Long Gone and Moved On (chapter 15)
I spent all of that evening working on my assignment on Alec. It took me a long time to complete, but I was finally finished.
I looked over at the clock beside my bed which read 3:17am.
Wow it was late...
I got out of bed, put the assignment in my backpack and lay awake, thinking about whether Alec would like it or not. I was worried that I had given away the fact that I loved him, so I got it back out of my bag and flicked through it.
It didn't seem obvious, so I put it back and tried to sleep, but I was just not tired!!
I started to give up on trying to go to sleep when the sun started to rise. I really needed to get more sleep at night...
I got out of bed at seven, had a shower, dressed in the blue dress I had worn to the beach that one time, and went downstairs, taking my bowl of cereal to the porch to enjoy the sun.
No one else was up yet, so I ate in peace.
At eight, Liam was up and told me that Gran and Pa were still tired from all the travelling, so they were staying in bed.
I ran upstairs to get my backpack and slip into my converse.
Yes, I was one of those girls who worse dresses and converse, but they looked good and I felt comfortable in them.
I walked to the car, Liam already in the driver's seat, and we drove to school with the soft beat of music playing in the background.
"Tam! You ready?" Alec asked me, as he took a seat across from me at our table.
"Yeah, not really... I was going to make a video but it took too much time, so now I actually have to talk... What about you? Are you ready?" I replied.
"Ya..." Was all he said, and I raised my eyebrows at him.
He dismissed me with a wave of his hand and joined the group conversation that was about Friday's picnic. Everyone was really excited for it so it was all everyone could talk about.
Alec and I walked to class together, stopping at our lockers on the way. He tried to look at my assignment but I put it quickly in my bag so that he couldn't.
When we got to Alec's locker, the first thing I saw was something that looked like a C.D. I questioned him but he smiled and ignored me.
Ugh that was so frustrating...
I sat beside him in class, fidgeting with my book.
I don't know why I was so nervous, but I was.
I really didn't want to do this.
We sat through four groups of presentations until it was finally our turn.
Alec was going first, so I stayed in my seat.
He was talking with the teacher about something, when she quickly left the room, saying she needed to get something.
I looked at him questioningly and he winked at me.
Again! He winked at me AGAIN!
The teacher came back in two minutes with the dvd player and t.v.
Alec smirked evilishly at me as he put the d.v.d in the player.
The first image to come on screen, was one of me on the roof, smiling at someone who was out of the shot, Alec.
Where did he get that photo from????
There was a voice over of many pictures of me, some smiling, some laughing, and some looking peaceful.
The voice over was in Alec's perfect voice, and it said, "Tamsin Royce moved here from Australia a few years ago. I remember the first time I saw her, I thought how confident she was. After getting to know her better over the past two weeks, I realized that she is still as confident as she was two years ago. Her favourite year in school was year nine, which she spent here. The thing she misses most about Australia is the ocean, she usually doesn't eat breakfast and she is a little bit strange-" that got the whole class laughing. -"But she is the kindest, most generous friend you could ever have, she is the best pool player I have ever met, and she has the coolest Australian accent to top it off." The voice over finished and the last shot was one of both of us playing cards on the porch. We were laughing at Sam, and again I wondered how this photo had been taken.
The class errupted into appluase as Alec took his seat next to me.
I walked up to the front of the class, not wanting to do my presentation now that Alec had done his and it was so amazing.
"Two weeks ago, we were given an assignment, and I was lucky enough to be paired with Alec Hurley. Alec comes from a family with two older siblings and one younger. Alec is very similar to his family in everything he does, and I have made this book as proof. In here, I drew everything that makes Alec who he is, not including the normal things that form someone's identity." I finished, and passed the book to the teacher, who immediately opened it and started flicking through it. When she was done, she passed it on to the student in the first row, and my book made it all the way through the class.
I went back to my seat, and was the one passing the book to Alec.
He looked at me with such awe when he recieved the book, and I had to look away.
I didn't look back for the rest of class.
I was at my locker after my last class of the day, when Alec saw me and came over.
"That book was incredible," he simply stated.
"As was your movie," I replied, and he gave me the most breathtaking smile that I actually had a hard time standing up.
Damn, those dimples... Mmm...
"Not nearly as good. I can't believe you did that! All those drawings were amazing! I didn't know you were so good!" Alec exclaimed, still smiling.
"Thanks.. But it really wasn't that good..." I trailed, which made Alec laugh.
"It really was!" He replied, then added, "oh, by the way. I'm not letting you not hang out with me now that we have finished our assignment!"
I just laughed and agreed, and made my way to the car smiling.
I turned to greet Liam, who had a wide smirk across his face.
"What??" I exclaimed, and Liam's smirk turned into a smile.
"Alec is the guy, right? He's the one you like?" He asked, as he pulled out of the parking spot and headed toward the exit.
"How the frack did you guess that?" I questioned him, narrowing my eyes.
"I have my sources..." He trailed, looking away and began to sing, effectively ending the conversation.
"You are really annoying you know?" I told Liam, as we were walking toward the front door.
"I try!" He grinned like a little kid on Christmas morning.
"Ugh," I groaned, and walked into the lounge room to find Pa and Gran watching television.
"Hey Gran! Hey Pa!" I exclaimed, and gave them both a hug.
"Hi, how was your presentation? Sorry we weren't up this morning to wish you luck..." Gran trailed, and I smiled reassuringly at her.
"It went really well! And don't worry about it, you were tired and you needed the rest!"
The rest of the evening went along normally, playing cards, watching t.v, eating dinner, going to sleep.
I was about to turn a corner to get to my next class, but immediately stopped when I heard Alec's voice, almost desperate.
"Mason, why can't she see it?" Alec asked, his voice pleading.
"She has stuff going on at the moment, just give her some time. But I bet my life that she thinks the same of you..." Mase trailed, then something clicked.
They were talking about the girl Alec liked!
"I know. I just wish she could see... But she couldn't think the same of me. She's too good for me and you know it!" Alec exclaimed in a tone that I had never heard him use before, hurt.
"Alec, quit it! You know she could feel the same way!"
"She didn't even notice me until a few weeks ago," Alec replied, still hurting.
I decided that I shouldn't be listening in on their conversation, so I walked around the corner, pretending that I hadn't been listening.
They both snapped out of their previous conversation, and looked at me.
"Hey Tam," Alec said quietly, his voice a bit shaky.
"Hey, are you okay?" I asked him, looking into his eyes.
He looked like he was about to cry.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I need to get to class... I'll see you later, okay? Bye," Alec rushed and walked away quickly, never turning back.
I looked to Mason questioningly, and he sighed.
"It's not my place to tell you, Tam," was all he replied, and we continued on to our next class together.
What is wrong with Alec??? There has to be something...
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