21;) Finally really having you
A/N: I have 50 votes now so thank you guys so much for that.
Sadly, I've already dedicated every voter at least one chapter and I don't know who else to dedicate this to so I just dedicate it to every reader because you make me really happy. Thank you for living and breathing and reading and being awesome. I love you<3
I hope you enjoy this chapter of fluff. Smut coming soon;)
"The russian were the first to implement the theory of communism completely. Can anyone tell..."
Louis couldn't care less about what the russian did in the last century. Harry's hair was really soft, even when it was still wet.
Last night, after their mind blowing first, well, second, kiss, Harry had decided to change out of his pyjama into his normal clothes and follow Louis outside.
They had ended up in the park, sitting in the grass and eating Louis' sweets from the petrol station. Somewhere in between eating, laughing and talking Harry had laid back into the grass and Louis had cuddled into his side. Harry had sent him a blinding smile, pulling him closer so they were tangled together, not caring the slightest about the dirt and green grass stains they would get inevitably.
They had pretended to know what stars belonged to which constellation when in reality neither of them knew nor cared. Also, not many stars could be seen at all because they were in the city with much too bright street lights and pollution. It had been beautiful nevertheless.
Even when the rain began to fall. First they had only noticed that the stars got even fewer and clouds obscured the sky. Then Harry had said, "Hey, I think I just felt a raindrop."
"Really?" Louis had paused, "Wait, me too. Already three... four."
Harry had agreed. They had continued lying there, telling each other how many raindrops had fallen on them until it started to pour down too hard to just stay laying there on the grassy ground.
They had collected the trash and the remaining candy and ran through the pouring rain until they had reached Louis' house soaking wet. They had laughed breathlessly until Harry had let out a yawn. Louis had giggled but interrupted himself when he had to yawn himself.
"I guess it's bedtime." Harry had commented, chuckling.
"Yeah." Louis had sighed, looking at his wrist watch, "It's already three thirty."
"Oh, well then. Good night, Lou." He had hugged him tightly, Louis not hesitating to return it.
"Yeah," Then Louis had whispered, "Do you want to stay here? So you don't have to walk home alone in the dark at four AM in the morning?"
Harry had hesitated, "But we have school tomorrow, well I mean, today."
Louis had nodded, "Okay but-..."
"Wait, maybe it's better if I slept here. I've forgotten my keys. I'd have to wake everyone up."
"'Course. We can wake up earlier to go to your house in the morning." Louis had said while opening the door quietly. They had rushed into Louis' room, Louis grabbing towels from the bathroom on the way.
In the room Harry had complained, "Wake up even earlier? It's already almost four o'clock. We'll only get, like, two and a half hours sleep." Harry had been smiling nevertheless, not regretting the night one bit.
"Well, then lets make most of it." Louis had gotten them dry, comfortable clothing for the night and Louis had ended up spooning Harry after setting the alarm so they would wake up in time.
The morning had gone almost smoothly, except that they both were incredibly tired and Harry's mum asking Harry where he had been in the night without telling her. Not that she would have noticed if it wasn't for Harry's requirement to ring the bell since he had forgotten his keys.
Fortunately for them, Harry's mother hadn't had much time for scolding because they had to hurry to be in school timely.
The couple had made it in time, but Louis had a really hard time paying attention to the lesson, partly because he was really tired, partly because he was constantly daydreaming about his new boyfriend, well, not really new, but, well, new too. Before last... this night it hadn't been real so...
Louis noticed that Ashton had his book opened and was reading while taking notes.
"Louis, are you working?" Mr. Sother, their history teacher, caught his attention.
"Yeah, yeah, just... thinking." Louis hurried to affirm.
"About what?" Mr. Sother asked, seeming challenging.
"About err... russian communism?" Louis answered, though more asked.
Mr Sother nodded, almost mockingly. "Please work on your task, Louis."
Louis nodded, making sure Mr. Sothers attention was on something else before leaning over to Ashton, "Ash." He whisper shouted, "What are we supposed to be doing?"
Ashton rolled his eyes but explained quietly, "Just read these pages and do exercise one and two."
Louis sighed heavily, "The teachers don't get new ideas, do they?"
Ashton laughed quietly, "No, they really don't."
It was finally time for lunch time and Louis and Harry were walking to the cafeteria together. Harry took Louis' hand nonchalantly, but when Louis smiled at him he beamed back.
"I'm so tired." Harry complained.
Louis laughed, "Me too. I completely tuned out everything the teacher said."
Harry hummed, swinging their joined hands back and forth, "I almost fell asleep. I don't even know what the last lesson was about."
Louis laughed, "I always had to ask someone to update me."
Harry grinned, "Well, I didn't get that idea. Maybe I'm even too tired to think." Harry opened the door of the cafeteria, letting Louis through first and they lined up at the end of the queue to get their lunch.
