20;) I'm telling you
A/N: I dedicate this to torimahonehoran because you're really sweet and motivated me to continue writing faster than expected;)
And I've got 200 reads now so thank you guys, love ya<3
Little did Harry know what Aiden and Louis were really talking about.
After Louis' mind had finally cleared up enough to really get what just happened he was able to command his legs to move.
Shit, he had just accidently convinced Harry that his feelings were onesided. And Harry looked so heartbroken and sad and Louis never wanted to see that expression on him ever again.
So without looking back he ran out of the building where Harry just ran away to. He didn't see him anywhere but he hoped he was still on school grounds. So he ran around the building. Harry's words swirled around in his head and somehow gave him the energy it took to not slow down the whole way around the school building.
But he arrived at the entrance again without having spotted Harry. He was disappointed but he didn't want to give up now. He needed to find him and tell him... everything.
Louis smiled, turning to Aiden. It wasn't like he didn't like Aiden, he just... wasn't Harry.
"Hey, what happened between-..." He paused, "Wait, what happened? You look like you just ran a marathon."
Louis laughed breathlessly, "Nearly."
Aiden touched Louis' arm carefully, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, yeah, of course." Louis smiled timidly, pausing, "Actually, I'm more than okay. I feel really fucking great." He grinned widely at Aiden.
"Did you and Harry break up?" He asked and Louis felt a bit bad for how hopeful he sounded. The situation was kind of hard to wrap his head around for Louis too. Like, he was seventeen and he never really had someone interested him and suddenly there were two at the same time, one his crush of a few years and the second the new guy so many were interested in.
Still, Louis asked himself what kind of vibe Louis must have given off if Aiden thought he was happy if he and Harry had broken up. So his answer came out kind of perplexed, "What? No."
"He actually told me he loves me and wow, I'm so fucking happy right now. This is like a new beginning. I've wanted this for so long."
Reality was finally really catching up with him. Wow, Harry really told him he loved him. And he was so sincere. Harry wanted him to be his boyfriend, for real this time. It was still hard to believe, that Harry would hold such a speech about how much Louis meant to him. Louis would have never thought that stuff like this would happen to him.
Aiden eyed him warily, not really sure what was going on, "So, I guess that... this was it? Between... us, I mean."
There wasn't really an 'us', there never had been, but Louis knew what he meant. He was aware that he had been giving off signals just as much as Aiden had been flirting.
"I'm sorry." Louis smiled apologetically, "Something went a bit wrong but it's different now."
Aiden nodded pensively, "It's fine, I guess. I just..." He sighed, then smiling at Louis timidly, "You're really beautiful, Louis."
Louis blushed, "Uuh, thanks. That's- that's sweet. I'm sure you'll find someone better for you, like, there are many people who would be willing to go with you... or... whatever." Louis had to chuckle at how cliché this whole thing got.
"Well, thanks, I guess. But we can still be friends, can't we? I mean," Aiden chuckled, "we're not exactly exes or something."
Louis smiled, "Sure. Hey have you seen Harry?"
Aiden frowned, "No. I thought everything was good between you."
Louis chuckled at that, "Well, it's a bit more complicated."
Aiden nodded, "I would really love to hear that story but we have class in, like, two minutes or something."
Louis nodded and followed Aiden back inside the school. He would find Harry between the next lessons, or maybe after school. It will be fine.
It wasn't fine. Louis didn't see Harry the whole last periods he had and he was really worried about him. He also didn't want Harry to keep thinking that he didn't want him back.
So when the school bell rang for his last lesson to be over Louis ran out and frantically looked for Harry. He didn't see him. Instead he spotted Liam, Luke and Calum by the lockers, about to leave.
Louis ran up to them and was greeted by hostile glares when he was perceived. He decided to ignore it, he had more important things to worry about. "Hey, do you guys know where Harry is?"
"Why do you want to know?" Liam glared.
"I need to talk to him, like, now. Urgently." Louis hopped up and down on his heels impatiently.
"About what?" Liam crossed his arms, probably meant to be threatening, but Louis knew Liam was just a huge puppy.
"That's none of your business. Now can you please tell me where he is?"
"It's very well our business. I was the one who had to witness him crying because of you heartless piece of-..."
