19;) Not believing you
A/N: I dedicate this to weirdox because I haven't dedicated a chapter to you and you were the reason the idea came to me in the first place, so... thank you for that:)
His name was Aiden.
And he was so annoying.
And ugly.
And stupid.
And fat.
And blunt.
And his style was awful.
And what did all the girls see in him?
And what did Louis see in him?
And when the fuck would he get the hint and stop flirting with Harry's Louis.
And what did his stupid hand do on Louis' back?
Well, Harry would show him where his hand belongs to. He hurried to where Louis and Aiden, the 'new hot guy', were talking, again. They did that incessantly and it was so bloody obvious that they were flirting. This guy had been on this on this school for three days now and didn't seem to get that Louis already had a boyfriend.
Well, fake boyfriend but nobody needed to know that.
He came up behind Louis and pulled him into his chest, glaring at Aiden. Then he smiled down at Louis who looked up at him through his stunning eyelashes with a small smile. Harry thought he was the most beautiful person on earth. He couldn't let Aiden take him away.
"So should we go to lunch?"
Harry's head snapped up to see Niall glaring at him. Harry hadn't even registered him standing there, but he didn't seem to welcome Harry much.
He would ask him about it later, maybe. Right now, everyone agreed with him so Harry took Louis' hand possessively.
What really bothered Harry though was that, even if Louis was letting Harry hold his hand and lead him to the cafeteria, his attention was still on this flirting shit called Aiden. Harry hated it.
So he let go of Louis' hand and instead wrapped his arm around his waist, trying to catch on what they were talking about.
"...going to the mall." Aiden was saying.
"I like to go to the mall. My sisters go sometimes with me but normally not my friends so..." Louis trailed off.
Aiden smiled, "Hey, we can go...-"
Louis and Aiden looked at Harry, both glaring angrily. Harry's jaw clenched, especially when Louis laid his hand on Harry's arm around, trying to remove it. Harry didn't budge. Instead, he took Louis' hand with his other hand and quickly pulled him close so they were chest to chest, quite smoothly if he could say so himself.
Louis' angry glare seemed to be be replaced by something else that Harry didn't dare to interpret. His eyes go darker which could be mistaken as lust but Harry tried not to think about it too much, not wanting to get hard, and Louis seemed to stop breathing momentary.
"Stop trying to control me." Louis breathed, probably meaning to sound angry, but instead it sounded breathless and weak. Harry could look directly into Louis' eyes, which were staring back intensely. Harry's breath got caught too and his heart was beating uncontrollably. They were just so close and the atmosphere around them was tense and fierce, due to Harry's jealousy and Louis' anger, it knocked the breath out of both of them, but it wasn't necessarily in a bad way.
There were so many things Harry could say, wanted to say, needed to finally say. But Louis looked at him with those blue eyes and an intense stare and he was so close and Harry wanted nothing more than to snog Louis against the wall and show this stupid Aiden guy who Louis belonged to.
And Harry knew that was incredibly possessive, he didn't even know that he was the possessive type but he guessed it was just Louis. Louis was the first boy he crushed on and the first person in general he fell for, fell hard and in love with.
Harry didn't want him to flirt with Aiden, he didn't want him to fall for someone else, it hurt to even just think about.
A loud faux- throat- clearing was heard and shook Harry and Louis out of their stare contest or whatever it was they were doing. Louis seemed realize something because he stepped a few steps back and they proceeded to go to the cafeteria, Louis on the other side of Aiden.
Harry cursed whoever cleared his throat, he guessed it was Aiden. Or Niall, he seemed to have something against Harry.
But that wasn't his main concern right now. Because after they got their lunch Louis purposely sat next to Aiden and pulled Ashton next to himself. And the only seat that was still free was on the opposite side of stupid Aiden. At least Harry could watch them closely now.
Aiden seemed to know that Harry was watching, making him uncomfortable and more reserved. It made Harry feel satisfied and more at ease. That was, until Aiden seemed to warm up to the idea of Harry watching and made it a show out of it, leaning closer to Louis. It was subtle, but they both knew Harry saw.
"I'll get water, want something too, love?" Aiden asked.
Before Harry could say something about the inappropriate petname Louis already answered, "Water would be nice." And Aiden went to the water dispenser.