"Or maybe I'm just smarter than you." Louis teased.
"Oh, I'm sure of that, babe." Harry grinned, especially when he saw Louis blush at the nickname.
They received their lunch fairly quick since they were a bit later than the rest normally was. Louis spotted Niall, Michael and Ashton sitting with Liam, Luke and Calum and lead Harry there.
Louis put his tray down next to Michael since there were still two seats free. Harry did the same, but before they could sit down Calum observed, "Wow, you two look tired."
"We are."Louis was about to sit down when Harry took him by the waist and pulled him in so he faced him.
"It was worth it though." Harry placed a kiss on Louis' cheek.
Louis blushed, smiling softly at the taller lad. Harry smiled back and leaned closer hesitately. Louis looked at his shining grass green eyes and for a second he forgot everything around them. He tilted his chin up, letting Harry lean closer. Harry's eyes seemed to search for permission and Louis let his eyes flutter shut in response.
That was everything Harry needed before his eyes slipped shut too and he tilted his head a bit to let their lips meet softly. It was so soft and sweet like a delicate butterfly and it sent shivers down Louis' spine. He felt Harry's hand rest on the small of his back and it burned and tingled pleasantly at that spot. Their lips moved together softly, innocently but it made Louis' stomach tingle like little fairies were buzzing around.
However, their moment couldn't last long because gasps were heard, breaking Louis and Harry apart. They looked into the faces of their shocked friends. There was a tense silence where Louis and Harry waited for them to say something, anything. Harry squeezed Louis tighter, seeking for comfort.
Niall was the first to get his voice back, "Wow, okay. This definitely has gone too far." Niall stood up angrily, ready to give them a piece of his mind, but Louis interrupted him.
"Ni, please calm down. It's different."
"What the fuck do you mean with different?" Niall exclaimed, clearly not calmed down, "Harry, you really have to cut this shit. In case you didn't notice, you're hurting Louis. This is really not-..."
"Ni, please listen." Louis said, making Harry let go of him so he could face his friend completely.
"What? Louis, you really shouldn't-..."
"Ni, I told you, it's different now."
"What do you mean by different? It doesn't change the fact that-..."
"Yes, it does. Listen, it's not err... I mean, it's, he, we-..."
"I love him." Harry cut Louis' attempt to explain the situation to Niall without revealing the original lie to the whole cafeteria.
"What?" Niall asked in disbelief.
"You heard me." Harry took Louis' hand, "I mean it. We're really together now."
"You are?" Niall all but squeaked.
"Fucking finally." Liam sighed, which seemed to be the cue for everyone to talk at once and ask their questions and convey their sentiments about the turn of events.
Louis rolled his eyes, "Could you all please calm down? It's not that big of a deal." It was a big deal for Louis, but he would rather it stayed between Harry and himself.
"No, it really is." Michael protested.
"Then don't make a big deal out of it, please and thank you." Louis finally sat down, pulling Harry with him by his hand.
"Good, now that we've settled that, I have a question." Calum said, "What was worth it?"
"What?" Harry furrowed his eyebrows and Louis had to bite his lip to stop himself from fonding too much over his cute confused expression (He failed).
"Before you snogged the hell out of your boyfriend, "Calum clarified, "You said it was worth it. What did you do last night that was worth it?" He leaned forward, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.
Harry blushed, "I didn't snog the hell out of him, you interrupted us. And nothing like that happened."
Louis blushed too but grinned teasingly at Harry, "I don't think Harry is ready for some gay action."
"Heeey." Harry protested, "I've known I more than liked you for two month. I'll have you know, I have watched gay porn in the summer break."
Luke grimaced, "Eww, I didn't need to know that."
Harry frowned at Louis pensively, "Wait, did you have had gay action? With someone else?"
Louis giggled and blushed, "Don't call it gay action. And I won't discuss my sexual experiences with all of you, thank you very much."
"So you have sexual experience?"
"Haz, can we please discuss this another time?" Louis' voice was muffled by his arms which were laying on the table where he had his face buried to hide his blush, causing his shirt to ride up on the bottom of his back. Harry brought his hand up to trace the exposed skin lightly with his fingers, making Louis shoot up, glaring at Harry, "Stop that."
"What? Can't I touch my boyfriend?" Harry asked, blinking innocently at Louis.
Louis rolled his eyes, attempting to look annoyed but Harry could see the corners of his mouth twitching. Before he could break into a smile or grin though, he threw his arms around Harry's shoulders, burying his face in his the juncture of his neck and shoulder.
Harry beamed, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend's waist and closing his eyes, nosing at his cheek. They refused to let go of each other, enjoying the closeness of each other for a few minutes, not caring about the coos and catcalls or any other noise around them.
A/N: I'm obsessed with the new Vamps album right now, It's amazing <3
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