"Liam." Calum cut him off, laying a hand on his shoulder to calm him, "It's not like that."
"How would you know?" Liam snapped.
"I'm good friends with Ashton, remember?"
"Just good friends?" Luke muttered, but everyone heard him.
"Shut up." Calum hit him across the head. Luke pouted, rubbing his head but no one payed him any mind.
Instead Calum turned to Louis. "He went home. Whatever happened, good luck."
"Thanks." Louis said, turning around and walking outside.
Disappointed, Louis began to walk home. Halfway there (by The Vamps, amazing song, buy on iTunes), he contemplated if he should go visit Harry at home instead of waiting until tomorrow. But then again, he was almost home and he didn't even exactly know what to tell Harry when he saw him.
Hey, I feel the same. I love you too. Too short.
But he couldn't think of anything spectacular to say like Harry did. His speech could have made everyone weak in their knees.
So Louis spent the whole way home thinking of what to tell Harry. Maybe he could tell Harry all the things he loved about him too. He began to list some things in his head. It wasn't that difficult, but Louis still felt like this was too boring, like it wasn't enough.
He vaguely wondered if he was overthinking everything when he arrived home and still hadn't come up with something worthy enough to say, but he pushed that thought away and instead continued to think about his 'speech'.
Then he thought about all the things Harry said and couldn't keep the giddy smile off his face.
But that smile vanished when he thought about the ending. The way Harry had pleaded and begged for Louis to say something and Louis still hadn't budged. He had been too shocked.
And what Harry had said before he ran out.
It was all fake to you, wasn't it? You don't feel the same, fuck.
Louis was always sure he was the only one who felt this way. That he was supposed to be the one to say these words, but now it was Harry.
Harry said these words. To Louis. And Louis didn't protest. It hit Louis how much this must have hurt Harry. Louis was constantly a bit hurt, constantly reminded that this thing was fake, onesided. Or so he thought.
Knowing that Harry was going to a similar thing was nothing he had ever wished to happen. Fuck, he had hurt Harry.
Nothing Louis did the rest of the day did anything to ease his mind. Nothing eased the remorse he was feeling constantly in his gut. He was restless.
So he went to bed at eight thirty.
But after laying wide awake in his bed for two hours Louis couldn't take it anymore. He had to do something about it. He rolled out of the bed, putting on his clothes again and made his way outside, being as quiet as possible to not wake up his sisters.
Okay, he was outside at half past ten. And what now?, Louis thought to himself. How about flowers? Yeah, flowers are romantic.
So he made his way to the closest flower shop. It really wasn't that far.
But when he arrived the shop was dark and a sign hung on the door: 'closed'. Louis looked at the opening hours. It only was opened until six o'clock. Of course. Why would anyone get the idea to buy flowers at quarter to eleven?
Sadly, the supermarket was already closed too.
Louis sighed, running his hands through his hair, contemplating what to do. His eyes fell on a petrol station across the street. Petrol stations were opened 24/7, weren't they?
Louis shrugged and crossed the street. Fortunately, it was opened and, beside petrol and shitty celebrity magazines, it sold many sweets and crisps. Louis grabbed a bag of crisps and a few other sweets and chocolates but when he looked down on them he grimaced. None of these things were really what he was looking for. He needed something remotely romantic... or something.
He smiled when he saw a purple heart shaped package with little chocolate hearts inside it. In the front was printed 'I love you' in a red colour. He grabbed it and contemplated if he should put the other items back but then looked down at all the delicious unhealthy goods and decided to take them anyways.
After he payed he made his way to Harry's house with a bag full of sweets and a mind full of determination... or something like that. Louis liked to pretend that the chocolate bar he was eating was taking away his nervousness.
When he arrived at the house his hands were sweaty and he had to swallow thickly. He didn't even know why he was so nervous. He already knew Harry was kind of fond of him, but...
He was about to ring the bell but hesitated. He would wake up Harry's parents and maybe his sister, if she was there. And he didn't know what he would tell them if they would open the door.
Hey, I'm here at almost midnight on a weekday with a bag of unhealthy teeth destroying stuff to tell your son/brother that I love him.
Yeah, no. What if Harry hadn't come out to his family? And what if they wouldn't even let him in? And also, Louis really wanted Harry to be the first one to hear Louis say it out loud.
