Long Gone and Moved On (chapter 13)
It was 5am and the sun was begginging to rise.
I was listening to music on my iPod and enjoying the sunrise.
I usually wasn't up this early, but I hadn't slept all night because a certain someone was occupying my mind.
I think I might have replayed the kiss about a hundred times over the whole night.
Why did that boy need to be so frustrating?
Dahlia and Bronte were sleeping on matresses on the floor, like they always did.
Just as I was changing the song to 'Don't Let It Break Your Heart', my phone buzzed beside me.
I picked it up and smiled.
It was Alec.
'Hey Tam, what's up?' It read, and I couldn't stop smiling as I typed my reply.
'Listening to music. Why are you up so early?' I responded, then looked back out my window.
I didn't have much time to enjoy the view though, as my phone flashed again.
But it wasn't another text, it was an incoming call.
"Ya?" I answered quietly, not wanting to wake Bronte and Dahlia up.
"What are you doing up so early?" Alec questioned.
"Hold on," I told him, as I got out of bed and left the room, closing the door quietly behind me. I went to halfway down the stairs and sat down.
"Sorry, I had to get out of my room, I didn't want to wake up Dahlia and Bronte..." I trailed, wondering why he was calling me.
"Oh, that makes sense. Do you still want to come over? Or are you going to spend the day with them?" Alec asked.
Shit! I forgot about that...
"Nah, I'll still come over!" I replied, but thought that I sounded too eager.
Oh well! He probably knows now anyway.
"Cool! You can come over whenever... I'll be on the roof probably, so if I don't answer the door just come up there," He responded, and he sounded happy, really happy actually.
"Sounds good, I'll probably be over at about eleven..." I trailed, trying to figure out a good time to go.
"Awh can't you come over sooner?" Alec whined, and I just laughed at him.
"Getting a bit obsessed are we?" I smirked, expecting him to fight back.
"Ya, it's probably not good for my health. Oh well, you're worth it! I'll see you at eleven, and if you are any later then... Well I don't know what I'll do but it will be bad. Bye Tam!" And with that, Alec hung up.
Well that was one of the strangest conversations I've ever had.
I walked back upstairs and opened my door, expecting Dahlia and Bronte to still be asleep, but I was wrong.
Both of them were awake and sitting up in bed.
They looked at me as soon as I opened the door.
"What are you doing up so early?" Dahlia asked, rubbing her eyes.
I crossed the room to my bed and sat down, crossing my legs, and smiled at them.
"Ohh, your boyfriend couldn't wait until a normal time to call you?" Bronte asked now, flopping back down on her mattress.
"One, he is not my boyfriend, and two, I haven't slept," I replied, looking back out the window to the sunrise, feeling the warmth come through my window.
"One, he is going to be your boyfriend, and two, why the hell not?" Bronte fired back, and I pulled the blanket over my head, not wanting to reply.
"Oooooooh! It's because you were thinking about Alec!!!! That guy is screwing up your brain, Tam," Dahlia stated as if it was obvious.
"No he isn't. Okay, I might have been thinking about him all night but so what? Isn't that what people do when they like someone?" I asked.
"Like? No. Love? Ya..." Dahlia trailed, and I looked over to Bronte.
Oops, we had forgotten to tell Dahlia that I loved him.
"Yeah, I know that Dah," I replied, and she nearly squealed.
"SINCE WHEN?" She squealed, and I covered my ears with my hands.
"I don't know?" I replied back, phrasing it like a question.
"Ugh, you are unbelievable! You don't tell me anything!" She sighed exasparated, before adding, "wait, why do we have to leave by eleven?"
"Uh... I'm going to Alec's..." I trailed, which got me smirks from both girls lying on the floor.
"Come on! It's not that big of a deal! I'm going over to a guy's house? So what?" I asked, and they both started giggling.
"Ya, but this is Alec's house. You love this guy and he loves you but you're both too scared to admit it!" Dahlia said quietly, probably drifting back asleep.
I looked over to Bronte, who had fallen back to sleep.
I decided to get up and get everything ready to go, because they wouldn't be waking up until after eleven.
I grabbed my clothes and slipped out of my room quietly. I headed down the hall to the shared bathroom and took a shower.