Harry angrily grumbled under his breath. Louis looked at him weirdly but said nothing, instead he looked to where Aiden was being approached by three girls from the grade under them.
Harry noticed too and searched Louis' face for any sign of what he thought of that. Harry couldn't really read any emotion in his expression. He wasn't jealous or angry, but he also wasn't happy, Harry knew that much.
They were close enough to catch snatches of the conversation but weren't able to hear all of it. Harry could mostly hear what Aiden was saying since his voice was more permeating than the girls'.
"Yeah, I am... Aiden." Okay, it was clear that Aiden was introducing himself to them.
"...Shirt is..."
"Do you think you would iidbvi..." Okay, Harry didn't understand what the girls were saying but he watched them and he knew they wanted something from him, like a date or an autograph or something. Well, latter would be ridiculous since Aiden was maybe new and 'hot', though Harry strongly disagreed, but he wasn't famous and he didn't do anything to prove that he deserved fame.
"I'm sorry girls." Aiden said, looking over at Louis while saying, "But I'm gay." And then he fucking winked at Louis, Harry's Louis, His boyfriend.
Harry didn't even bother with the 'fake' thing anymore. Louis was his boyfriend. Full Stop.
Harry glared at Aiden the whole time he came back. But the stupid guy wasn't even the slightest bit bothered. Instead, he smirked at Harry before turning back to Louis while sitting back down, "Here's your water."
"Thanks." Louis smiled, looking... coyly, through his fucking long eyelashes. Harry couldn't believe it. Aiden says he's gay and then Louis fucking flirts with him, not even bothering the slightest to hide it, while he, Harry, his boyfriend sat directly infront of them.
Okay, they were flirting before but Harry hated that they didn't even pay him any mind. He was the one who should get those looks from Louis, not that stupid asshole.
"You're shirt looks great on you. I like your style." Aiden complimented, laying his hand on Louis' upper arm...
... and Harry lost it. "He knows his style is amazing, everyone does or else he wouldn't wear it, you fucking loser. You in contrast look like you just crawled out of a foxhole." He snapped.
"Woah Harry. What's your problem?" Niall asked, "He doesn't look awful or else he wouldn't be called 'the new hot guy'." He made quotes with his fingers at the last words.
"I don't care what he's called. You're fucking ugly." Harry glared at Aiden.
"Nobody is ugly. Especially not Aiden." Harry felt like he got smacked into the face because Louis defended Aiden. He stood up for Aiden and he didn't see a single problem about the current situation except for Harry. He thought Harry was the problem.
"And I would appreciate if you would stop interrupting us." Aiden said.
Harry glared at Aiden and exclaimed, "Then stop flirting with him. He still has a boyfriend. He's my boyfriend."
Aiden smirked, "Well, you don't treat him very well then, do you? If he lets other boys flirt with him, and it's really not onesided flirting."
Harry stood up abruptly, not the slightest bothered by the loud BANG of his chair falling and his hand smacking the table angrily. He glared down at Aiden, "You have no idea what you're talking about. I treat him perfectly. This is all your fault!"
"Oh? And if you...-" Aiden started with a comeback but was interrupted by Louis standing up.
"Harry, we need to talk."
Harry swallowed thickly but nodded, following Louis outside the cafeteria. He turned to Harry in the hallway between the exit and the classroom doors.
"What's up?" Harry asked, trying to be casual but sounding really timid. It was a bit embarrassing for him being alone with Louis after his outburst.
Louis took a deep breath, then just blurted out, "We need to break up."
Harry panicked, "What? No! Why?"
"Because I think that we faked long enough and we don't need to do it anymore, hence break up." Louis explained calmly while Harry grew more and more restless on the inside.
"But no. I don't want to break up." Harry protested.
Louis looked actually a bit angry at that, "This is really unfair of you. I could finally have a real boyfriend. A real relationship. And that with a guy everyone wants. And I can have him. He is nice and hot and kind and cute-..."
And no. Harry didn't want to hear that anymore so he interrupted, "Cuter than me?" He asked, sounding strangled.
"What?" Louis looked so adorably thrown off, Harry thought. But he needed to focus right now.
"Is he cuter than me? Is he nicer than me?" Harry sounded pained, afraid of the answer.
"That doesn't matter, Harry."
"No, it does. Do you like him more than me?" Harry insisted.
"Harry, what...-"
"Do you like him more than me?" Harry repeated pleadingly.