Louis could just knock on the door quietly.
No, that didn't even make sense. Another person could still hear it, or nobody would.
Suddenly Louis got an idea. It was incredibly cliché but maybe that was exactly what Louis needed right now.
He looked around furtively. When he saw nobody he climbed over the fence and went to the left side of the house. He looked up to where he knew was Harry's room was in the second floor. The light was off, like everywhere in the house.
Louis looked around for some small rocks. Louis found some but he was scared that they were too big and would damage the window if he threw them against it. He looked around for smaller ones but couldn't find any.
He took one of the stones in his hand and examined it. Should he risk it?
Suddenly he got a better idea. He let the stone fall onto the grass and opened his bag, pulling out a package of M&Ms. He grinned triumphantly, opening it and eating one because why not?
Then he got back to the task. He took out a M&M and proceeded to throw it against Harry's window. Sadly, it hit the window next to it instead. Louis froze. He didn't know which room the window belonged to but he hoped nobody was in it to hear the M&M hitting their window.
When nobody appeared after about a minute Louis let himself relax a bit and tried again. The next M&M landed on the wall under the window. After another failed attempt to hit Harry's window Louis huffed. Throwing rocks, or in this case M&Ms, against your lovers window wasn't nearly as effortless as all those stories and songs made it seem.
After another two tries he finally got the hang of it. He threw M&M after M&M at the window without really paying attention whether it worked. He was more happy every time he hit the window.
That's why he didn't really perceive when Harry appeared at the window. Instead he threw another M&M.
And another right when Harry opened the window and... the M&M hit him in the face.
"Oh shit, I'm sorry." Louis hurried to apologize, "I didn't see you. I'm sorry. But it's just a M&M, see? You can eat it. I have more. Do you want some?"
Harry didn't look like he just slept. He looked really awake. Sad, but awake. His expression showed that he was conflicted. If it was about Louis' presence or about his words, Louis didn't know.
He seemed to decide against inquiring about what Louis said and instead asked, "What are you doing here?"
Louis took a deep breath, "Look, I-..." Louis paused, having forgotten what to say but also thinking that it didn't feel right to tell it Harry like this, "Can you maybe come down? Or can you open the door for me?"
Harry looked conflicted again but shut the window and disappeared into the house. Louis went back to the front of the house, climbing back over the fence to get to the door.
Once Harry appeared Louis didn't wait before beginning, "Look..." He paused, "Harry..." He paused again, rummaging through his brain for what he was going to say.
"Yeah?" Harry asked carefully. Louis noticed that he had closed the door behind himself so his family wouldn't wake up.
"Okay, errm..." Louis smiled at Harry nervously, more and more panicing because his mind was blank.
Then he decided to just say what was on his mind, "Well, okay. I planned on doing a whole breathtaking love declaration speech like you did, because... you quite literally made me speechless but... I- I just, I don't remember what I wanted to say but, but, but... Harry, I feel the same. I just, I wanted to like, be with Aiden because I thought I would never really have a chance with you for real, I mean, there aren't really that many not straight people in this world and how big are the chances that my crush of, like, five fucking years would turn out to be one of them and then actually-..."
"Wait, wait, wait." Harry interrupted, "Crush of five years?"
Louis blushed, "Err... I... umm... I just, err... these are for you?" He said, but it came out more like a question, holding out the purple heart chocolate box out for Harry.
Harry grinned happily, lifting his hand. But instead of taking the box he took Louis' outstreched wrist to pull him close.
Suddenly Louis found himself chest to chest in Harry's arms, their foreheads touching and Harry looking at him like he was the most amazing thing he had ever seen, "Are you gonna say it now?" The curly haired whispered.
"What?" Louis asked, confused what Harry meant but his mind was also really cloudy due to their proximity. Harry's eyes were really intoxicating.
"You just said you feel the same. What do you mean?"
Louis blushed, but he knew Harry was only half teasing. And Louis guessed he owed Harry this. So he forced himself to look back into Harry's eyes, whispering what he had never once said out loud because he didn't want it to be real. Because he had feared that it was unrequited.
"I love you."
That was everything Harry needed to finally lean forward to close the small gap, bringing their lips together in a breathtaking kiss.
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