I dressed in my denim shorts, white singlet and dark grey, long cardigan.
I went downstairs, made myself some breakfast and sat in the living room watching t.v.
When it was finally time to go, neither Bronte nor Dahlia were up, so I quickly scribbled a note for them and left it on the kitchen counter.
"Hey Tamsin!" Ally opened the door, letting me inside.
"Hey Ally, how are you?" I responded, following her to the kitchen.
"I'm good. How was the party last night? I know that Alec thought it was good, he didn't stop smiling when he got home..." She trailed, and I smiled at the thought of Alec being happy.
"It was really fun, the house was really fancy though! I felt out of place," I answered.
"Yeah, I hate that. He's on the roof by the way," Ally stated, and with that I left her in the kitchen, trying to remember the way to get to the roof.
I found the small room fairly easily, slid the window open and crawled out. It was much harder to get through without Alec's help....
I saw him lying on his back, on the floor.
He looked so peaceful, I didn't want to interrupt.
I stood there and watched him, well admired him actually.
I took in his nice, dark brown hair, his smooth features and his relaxed posture. If only his eyes were open.
"Are you planning on just standing there admiring my hotness? Or are we actually going to do some work?" Alec suddenly spoke, catching me off guard.
"I'd rather just stare at your hotness, but we have work to do..." I trailed, walking over to where he was still lying and sat down beside him.
"Ah I knew it," he simply responded, and motioned for me to lie down next to him.
Why not?
I grabbed a deep blue pillow and put it under my head, before lying down next to Alec.
"Why were you up so early?" I asked him again, remembering the lack of answers I had recieved earlier.
"I didn't sleep, I had too much energy..." He trailed, opening his eyes for the first time to look at me.
"Why didn't you sleep?"
"Do you want the honest answer or not?" I asked.
"Honest!" Alec exclaimed, turning back to look at the sky and the trees.
"Fine... I was actually thinking about someone all night. I couldn't get them off my mind so I couldn't sleep." I replied, closing my eyes and enjoying the sun on my face.
"Oh ya... You need to tell me who that is by the way, the guy you like, I mean," he repsonded, still very relaxed, almost like he was half asleep.
"Mmm..." I mumbled, "I don't like them."
"What? Do you like someone else now?" Alec sat up and faced me, and I was suprised by the sudden movement. I don't know why, but I laughed at that.
"No, I don't like someone else. I kind of sort of maybe love him?" I phrased it like a question, unsure of how to tell him.
"Oh," he replied, and lay back down, "I hate that feeling. When you go from liking someone to loving someone. It sucks more when you know you don't have a chance with her, because she is way too good for you. And even though she acts like she likes you, you know she really doesn't because someone that perfect could never like you..." he ended up whispering, and I felt so bad for him. He was in pain because of this girl.
I don't know what made me do this, but I held his hand that was lying next to mine, and started to speak.
"You never know what someone is thinking. Maybe she is trying to throw you off because she doesn't want you to know that she likes you? And I doubt this girl could be too good for you... Is there anyone that is too good for you? If anything, you are too good for her..." I trailed, hoping I wouldn't give myself away.
Alec turned his head to look at me. He looked down to our hands, still intertwined, then back to my face.
"Thanks..." He whispered, closing his eyes and facing his head back to the sky.
No more words were needed, so we lay on our backs, enjoying the sun until two o'clock, where he started firing questions at me again, for our assignment.
"How did you become good friends with Mason?"
"I don't know. We are just really similar and we understand each other. He's like a brother,"
"So you've never liked him?"
"Nope, that would be too weird."
"What do you miss about Australia?"
"The ocean."
"Do you like American accents?"
"Yeah, they're pretty cool. Do you like Australian accents?" I questioned back, finally able to breathe.
"Yeah, they're really attractive. Do you rather blonde's or brunette's?" Alec asked, his eyes still closed.
"Brunettes." I stated. "Do you like blue eyes or green?"
"Blue. Are you tired?" He asked, concern in his features.
"Very, are you?" I answered, and Alec just nodded.
"We should probably sleep..." I trailed, looking over at his face. He already looked half asleep.
"Ya... But we can do that later. Right now we should go downstairs and play pool. I want to beat you, and I know that Sam and Ally want to try and beat you too." He opened his eyes and looked at me challengingly.
