Wtf is that dress-
~Y/n pov~
Maple was unconscious on the sofa.
I walked up to her.
"What are you doing?" Sara whisper-yelled.
I ignored her and gently kicked Maple in the leg. She didn't react.
"I think she's on the brink of death." I commented and walked away from her.
Shin shook his head at me and grabbed my hand to stop me from wandering off and doing anything else dangerous.
Mai suddenly appeared in front of us, "I'm so glad to see you."
"Mai!" Sara smiled, relieved, "I'm glad you're okay."
She beamed, "I'm glad you're okay too!"
"Where's muscle gorilla? Why aren't you together, meow?" Gin asked.
"He's injured so I'm having him hide."
"Really, woof!? Well I'm glad, meow." Gin smiled cutely.
"How's Kurumada?"
"He's still charging." I told her, "He should be fine."
She paused for a little while before responding cheerfully.
Mai was acting weirdly. I had a feeling she was hiding something.
I took a glance at Shin and he seemed to be thinking the same thing.
"Hey, everyone... I found out something huge!" Mai told us, her smile gone, "A way we can beat Joemama69(; with the dummies still alive!"
Everyone was silent, waiting for her to continue.
"We need the ID card for it." She smiled.
That was definitely suspicious. The real question is whether we can trust her or not..
Sara reluctantly handed it over and she smiled before leaving.
"Well then, let's follow." Shin stated.
"Huh?" Sara gave him a confused look.
"Mai was acting really suspicious. She's obviously hiding something." I told her.
We went into the locker room and she was no where is site.
"She went this way.." Shin commented, looking around the room.
"Perhaps there is a hidden door in this room like there was in the other locker room." I stated.
Sara nodded and turned on the lantern, spotting an item in one of the lockers.
"Looks like.. a picture of a school..."
Sara walked back into the room with all the painting.
I decided to follow her and Shin followed me.
When I entered the room, I almost laughed when I saw her standing on Ranmaru's shoulders, reaching for a painting.
"You're really heavy." Ranmaru complained before realising his mistake.
Sara started making excuses and telling him it was her uniform that was heavy.
Ranmaru sighed, "Just get on with it."
Sara leant into the hole where the painting once was.
There was a click sound.
"Was there some sort of switch?" I asked.
The switch had made the lockers slide back and it revealed another doorway.
Sara went in first.
We all followed behind her.
There was a machine that sold drinks. This time it's only purpose was to sell drinks.
Hinako grinned at the sight of it and immediately went over to get a drink.
"Is that an operating table?" I asked, staring at the table in the middle of the room.
"For operating on dolls?" Shin asked, stepping closer to it.
"Maybe to add improvements and such..." I commented.
We walked into the room where we once fought the obstructors.
What was that noise?
Gin looked startled, "Big sis Y/n! Get out of the way!"
I quickly stepped to the side and watched as rubble fell where I was just standing.
Gin sighed in relief, "That was a close one, meow."
Sara stepped closer and stared at the rubble.
It was then I noticed it looked like there was something engraved in it.
Sara read out the message to us.
It was about some sort of killing game and an exit hidden on the floor we were on.
A killing game has occurred before and they're in a similar situation to what we were in.
There it was... that small shimmer of hope again.
Joemama69(; took Maple's body to the operating room to fix her.
That means we'd have to go against her again.
This is not good.
Suddenly, the speakers turned on.
"Testing, testing... can you hear me?"
My eyes widened. So I was right.
That voice was undoubtably Keiji's.
"It's your friendly policeman on the air... how's everyone doing? Would love to explain everything... but unfortunately there's no time." He continued, "If you can hear my voice.. I've got a request for you. Bring the ID card to the classroom. I need Sara to do it and for her to come alone.. I'm counting on you."
Sara going alone could be dangerous.
It was all up to her though. Does she trust him that much?
He must have a plan anyway.
Everyone tried to protest on Sara going alone. But in the end, she went alone anyway.
When we all arrived at the classroom, Sara was unconscious on the floor and both Keiji and Ranmaru were no where to be seen.
Something must've happened...
Sara sat up, holding her head, "Where am
"You're finally awake." I stated. (Are you gonna ask who am I or where am I?)
"Glad, you're okay." Q-taro commented.
Sara stood up and looked at him, "You're safe! I'm so relieved..."
"Seems the ID got pilfered from you.." Shin pointed out.
"Both Ranmaru and Keiji are missing." I added, "But we have no way of knowing which one of them has it."
"Nothing we can do about it." Mai dismissed the subject, "But still, at least you met back up with Q-taro."
I nodded, "In any case we should look for them."
Sara agreed and followed me out of the door.
My mouth fell open as I saw Alice's death body dangling from the ceiling.
What the hell? Just when we were getting close... why did this have to happen?
Who did this?
Tears fell down my face as I let out muffled sobs.
"You did this, Ranmaru!" Kurumada yelled angrily.
Ranmaru.. did it?
I felt anger coursing through me.
Tears were now flowing rapidly down my cheeks.
I feel so useless. If only I had stayed with Alice... maybe this wouldn't of happened.
In a way, everything really is my fault.
"I heard the whole thing." Kurumada continued, "He set off the trap!"
"You're wrong." Ranmaru replied, "I was targeting Joemama69(;."
"You messed up. What the hell is wrong with you?" I asked, "You had no idea if anyone was in that room. You could've killed us all. What would you have done then, huh?"
I glared at him angrily and watched him flinch back.
"Who cares... as long as we win."
Shin quickly wrapped his arms around my waist and caged my against his chest.
"Don't do anything stupid." He muttered.
"You're right." I sniffled, turning around my burying my face into his chest.
Small sobs escaped my mouth.
Shin gently cradled me to his chest, running his fingers through my hair in a soothing manner.
I continued to listen to the conversation.
"Anybody would've worked as long as I didn't get found out..." Ranmaru sighed, "To think I'd screw up on the first one..."
The first one?
"This is the only way left to save Sara."
It's always Sara this and Sara that...
Does no one care for the rest of us...
Even if I die, I at least want Gin and Shin to go on.
It would've been nice if Alice was here too...
At least he can finally reunite with his sister. I hope he's happy up there.
I pulled away from the hug slightly and looked to the side to see what was happening.
Joemama69(; had shown up.
Ranmaru's collar exploded.
The green haired psycho laughed, "You really ought to know your place, Ranmaru. Now then, it's time for her debut. Maple's been reborn!"
1313 words
A/n I had to stop playing after Alice's death but I went back to finish that section. I never thought I'd be saying this but.. thanks Joemama69(;
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