Then I remembered that he was sleeping. But he was dreaming about me, so I had something to smile about either way.
I fell asleep with a smile on my face, my stomach full of butterflies and my heart piecing itself back together.
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