Alec stood up, and held out his hand to help me up.
We walked hand in hand to the window, and climed through.
Alec locked the window, then followed me out of the door.
We walked down the stairs and called for Sam and Ally, who's voices came from the pool room.
As soon as we entered the room, I saw another person sitting on the couch, watching Ally and Sam's game of pool.
Alec's little brother. Basically a mini Alec, with the same dark hair, that all of his family had. I don't know what it was about him that made him look so much like Alec, but they looked like they could be twins.
"Tam, this is the baby of the family, Jack. Jack this is-" he was cut off by his little brother.
"I am not a baby! I'm only 21 months younger than you!"
I laughed at that, Ally and Sam joining me.
I smiled him before looking over at Sam, who was eyeing me.
I grinned mischieveously at him.
"You game?" I challenged him, and just as he was about to agree, Alec cut him.
"No, I get a game first. I need to redeem myself."
"Jeez! Do you guys ever let each other finish your sentences?" I questioned, which made everyone laugh.
"No, not really. But you get used to it," Ally said to me, smiling reassuringly.
"I'm sure you do," I replied, then to Alec, "you can set them up, it's the job of the losers," I poked my tongue out at him and he smiled in response and set up the table.
I ended up beating him by four balls, then Sam by six.
Ally and Jack didn't play, which I laughed at. They backed out as soon as I bet Alec the first time.
We played for a few hours, then moved to the deck to play cards. We ended up playing 'bullshit', a really fun game if you ask me.
I was sitting next to Alec, Sam and Ally opposite us, and Jack at the head of the table beside me, dealing the cards.
Jack was dealing six hands, and I was confused, until I heard Grace's voice.
"So Tamsin, are you good at cards too?"
I laughed at that, and nodded my head slightly, so that only Grace could see it.
She winked at me, and we began playing.
"One ace," Jack called.
"Three twos," I commented, putting my cards on the table. Alec looked at me suspiciously but didn't say anything.
"Four three's," Alec called, and I knew he was lying, as I had two three's in my hand.
"Bullshit," I called, and everyone 'oooh-ed'.
"Damn it Tam!" He answered, picking up the lot of cards and rearranging his hand.
"Don't get annoyed at me just because you are a terrible liar," I smirked, and everyone laughed, Alec included.
"I am a fantastic liar!" Alec exclaimed, still rearranging his hand.
"No, your not!" Ally, Jack and Grace said back at the exact same time.
Sam and I burst laughing at them, and soon enough they all joined in.
"Okay, okay. Back to the game. Two four's," Alec called, and turned to face his mother.
"One five," Grace called, sneaking two cards into the pile. I didn't call it, but I smiled at her to make sure she knew that I knew. No one else picked up on it, so it was Sam's turn.
"Three sixes," he called, putting five cards down instead of three.
"Bullshit," Alec and I said at the same time. We looked at each other and started laughing at Sam, who was clearly annoyed.
"Maybe you shouldn't bring her around so much Alec, she's a bad influence..." Sam trailed, frustrated.
That got everyone at the table laughing.
"You don't get to say who comes over!" Ally stated.
"Yeah! Just because she's kicking your ass!" Jack interjected.
"Maybe you would like her more if you developed some skill," Grace said, all of us laughing at Sam's expense now.
"Sometimes I think you all like her more than you like me..." He trailed, obviously joking.
"Because we do!" Alec replied, laughing.
"Don't worry Sam! I'll go easy on you," I replied, and started laughing again with Alec.
"Two sevens," he called, but he had a terrible poker face.
I whispered in Alec's ear to call bullshit, and he did.
"Damn it, Tam! You are going down!" Sam exclaimed, picking his cards back up.
"Naah!" I teased, and poked my tongue out at him.
"Yeaah!" He teased back, looking like a five year old, instead of a nineteen year old.
After we had enough of cards, I decided it was time to go home.
I was walking out the door, Alec and Grace standing on the steps that led to the front door.
"Bye!" I called, and then added, "Oh, and happy birthday Grace!"
"Thanks Tamsin! Come back any time!" She called back.
I drove away, looking in my mirrors at Alec and Grace, still on the steps, talking and laughing.
I wished I had stayed longer, but I had an assignment to prepare...
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