"Harry, you're being ridiculous. You should be happy that it's finally over so you can be with Jesy finally. Nobody even has to know that it was fake. They'll just assume you're bi and we broke up."
"But I don't want-..."
"This shouldn't even be a big deal. We're fake boyfriends."
Harry sighed heavily, finally saying what he wanted to say for nearly two month, "What if I don't want to be fake anymore?" He looked Louis directly into his eyes.
Louis looked back in disbelief, "What?"
"Louis, I... I- I just..." He closed the gap between them, cupping Louis face and pressed his lips against his, for the first time. Harry's lips started to tingle and his eyes fluttered close, hoping Louis would follow him.
He didn't. He froze momentary, then starting to melt into the kiss, before pulling back abruptly and pushing Harry away. "Is this a joke to you?" Louis glared at him, "What the fuck are you doing? You can't just kiss me and pressure me to stay your fake boyfriend."
"Louis, were you even listening to me?" Harry exclaimed, then continued with a softer tone, stepping closer, "I don't want Jesy. It wasn't Jesy since... I don't know. But I do know that I want to stay yours. I want to stay the one who is allowed to hug you, to hold you, to hold your hand and come to whenever I want. I want to call you my real boyfriend and be allowed to kiss you and call you stupid cute pet names and tell you how beautiful you are, what an amazing person you are. Because you are the most amazing person in the world. You are so caring, to your friends, to your siblings, to your mum. And your laugh is the cutest thing in the world and it may sound cliché but your smile can light up the whole room. And you never say anything negative about anyone and you're so funny and cute and sassy when you're comfortable but that doesn't happen often because for some reason most of the time you're insecure and I don't even know why because...I- I just I... I think, no, I know, I kind of..." Harry took a deep breath, "I love you."
Louis stared at him wide eyed. The air got knocked out of him during Harry's speech and somehow Louis ended up leaning against the wall and Harry's hand leaning next to his head on the wall, while Harry was standing close infront of him. And Louis was breathless, speechless.
When the fuck did that happen? When did his staight long term crush fall for him. How...?
"Please say something." Harry pleaded.
Louis still couldn't get his tongue to move, his voice was stuck in his throat and even if it wasn't, he wouldn't know what to say. His mind was racing but it was blank at the same time.
"Shit, it was really all fake to you, wasn't it? You don't feel the same, fuck." Harry sounded strangled, like he was about to cry. Then he ran outside, leaving a shocked, frozen Louis behind.
Harry did cry. He ran over the schoolyard, then stopped in the middle, not knowing exactly where to go. His vision was blurred due to the mist of tears. His gaze fell on the small grassy space on the left side of the school building. A big tree stood there proudly with a few bushes lining up on its left side.
Harry ran over and hid behind them because, as sad as he was, it was still a little embarrassing if someone saw him crying and he also didn't want them to try to comfort him and ask questions.
Someone seemed to still have exactly those intentions because someone came shortly after and sat down next to him. "Haz." He sighed.
Harry was relieved when he realized it was Liam, leaning into him. Liam didn't say anything for a few minutes, just let him cry into his shoulder. Then he asked, "Do you think you can go to the next lesson? It starts in a few minutes."
Harry shook his head, burying his face into his hands.
Liam sighed heavily, "Harry, come on. There are plenty people who would like to be with you. He's not worth it if he thinks an amazing guy like you is not good enough."
Harry chocked out a sob, "You don't u- underst..- h-and." he could barely speak through his sobs, "He's- he's worth the w- world."
Liam thought Harry was a bit overdramatic, but he was obviously heartbroken so he didn't say anything. Instead he said, after looking at the schoolyard through the bush, "Look, Louis is looking for you."
Harry wiped his tears to get a better vision and watched as Louis, seemingly out of breath because apparently he ran around the building, looked around on the schoolyard.
Then Aiden appeared. Harry didn't know where he came from but Louis smiled and turned to him. It was a another stab into Harry's heart because they seemed to be happy talking and Aiden laying a hand on Louis' shoulder, flirting Harry was sure. They probaby agreed to go on a date together.
Because, as much as it hurt, Harry knew Louis and him were over.
A/N: I have the feeling that this is a bit dramatic but oh well. When your own life is too dramaless just write dramatic fanfiction about a relationship you're more interested than your own non- existent love life;)
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