"I'm going out..." Ichimatsu mumbled as he walked past the living room where his five brothers were.
"Can I come with you?" Jyushimatsu asked, jumping up and down, his mouth wide open.
Choromatsu glanced up at Ichimatsu and gave him a serious look. He looked like he was about to say something important, but instead, he just said, "Good luck, Ichimatsu. We all hope you find a job." And he turned back to the magazine he had been reading.
"T-thanks...and sure, Jyushimatsu..." Ichimatsu muttered.
They both slipped on their shoes and strolled out of the house.
Now that it was eight o'clock in the morning, most of the stores would be opening up.
"Where do you want to work, Ichimatsu nii-san?" Jyushimatsu asked as they both walked down the street. Though his mouth was still wide open, Ichimatsu could sense that his brother still wasn't entirely over Homura-chan and the incident the day before.
"Tch...I don't know. Just something where I won't be noticed..." he replied, kicking a pebble in front of him.
"What about...the cat cafe?!" Jyushimatsu asked excitedly as they passed a sign on a pole. The sign read: immediate help wanted at the Cat Cafe!
Ichimatsu felt a slight burden being lifted off of his chest. He had completely forgotten about the Cat Cafe! He could easily get a job there if it was to take care of the cats!
"I could do this...if they would accept trash like me..." Ichimatsu thought.
"Why don't we go stop by the cafe? It says they open at seven thirty each morning!" Jyushimatsu said, hopping up and down with pure excitement for his brother.
"Y-yeah..." Ichimatsu mumbled, "I-I guess..."
Jyushimatsu wrapped his arm around his brother, laughing, as they continued to walk down the street.
"Nii-san! What if they say yes? Won't that be great?!"
"Yeah...I guess..." Ichimatsu mumbled.
"They might even let you take sweets back home! Sweets, nii-san!" Jyushimatsu exclaimed.
"People most likely won't want me to work here though...Most people think I look like unapproachable trash. Which, of course, is true...I just hope looking for a job won't take forever...I'm supposed to tell the doctor when I get a job...It seems stupid..." Ichimatsu thought.
The two had reached the Caf Cafe. It looked like an ordinary cafe on the outside. Simple brick walls, white iron tables and chairs, and a simple sign that read, "Welcome to the Cat Cafe! Today's special is: Strawberry cream sundae with thick, delectable chocolate syrup!"
Ichimatsu let out a small hiss.
"This place is literally for highschool girls to come to, isn't it? Everything is so neat and tidy...trash will look it of place here..."
Jyushimatsu pushed open the spotless glass cafe door, pulling Ichimatsu inside with him. A rush of cool air his both of them in the face, as well as the sweet smell of coffee and baked pastries.
"Hello! Welcome to the Cat Cafe!" a lady said who was sweeping behind the counter. "How may I help you two on such a beautiful day?"
"Ichimatsu nii-san wants to work here!" Jyushimatsu said exuberantly, replying to the lady. "He really likes cats too! He may not look like it, but cats love him!"
The lady looked somewhat confused, frowning, but it quickly melted away when she saw Ichimatsu.
"I remember you!" she laughed, putting her broom away. She held her hand over the counter, offering Ichimatsu to shake it. But, of course, Jyushimatsu shook it instead. "You're that boy who was in the hospital for so long! I'm glad to see you're doing well now!"
"How the heck does she know I was at the hospital?!" Ichimatsu screamed in his mind. "How many know why I was there in the first place..."
"H-how do you know I was-" Ichimatsu began, but Jyushimatsu cut him off.
"Please give my big brother a job! Please please pleaaaaase!" he begged excitedly.
"I'll have to interview you first, Ichimatsu," the woman said, smiling. "How about you come over here later today? We close up a little bit after six o'clock. Could you be here around six thirty then?"
Ichimatsu felt slightly shocked, overwhelmed, and more than just a little stressed out. He felt the sudden urge to vomit, but he held it in, shaking his head slowly.
"Y-yes..." he replied.
"Great! I'll see you then! In the meantime, why don't you go meet some of our cats?" the woman offered, motioning her hand around the room.
"Y-yeah, I'll go do that..." Ichimatsu mumbled, walking around the room, looking for at least one of the cats. But of course, he didn't have to look for them. The cats found him.
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